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December 2009
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Original Research
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Cost-Related Nonadherence to Medications Among Patients With Diabetes and Chronic Pain: Factors beyond finances
Jacob E. Kurlander, MD, MS; Eve A. Kerr, MD, MPH; Sarah Krein, PHD, RN; Michele Heisler, MD, MPA; John D. Piette, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2143-2148. doi:
Addressing Literacy and Numeracy to Improve Diabetes Care: Two randomized controlled trials
Kerri Cavanaugh, MD, MHS; Kenneth A. Wallston, PHD; Tebeb Gebretsadik, MPH; Ayumi Shintani, PHD, MPH; Mary Margaret Huizinga, MD, MPH; Dianne Davis, RD, CDE; Rebecca Pratt Gregory, RD, CDE; Robb Malone, PHARMD, CDE; Michael Pignone, MD, MPH; Darren DeWalt, MD, MPH; Tom A. Elasy, MD, MPH; Russell L. Rothman, MD, MPP
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2149-2155. doi:
Intensity of Resistance Exercise Determines Adipokine and Resting Energy Expenditure Responses in Overweight Elderly Individuals
Ioannis G. Fatouros, PHD; Athanasios Chatzinikolaou, PHD; Symeon Tournis, MD; Michalis G. Nikolaidis, PHD; Athanasios Z. Jamurtas, PHD; Ioannis I. Douroudos, MSC; Ioannis Papassotiriou, PHD; Petros M. Thomakos, MD; Kyriakos Taxildaris, PHD; George Mastorakos, MD; Asimina Mitrakou, MD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2161-2167. doi:
Effects of a Plant-Based High-Carbohydrate/High-Fiber Diet Versus High–Monounsaturated Fat/Low-Carbohydrate Diet on Postprandial Lipids in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Claudia De Natale, MD, PHD; Giovanni Annuzzi, MD; Lutgarda Bozzetto, MD; Raffaella Mazzarella, MD; Giuseppina Costabile, PHD; Ornella Ciano, RD; Gabriele Riccardi, MD; Angela A. Rivellese, MD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2168-2173. doi:
Emphasis on Carbohydrates May Negatively Influence Dietary Patterns in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes
Sanjeev N. Mehta, MD, MPH; Denise L. Haynie, PHD, MPH; Laurie A. Higgins, MS, RD, LDN, CDE; Natalie N. Bucey, MA; Alisha J. Rovner, PHD; Lisa K. Volkening, MA; Tonja R. Nansel, PHD; Lori M.B. Laffel, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2174-2176. doi:
Driving Mishaps Among Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes: A prospective study
Daniel J. Cox, PHD; Derek Ford, MA; Linda Gonder-Frederick, PHD; William Clarke, MD; Roger Mazze, PHD; Katie Weinger, EDD; Lee Ritterband, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2177-2180. doi:
From Genetic Risk Awareness to Overt Type 1 Diabetes: Parental stress in a placebo-controlled prevention trial
Eszter Goldstein, MD; Robert Hermann, MD, PHD; Timo J. Renfors, PHD; Kirsti M. Näntö-Salonen, MD, PHD; Tapio Korhonen, PHD; Maarit Kärkkäinen, MHSCI; Riitta K. Veijola, MD, PHD; Mikael Knip, MD, PHD; Tuula T. Simell, PHD; Olli G. Simell, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2181-2183. doi:
Ingestion of Diet Soda Before a Glucose Load Augments Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Secretion
Diabetes Care October 2009, Vol.32, 2184-2186. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Health Care and Productivity Costs Associated With Diabetic Patients With Macrovascular Comorbid Conditions
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2187-2192. doi:
History of Foot Ulcer Increases Mortality Among Individuals With Diabetes: Ten-year follow-up of the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study, Norway
Marjolein M. Iversen, MSN; Grethe S. Tell, PHD, MPH; Trond Riise, PHD; Berit R. Hanestad, PHD; Truls Østbye, MD, PHD; Marit Graue, PHD; Kristian Midthjell, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2193-2199. doi:
Maternal Glycemia and Risk of Large-for-Gestational-Age Babies in a Population-Based Screening
Zsuzsa Kerényi, MD, PHD; Gyula Tamás, MD, PHD; Mika Kivimäki, PHD; Andrea Péterfalvi, RN; Eszter Madarász, MD; Zsolt Bosnyák, MD, PHD; Adam G. Tabák, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2200-2205. doi:
Association Among Acrylamide, Blood Insulin, and Insulin Resistance in Adults
Chien-Yu Lin, MD, MPH; Yu-Chuan Lin, MD; Hsu-Ko Kuo, MD, MPH; Juey-Jen Hwang, MD, PHD; Jiunn-Lee Lin, MD, PHD; Pau-Chung Chen, MD, PHD; Lian-Yu Lin, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2206-2211. doi:
Trends in Diabetes Prevalence and Diabetes-Related Complications in Older Mexican Americans From 1993–1994 to 2004–2005
Holly A. Beard, PHD; Majd Al Ghatrif, MD; Rafael Samper-Ternent, MD; Kerstin Gerst, PHD; Kyriakos S. Markides, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2212-2217. doi:
Exploration of the Relationship Between Household Food Insecurity and Diabetes in Canada
Enza Gucciardi, MHSC, PHD; Janet A. Vogt, PHD; Margaret DeMelo, RD, CDE; Donna E. Stewart, MD, FRCP(C)
Diabetes Care August 2009, Vol.32, 2218-2224. doi:
Projecting the Future Diabetes Population Size and Related Costs for the U.S.
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, 2225-2229. doi:
Psychosocial Stress at Work Doubles the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Middle-Aged Women: Evidence from the Whitehall II Study
Diabetes Care August 2009, Vol.32, 2230-2235. doi:
Prospective Study of Pre-Gravid Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and the Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Liwei Chen, MD, PHD; Frank B. Hu, MD, PHD; Edwina Yeung, PHD; Walter Willett, MD, DRPH; Cuilin Zhang, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, 2236-2241. doi:
Postpartum Diabetes Screening: Adherence rate and the performance of fasting plasma glucose versus oral glucose tolerance test
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2242-2244. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Incremental Value of Continuous Glucose Monitoring When Starting Pump Therapy in Patients With Poorly Controlled Type 1 Diabetes: The RealTrend study*
Denis Raccah, MD, PHD; Véronique Sulmont, MD; Yves Reznik, MD, PHD; Bruno Guerci, MD, PHD; Eric Renard, MD, PHD; Hélène Hanaire, MD, PHD; Nathalie Jeandidier, MD, PHD; Marc Nicolino, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2245-2250. doi:
Effects of Exenatide Alone and in Combination With Daclizumab on β-Cell Function in Long-Standing Type 1 Diabetes
Kristina I. Rother, MD, MHSC; Lisa M. Spain, PHD; Robert A. Wesley, PHD; Benigno J. Digon, III, MD; Alain Baron, MD; Kim Chen, PHD; Patric Nelson, MPH; H.-Michael Dosch, MD; Jerry P. Palmer, MD; Barbara Brooks-Worrell, PHD; Michael Ring, MD; David M. Harlan, MD
Diabetes Care October 2009, Vol.32, 2251-2257. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Genetic Polymorphisms in Genes Encoding Antioxidant Enzymes Are Associated With Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 1 Diabetes
Tinka Hovnik, BSC; Vita Dolžan, MD; Nataša Uršič Bratina, MD; Katarina Trebušak Podkrajšek, PHD; Tadej Battelino, MD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2258-2262. doi:
Low Serum Level of the Endogenous Secretory Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (esRAGE) Is a Risk Factor for Prevalent Vertebral Fractures Independent of Bone Mineral Density in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Masahiro Yamamoto, MD, PHD; Toru Yamaguchi, MD, PHD; Mika Yamauchi, MD, PHD; Toshitsugu Sugimoto, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2263-2268. doi:
Pancreatic Islet Autoantibodies as Predictors of Type 1 Diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Trial–Type 1
Tihamer Orban, MD; Jay M. Sosenko, MD; David Cuthbertson, MS; Jeffrey P. Krischer, PHD; Jay S. Skyler, MD; Richard Jackson, MD; Liping Yu, MD; Jerry P. Palmer, MD; Desmond Schatz, MD; George Eisenbarth, MD, PHD; for the Diabetes Prevention Trial–Type 1 Study Group
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2269-2274. doi:
β-Cell–Mediated Signaling Predominates Over Direct α-Cell Signaling in the Regulation of Glucagon Secretion in Humans
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2275-2280. doi:
Increase in Plasma Endotoxin Concentrations and the Expression of Toll-Like Receptors and Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling-3 in Mononuclear Cells After a High-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Meal: Implications for insulin resistance
Husam Ghanim, PHD; Sanaa Abuaysheh, BS; Ching Ling Sia, BS; Kelly Korzeniewski, BS; Ajay Chaudhuri, MD; Jose Manuel Fernandez-Real, MD; Paresh Dandona, MD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2281-2287. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Impact of Metabolic Syndrome Compared With Impaired Fasting Glucose on the Development of Type 2 Diabetes in a General Japanese Population: The Hisayama study
Naoko Mukai, MD; Yasufumi Doi, MD, PHD; Toshiharu Ninomiya, MD, PHD; Jun Hata, MD, PHD; Koji Yonemoto, PHD; Masanori Iwase, MD, PHD; Mitsuo Iida, MD, PHD; Yutaka Kiyohara, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2288-2293. doi:
Cross-Sectional Validation of Diabetes Risk Scores for Predicting Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, and Chronic Kidney Disease in Taiwanese
Jou-Wei Lin, MD, PHD; Yi-Cheng Chang, MD; Hung-Yuan Li, MD, MS; Yu-Fen Chien, MS; Mei-Yu Wu, RN; Ru-Yi Tsai, RN; Yenh-Chen Hsieh, BS; Yu-Jen Chen, BS; Juey-Jen Hwang, MD, PHD; Lee-Ming Chuang, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2294-2296. doi:
Are Metabolically Normal but Obese Individuals at Lower Risk for All-Cause Mortality?
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2297-2299. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Aspirin for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events: A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing patients with and without diabetes
Andrew D. Calvin, MD, MPH; Niti R. Aggarwal, MD; Mohammad Hassan Murad, MD, MPH; Qian Shi, PHD; Mohamed B. Elamin, MBBS; Jeffrey B. Geske, MD; M. Merce Fernandez-Balsells, MD; Felipe N. Albuquerque, MD; Julianna F. Lampropulos, MD; Patricia J. Erwin, MLS; Steven A. Smith, MD; Victor M. Montori, MD, MSC
Diabetes Care September 2009, Vol.32, 2300-2306. doi:
Rates of Progression in Diabetic Retinopathy During Different Time Periods: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Tien Y. Wong, MD, PHD; Mkaya Mwamburi, MD, PHD; Ronald Klein, MD, MPH; Michael Larsen, MD, PHD; Harry Flynn, MD; Marisol Hernandez-Medina, MD, MPH; Gayatri Ranganathan, MSC; Barbara Wirostko, MD; Andreas Pleil, PHD; Paul Mitchell, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, 2307-2313. doi:
Dietary Risk Factors for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Are sugar-sweetened soft drinks culpable or guilty by association?
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, 2314-2315. doi:
Perspectives on the News
A1C: Recommendations, Debates, and Questions
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e141-e147. doi:
Online Letters: Observations
Sex Differences in Insulin Dose and Postprandial Glucose as BMI Increases in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e148. doi:
Birth Weight: Genetic and Intrauterine Environment in Normal Pregnancy
Sara Fallucca, PHD; Mario Vasta, MD; Ernesta Sciullo, PHD; Stefano Balducci, MD; Francesco Fallucca, MD
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e149. doi:
Low Plasma Apelin in Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes in Chinese People
Yu Zhang, MD; Chunfang Shen, MD; Xuesong Li, MD; Guoguang Ren, MD; Xiaofang Fan, MD; Fengdong Ren, MD; Ning Zhang, MD; Jue Sun, MD; Jialin Yang, MD
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e150. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Hypoglycemia and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Diabetes Hospitalized in the General Ward: Response to Turchin et al.
Jen M. Ng, MRCP; Heidi Cox, MSC; David Longbotham, MBBCH; Eric S. Kilpatrick, MD, FRCPATH; Stephen L. Atkin, PHD, FRCP; Belinda J. Allan, MRCP
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e151. doi:
Hypoglycemia and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Diabetes Hospitalized in the General Ward: Response to Ng et al.
Alexander Turchin, MD, MS; Michael E. Matheny, MD, MS, MPH; Maria Shubina, SCD; James V. Scanlon, PHARMD; Bonnie Greenwood, PHARMD, BCPS; Merri L. Pendergrass, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e152. doi:
Etanercept Treatment in Children With New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes: Pilot Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Study: Response to Mastrandrea et al.
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e153. doi:
Etanercept Treatment in Children With New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes: Pilot Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Study: Response to Peters
Lucy Mastrandrea, MD, PHD; Jihnhee Yu, PHD; Torsten Behrens, MA; John Buchlis, MD; Christine Albini, MD, PHD; Shannon Fourtner, MD; Teresa Quattrin, MD
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e154. doi:
Assessing Glycemic Control in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Response to Kazempour-Ardebili et al.
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e155. doi:
Assessing Glycemic Control in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Response to Riveline and Hadjadj
Sara Kazempour-Ardebili, MD; Varunika L. Lecamwasam, MRCP; Thushara Dassanyake, BSC; Andrew H. Frankel, MD, FRCP; Frederick W.K. Tam, PHD, FRCP; Anne Dornhorst, DM, FRCP; Gary Frost, PHD; Jeremy J.O. Turner, DPHIL, MRCP
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e156. doi:
Hyperglycemic Crises in Adult Patients With Diabetes: Response to Kitabchi et al.
Keigo Yasuda, MD, PHD; Hiromichi Tanahashi, MD, PHD; Makoto Hayashi, MD, PHD; Noriyoshi Yamakita, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e157. doi:
Hyperglycemic Crises in Adult Patients With Diabetes: Response to Yasuda et al.
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e158. doi:
International Expert Committee Report on the Role of the A1C Assay in the Diagnosis of Diabetes: Response to the International Expert Committee
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e159. doi:
International Expert Committee Report on the Role of the A1C Assay in the Diagnosis of Diabetes: Response to Kilpatrick, Bloomgarden, and Zimmet
Diabetes Care December 2009, Vol.32, e160. doi: