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October 2009
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Bench to Clinic Symposia
Immunotherapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes: Optimizing the path from bench to bedside
Diabetes Care October 2009, Vol.32, 1753-1768. doi:
Immunotherapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes: Human trials and a look into the future
Diabetes Care October 2009, Vol.32, 1769-1782. doi:
Original Research
Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition/Psychosocial Research
Insulin Therapy to Improve BMI in Cystic Fibrosis–Related Diabetes Without Fasting Hyperglycemia: Results of the Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes Therapy Trial
Antoinette Moran, MD; Penelope Pekow, PHD; Patricia Grover, RN; Martha Zorn, MS; Bonnie Slovis, MD; Joseph Pilewski, MD; Elizabeth Tullis, MD; Theodore G. Liou, MD; Holley Allen, MD; the Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes Therapy Study Group
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1783-1788. doi:
Insulin-Based Versus Triple Oral Therapy for Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: Which is better?
Ildiko Lingvay, MD, MPH, MSCS; Jaime L. Legendre, BS; Polina F. Kaloyanova, MD; Song Zhang, PHD; Beverley Adams-Huet, MS; Philip Raskin, MD
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1789-1795. doi:
Changes in Insulin Secretion and Insulin Sensitivity in Relation to the Glycemic Outcomes in Subjects With Impaired Glucose Tolerance in the Indian Diabetes Prevention Programme-1 (IDPP-1)
Chamukuttan Snehalatha, DSC; Simon Mary, BSC; Sundaram Selvam, MPHIL; Cholaiyil Kizhakathil Sathish Kumar, BSC; Samith Babu Ananth Shetty, MBBS, MDRC; Arun Nanditha, MD; Ambady Ramachandran, MD
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1796-1801. doi:
Effects of Exercise Training Intensity on Pancreatic β-Cell Function
Cris A. Slentz, PHD; Charles J. Tanner, MS; Lori A. Bateman, MS; Michael T. Durheim, MD; Kim M. Huffman, MD, PHD; Joseph A. Houmard, PHD; William E. Kraus, MD
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1807-1811. doi:
Cultural and Family Challenges to Managing Type 2 Diabetes in Immigrant Chinese Americans
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1812-1816. doi:
Graves Hyperthyroidism After Stopping Immunosuppressive Therapy in Type 1 Diabetic Islet Cell Recipients With Pretransplant TPO Autoantibodies
Pieter Gillard, MD, PHD; Volkert Huurman, MD, PHD; Bart Van der Auwera, PHD; Brigitte Decallonne, MD, PHD; Kris Poppe, MD, PHD; Bart O. Roep, PHD; Frans Gorus, MD, PHD; Chantal Mathieu, MD, PHD; Daniel Pipeleers, MD, PHD; Bart Keymeulen, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, 1817-1819. doi:
Associations Between Dietary Fiber and Inflammation, Hepatic Function, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Older Men: Potential mechanisms for the benefits of fiber on diabetes risk
S. Goya Wannamethee, PHD; Peter H. Whincup, FRCP, PHD; Mary C. Thomas, MSC; Naveed Sattar, FRCP, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1823-1825. doi:
Epidemiology/Health Services Research
Low LDL Cholesterol, Albuminuria, and Statins for the Risk of Cancer in Type 2 Diabetes: The Hong Kong Diabetes Registry
Xilin Yang, PHD; Wing Yee So, MD, FRCP; Ronald C.W. Ma, MBBCHIR, MRCP; Gary T.C. Ko, MD, FRCP; Alice P.S. Kong, MBCHB, FRCP; Hailu Zhao, PHD; Andrea O.Y. Luk, MBCHB, MRCP; Christopher W.K. Lam, PHD; Chung Shun Ho, PHD; Peter C.Y. Tong, PHD, FRCP; Juliana C.N. Chan, MD, FRCP
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1826-1832. doi:
Cystatin C, Albuminuria, and Mortality Among Older Adults With Diabetes
Ian H. de Boer, MD, MS; Ronit Katz, DPHIL; Jie J. Cao, MD, MPH; Linda F. Fried, MD, MPH; Bryan Kestenbaum, MD, MS; Ken Mukamal, MD, MPH; Dena E. Rifkin, MD, MS; Mark J. Sarnak, MD, MS; Michael G. Shlipak, MD, MPH; David S. Siscovick, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1833-1838. doi:
Preservation of β-Cell Function in Autoantibody-Positive Youth With Diabetes
Carla J. Greenbaum, MD; Andrea M. Anderson, MS; Lawrence M. Dolan, MD; Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis, PHD; Dana Dabelea, MD, PHD; Giuseppina Imperatore, MD, PHD; Santica Marcovina, PHD; Catherine Pihoker, MD; for the SEARCH Study Group
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1839-1844. doi:
Change in the Distribution of Albuminuria According to Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in Pima Indians With Type 2 Diabetes
Meda E. Pavkov, MD, PHD; Clinton C. Mason, PHD; Peter H. Bennett, MB, FRCP; Jeffrey M. Curtis, MD; William C. Knowler, MD, DRPH; Robert G. Nelson, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1845-1850. doi:
Independent Contribution of Diabetes to Increased Prevalence and Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation
Diabetes Care October 2009, Vol.32, 1851-1856. doi:
Association Between Type of Dietary Fish and Seafood Intake and the Risk of Incident Type 2 Diabetes: The European Prospective Investigation of Cancer (EPIC)-Norfolk cohort study
Pinal S. Patel, MPHIL; Stephen J. Sharp, MSC; Robert N. Luben, BSC; Kay-Tee Khaw, FRCP; Sheila A. Bingham, PHD; Nicholas J. Wareham, FRCP; Nita G. Forouhi, FFPH
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1857-1863. doi:
Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young in Children With Incidental Hyperglycemia:A multicenter Italian study of 172 families
Renata Lorini, MD; Catherine Klersy, MD; Giuseppe d'Annunzio, MD; Ornella Massa, PHD; Nicola Minuto, MD; Dario Iafusco, MD; Christine Bellannè-Chantelot; Anna Paola Frongia, MD; Sonia Toni, MD; Franco Meschi, MD; Franco Cerutti, MD; Fabrizio Barbetti, MD; the Italian Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology (ISPED) Study Group
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, 1864-1866. doi:
Hyperglycemia, Type 2 Diabetes, and Depressive Symptoms: The British Whitehall II study
Mika Kivimaki, PHD; Adam G. Tabak, MD, PHD; G. David Batty, PHD; Archana Singh-Manoux, PHD; Markus Jokela, PHD; Tasnime N. Akbaraly, PHD; Daniel R. Witte, MD, PHD; Eric J. Brunner, PHD; Michael G. Marmot, PHD; Debbie A. Lawlor, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1867-1869. doi:
Is Prehypertension a Risk Factor for the Development of Type 2 Diabetes?
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1870-1872. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Renal Effects of Aliskiren Compared With and in Combination With Irbesartan in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, and Albuminuria
Frederik Persson, MD; Peter Rossing, DMSC; Henrik Reinhard, MD; Tina Juhl; Coen D.A. Stehouwer, MD; Casper Schalkwijk, PHD; A.H. Jan Danser, MD; Frans Boomsma; Erik Frandsen; Hans-Henrik Parving, DMSC
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1873-1879. doi:
Potential of Albiglutide, a Long-Acting GLP-1 Receptor Agonist, in Type 2 Diabetes: A randomized controlled trial exploring weekly, biweekly, and monthly dosing
Julio Rosenstock, MD; Jane Reusch, MD; Mark Bush, PHD; Fred Yang, PHD; Murray Stewart, DM, FRCP; for the Albiglutide Study Group
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1880-1886. doi:
Safety and Viability of Microencapsulated Human Islets Transplanted Into Diabetic Humans
Bernard E. Tuch, FRACP, PHD; Gregory W. Keogh, FRACS; Lindy J. Williams, BSC; Wei Wu, PHD; Jayne L. Foster, PHD; Vijayganapathy Vaithilingam, MSC; Robert Philips, FRANZCR
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, 1887-1889. doi:
Endothelial Markers May Link Kidney Function to Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes
Christina Maier, MD; Martin Clodi, MD; Stephanie Neuhold, MD; Michael Resl, MD; Marie Elhenicky, MD; Rudolf Prager, MD; Deddo Moertl, MD; Guido Strunk, PHD; Anton Luger, MD; Joachim Struck, PHD; Richard Pacher, MD; Martin Hülsmann, MD
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, 1890-1895. doi:
Large-Fiber Dysfunction in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Is Predicted by Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Jackie Elliott, PHD; Solomon Tesfaye, FRCP; Nish Chaturvedi, MRCP; Rajiv A. Gandhi, MRCP; Lynda K. Stevens, MSC; Celia Emery, PHD; John H. Fuller, FRCP; on behalf of the EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study Group
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1896-1900. doi:
Effect of Glucose Variability on the Long-Term Risk of Microvascular Complications in Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, 1901-1903. doi:
Maternal BMI Before Pregnancy, Maternal Weight Gain During Pregnancy, and Risk of Persistent Positivity for Multiple Diabetes-Associated Autoantibodies in Children With the High-Risk HLA Genotype: The MIDIA study
Trond Rasmussen, MSC; Lars C. Stene, PHD; Sven O. Samuelsen, PHD; Ondrej Cinek, MD, PHD; Turid Wetlesen, RN; Peter A. Torjesen, PHD; Kjersti S. Rønningen, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1904-1906. doi:
Wound Chronicity, Inpatient Care, and Chronic Kidney Disease Predispose to MRSA Infection in Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Christopher Yates, MBBS; Kerry May, M. GERONTOLOGY; Thomas Hale, FAFRM (RACP); Bernard Allard, FRACS; Naomi Rowlings, B. POD; Amy Freeman, B. POD; Jessica Harrison, B. POD; Jane McCann, B. POD; Paul Wraight, FRACP
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1907-1909. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Short-Term Dynamics and Metabolic Impact of Abdominal Fat Depots After Bariatric Surgery
Ram Weiss, MD, PHD; Liat Appelbaum, MD; Chaya Schweiger, MSC, RD; Idit Matot, MD; Naama Constantini, MD; Alon Idan, MS; Noam Shussman, MD; Jacob Sosna, MD; Andrei Keidar, MD
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1910-1915. doi:
Hypertriglyceridemic Waist Phenotype Predicts Increased Visceral Fat in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes
Susan Sam, MD; Steven Haffner, MD; Michael H. Davidson, MD; Ralph B. D'Agostino, Sr., MD; Steven Feinstein, MD; George Kondos, MD; Alfonso Perez, MD; Theodore Mazzone, MD
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1916-1920. doi:
Transforming Growth Factor-β1 and Incident Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the MONICA/KORA case-cohort study, 1984–2002
Christian Herder, PHD, MSC; Astrid Zierer, PHD; Wolfgang Koenig, MD; Michael Roden, MD; Christa Meisinger, MD, MPH; Barbara Thorand, PHD, MPH
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1921-1923. doi:
Reviews/Commentaries/ADA Statements
Statin Therapy and Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes: A Meta-Analysis
Swapnil N. Rajpathak, MD, DRPH; Dharam J. Kumbhani, MD, SM; Jill Crandall, MD; Nir Barzilai, MD; Michael Alderman, MD; Paul M. Ridker, MD
Diabetes Care October 2009, Vol.32, 1924-1929. doi:
Heterogeneous Effects of Fructose on Blood Lipids in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes: Systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental trials in humans
John L. Sievenpiper, MD, PHD; Amanda J. Carleton, BSC; Sheena Chatha, MD; Henry Y. Jiang, BSC; Russell J. de Souza, MSC, RD; Joseph Beyene, PHD; Cyril W.C. Kendall, PHD; David J.A. Jenkins, MD, PHD, DSC
Diabetes Care July 2009, Vol.32, 1930-1937. doi:
Presidential Address
Statin-Induced Diabetes: Will It Change Clinical Practice?
Diabetes Care October 2009, Vol.32, 1941-1943. doi:
Perspectives on the News
The 6th Annual World Congress on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome
Diabetes Care October 2009, Vol.32, e114-e121. doi:
Online Letters: Observations
Changes in Serum Adiponectin Concentrations Correlate With Changes in BMI, Waist Circumference, and Estimated Visceral Fat Area in Middle-Aged General Population
Yukiyoshi Okauchi, MD; Ken Kishida, MD; Tohru Funahashi, MD; Midori Noguchi, RN; Tomoko Ogawa, RN; Miwa Ryo, MD; Kohei Okita, MD; Hiromi Iwahashi, MD; Akihisa Imagawa, MD; Tadashi Nakamura, MD; Yuji Matsuzawa, MD; Iichiro Shimomura, MD
Diabetes Care October 2009, Vol.32, e122. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Insulin Response in Relation to Insulin Sensitivity: An Appropriate β-Cell Response in Black South African Women: Response to Goedecke et al.
Diabetes Care October 2009, Vol.32, e123. doi:
Insulin Response in Relation to Insulin Sensitivity: An Appropriate β-Cell Response in Black South African Women: Response to Joffe and Distiller
Julia H. Goedecke, PHD; Estelle V. Lambert, PHD; Naomi S. Levitt, MB, CHB, MD; Tommy Olsson, MD; Jonathan R. Seckl, MB, PHD; Brian R. Walker, MD; Steven E. Kahn, MB, CHB
Diabetes Care October 2009, Vol.32, e124. doi:
Serum Uric Acid Levels Improve Prediction of Incident Type 2 Diabetes in Individuals With Impaired Fasting Glucose: The Rancho Bernardo Study: Response to Oda and Kawai
Caroline Kaercher Kramer, MD; Denise von Müuhlen, MD, PHD; Simerjot Kaur Jassal, MD; Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, MD
Diabetes Care October 2009, Vol.32, e126. doi: