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February 2008
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
Proceedings of the 1st World Congress on Controversies in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension (CODHy)
The Controversies in Obesity, Diabetes and Hypertension (CODHy) Meeting : What is it all about?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S111-S112. doi:
Section I: Diabetes-What Is New in the Management and Understanding of the Disease?
Prevention of Hypoglycemia While Achieving Good Glycemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes : The role of insulin analogs
Paolo Rossetti, MD; Francesca Porcellati, MD, PHD; Geremia B. Bolli, MD; Carmine G. Fanelli, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S113-S120. doi:
Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes: A still unresolved problem in the era of insulin analogs and pump therapy
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S121-S124. doi:
Combined Therapy With Insulin Plus Oral Agents: Is There Any Advantage? : An argument in favor
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S125-S130. doi:
Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes With Combined Therapy : What are the pros and cons?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S131-S135. doi:
Insulin as a First-Line Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes: Should the use of sulfonylureas be halted?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S136-S139. doi:
Long-Acting Insulin Analogs Versus Insulin Pump Therapy for the Treatment of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S140-S145. doi:
The Nuts and Bolts of Achieving End Points With Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S146-S149. doi:
Glycemic Variability: Should we and can we prevent it?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S150-S154. doi:
Natural History of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients With Diabetes: Role of hyperglycemia
Zvonko Milicevic, MD, PHD; Itamar Raz, MD; Scott D. Beattie, PHD; Barbara N. Campaigne, PHD; Samiha Sarwat, MS; Elwira Gromniak, MD; Irina Kowalska, MD; Edvard Galic, MD; Meng Tan, MD; Markolf Hanefeld, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S155-S160. doi:
Islet Inflammation in Type 2 Diabetes: From metabolic stress to therapy
Marc Y. Donath, MD; Desiree M. Schumann, PHD; Mirjam Faulenbach, MD; Helga Ellingsgaard, PHD; Aurel Perren, MD; Jan A. Ehses, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S161-S164. doi:
Is Pancreatic Diabetes (Type 3c Diabetes) Underdiagnosed and Misdiagnosed?
Philip D. Hardt, MD, PHD; Mathias D. Brendel, MD; Hans U. Kloer, MD, PHD; Reinhard G. Bretzel, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S165-S169. doi:
Section II: Diabetes Complications and Hypertension-Novel Insights into Pathophysiology and Management
NADPH Oxidases, Reactive Oxygen Species, and Hypertension : Clinical implications and therapeutic possibilities
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S170-S180. doi:
Possible Role of Oxidative Stress in the Pathogenesis of Hypertension
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S181-S184. doi:
Does Increased Oxidative Stress Cause Hypertension?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S185-S189. doi:
Albuminuria: A Great Risk Marker, but an Underestimated Target in Diabetes
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S190-S193. doi:
Microalbuminuria in Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension: A marker, treatment target, or innocent bystander?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S194-S201. doi:
Abnormal Glomerular Permeability Characteristics in Diabetic Nephropathy: Implications for the therapeutic use of low–molecular weight heparin
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S202-S207. doi:
Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in People With Dysglycemia
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S208-S214. doi:
Cardiovascular Complications in Diabetes: Targets and interventions
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S215-S221. doi:
Should We Prescribe Statin and Aspirin for Every Diabetic Patient?: Is it time for a polypill?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S222-S225. doi:
Should We Be More Aggressive in the Therapy Against Cardiovascular Risk Factors?: Should we prescribe statin and aspirin for every diabetic patient, or is it time for a polypill?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S226-S228. doi:
Efficacy and Safety of Rimonabant for Improvement of Multiple Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Overweight/Obese Patients: Pooled 1-year data from the Rimonabant in Obesity (RIO) program
Luc Van Gaal, MD; Xavier Pi-Sunyer, MD; Jean-Pierre Després, PHD; Christine McCarthy, MD; André Scheen, MD
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S229-S240. doi:
Targets for Intervention in Dyslipidemia in Diabetes
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S241-S248. doi:
Diastolic Pressure in Type 2 Diabetes: Can target systolic pressure be reached without “diastolic hypotension”?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S249-S254. doi:
Statement of Retraction
Statement of Retraction
Diabetes Care January 2012, Vol.31, S255. doi:
Section III: Obesity-The Rising Epidemic
Insulin Resistance and Hyperinsulinemia: Is hyperinsulinemia the cart or the horse?
Michael H. Shanik, MD; Yuping Xu, MD; Jan Škrha, MD, DSC; Rachel Dankner, MD, MPH; Yehiel Zick, PHD; Jesse Roth, MD
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S262-S268. doi:
Treatment Modalities of Obesity: What fits whom?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S269-S277. doi:
Is Weight Loss Beneficial for Reduction of Morbidity and Mortality?: What is the controversy about?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S278-S283. doi:
Can Gut Hormones Control Appetite and Prevent Obesity?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S284-S289. doi:
Is Type 2 Diabetes an Operable Intestinal Disease?: A provocative yet reasonable hypothesis
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S290-S296. doi:
Bariatric Surgery in Patients With Morbid Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S297-S302. doi:
Abdominal Fat and Sleep Apnea: The chicken or the egg?
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S303-S309. doi:
Metabolic Complications of Childhood Obesity: Identifying and mitigating the risk
Diabetes Care February 2008, Vol.31, S310-S316. doi: