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May 2009
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Original Research
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Comparison of Three Protocols for Tight Glycemic Control in Cardiac Surgery Patients
Jan Blaha, MD; Petr Kopecky, MD; Michal Matias, MD; Roman Hovorka, PHD; Jan Kunstyr, MD, PHD; Tomas Kotulak, MD; Michal Lips, MD; David Rubes, MD; Martin Stritesky, MD, PHD; Jaroslav Lindner, MD, PHD; Michal Semrad, MD, PHD; Martin Haluzik, MD, DSC
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 757-761. doi:
One-Year Treatment With Exenatide Improves β-Cell Function, Compared With Insulin Glargine, in Metformin-Treated Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A randomized, controlled trial
Mathijs C. Bunck, MD; Michaela Diamant, MD, PHD; Anja Cornér, MD; Bjorn Eliasson, MD, PHD; Jaret L. Malloy, PHD; Rimma M. Shaginian, MD; Wei Deng, PHD; David M. Kendall, MD; Marja-Riitta Taskinen, MD, PHD; Ulf Smith, MD, PHD, FRCP; Hannele Yki-Järvinen, MD, PHD, FRCP; Robert J. Heine, MD, PHD, FRCP
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 762-768. doi:
Diabetic Subjects Diagnosed Through the Diabetes Prevention Trial–Type 1 (DPT-1) Are Often Asymptomatic With Normal A1C at Diabetes Onset
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, 769-773. doi:
Explaining the Adjustment of Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: Role of diabetes-specific and psychosocial factors
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 774-779. doi:
Sexual Dysfunction in Women With Type 1 Diabetes: Long-term findings from the DCCT/ EDIC study cohort
Paul Enzlin, PHD; Raymond Rosen, PHD; Markus Wiegel, PHD; Jeanette Brown, MD; Hunter Wessells, MD; Patricia Gatcomb, RN, CDE; Brandy Rutledge, PHD; Ka-Ling Chan, MS; Patricia A. Cleary, MS; the DCCT/EDIC Research Group
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, 780-785. doi:
Macroalbuminuria and Renal Pathology in First Nation Youth With Type 2 Diabetes
Elizabeth A.C. Sellers, MD; Tom D. Blydt-Hansen, MD; Heather J. Dean, MD; Ian W. Gibson, MD; Patricia E. Birk, MD; Malcolm Ogborn, MBBS
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 786-790. doi:
Type of Vegetarian Diet, Body Weight, and Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, 791-796. doi:
Continuity and Change in Glycemic Control Trajectories From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood: Relationships with family climate and self-concept in type 1 diabetes
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 797-801. doi:
Bone Age Corresponds With Chronological Age at Type 1 Diabetes Onset in Youth
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 802-803. doi:
Depressive Symptoms and Glycemic Control in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: Mediational role of blood glucose monitoring
Meghan E. McGrady; Lori Laffel, MD, MPH; Dennis Drotar, PHD; David Repaske, MD, PHD; Korey K. Hood, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 804-806. doi:
Long-Term Maintenance of Treatment Outcomes: Diabetes Personal Trainer Intervention for Youth With Type 1 Diabetes
Tonja R. Nansel, PHD; Ronald J. Iannotti, PHD; Bruce G. Simons-Morton, EDD; Leslie P. Plotnick, MD; Loretta M. Clark, RN, CDE; Linda Zeitzoff, CPNP, CDE
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 807-809. doi:
Coenzyme Q10 Improves Endothelial Dysfunction in Statin-Treated Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 810-812. doi:
Pedometers and Text Messaging to Increase Physical Activity: Randomized controlled trial of adolescents with type 1 diabetes
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 813-815. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Mortality Risk of Charcot Arthropathy Compared With That of Diabetic Foot Ulcer and Diabetes Alone
Min-Woong Sohn, PHD; Todd A. Lee, PHARMD, PHD; Rodney M. Stuck, DPM; Robert G. Frykberg, DPM, MPH; Elly Budiman-Mak, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 816-821. doi:
Long-Term Prognosis of Diabetic Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia: A population-based cohort study
Ezio Faglia, MD; Giacomo Clerici, MD; Jacques Clerissi, MD; Livio Gabrielli, MD; Sergio Losa, MD; Manuela Mantero, MD; Maurizio Caminiti, MD; Vincenzo Curci, MD; Antonella Quarantiello, MD; Tommaso Luppattelli, MD; Alberto Morabito, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 822-827. doi:
Elevated A1C in Adults Without a History of Diabetes in the U.S.
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 828-833. doi:
Increased Risk of Acute Pancreatitis and Biliary Disease Observed in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A retrospective cohort study
Rebecca A. Noel, DRPH, MSPH; Daniel K. Braun, MD, PHD; Ruth E. Patterson, PHD; Gary L. Bloomgren, MD, MBA
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 834-838. doi:
PPARγ Variant Influences Angiographic Outcome and 10-Year Cardiovascular Risk in Male Symptomatic Coronary Artery Disease Patients
Jakub J. Regieli, MD; J. Wouter Jukema, MD; Pieter A. Doevendans, MD; Aeilko H. Zwinderman, PHD; Yolanda van der Graaf, MD; John J. Kastelein, MD; Diederick E. Grobbee, MD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 839-844. doi:
Insufficient Control of Blood Pressure and Incident Diabetes
Raffaele Izzo, MD, PHD; Giovanni de Simone, MD; Marcello Chinali, MD, PHD; Guido Iaccarino, MD, PHD; Valentina Trimarco, PHD; Francesco Rozza, MD, PHD; Renata Giudice, MD; Bruno Trimarco, MD; Nicola De Luca, MD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 845-850. doi:
Obesity and Albuminuria Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: The Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Study
Holly Kramer, MD, MPH; David Reboussin, PHD; Alain G. Bertoni, MD; Santica Marcovina, PHD, SCD; Edward Lipkin, MD, PHD; Frank L. Greenway, III, MD; Frederick L. Brancati, MD, MHS; the Look Ahead Research Group
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 851-853. doi:
Cardiovascular Risk Attributable to Diabetes in Southern Brazil: A population-based cohort study
Leila B. Moreira, MD, PHD; Sandra C. Fuchs, MD, PHD; Mário Wiehe, MD, PHD; Jeruza L. Neyeloff; Rafael V. Picon; Marina B. Moreira; Miguel Gus, MD, PHD; Flávio D. Fuchs, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 854-856. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibition Improves β-Cell Function in Metabolic Syndrome
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 857-859. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Insulin Response in Relation to Insulin Sensitivity: An appropriate β-cell response in black South African women
Julia H. Goedecke, PHD; Joel A. Dave, MB, CHB, PHD; Mirjam V. Faulenbach, MD; Kristina M. Utzschneider, MD; Estelle V. Lambert, PHD; Sacha West, PHD; Malcolm Collins, PHD; Tommy Olsson, MD; Brian R. Walker, MD; Jonathan R. Seckl, MB, PHD; Steven E. Kahn, MB, CHB; Naomi S. Levitt, MB, CHB
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 860-865. doi:
Effects of Type 2 Diabetes on Insulin Secretion, Insulin Action, Glucose Effectiveness, and Postprandial Glucose Metabolism
Ananda Basu, MD; Chiara Dalla Man, PHD; Rita Basu, MD; Gianna Toffolo, PHD; Claudio Cobelli, PHD; Robert A. Rizza, MD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 866-872. doi:
A−β− Subtype of Ketosis-Prone Diabetes Is Not Predominantly a Monogenic Diabetic Syndrome
Wade C. Haaland, PHD; Diane I. Scaduto; Mario R. Maldonado, MD; Dena L. Mansouri; Ramaswami Nalini, MD; Dinakar Iyer, PHD; Sanjeet Patel, MD; Anu Guthikonda, MD; Christiane S. Hampe, PHD; Ashok Balasubramanyam, MD; Michael L. Metzker, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 873-877. doi:
Cerebrovascular Reactivity, Intima-Media Thickness, and Nephropathy Presence in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Grzegorz M. Kozera, MD, PHD; Bogumił Wolnik, MD, PHD; Katarzyna B. Kunicka, MD, PHD; Sebastian Szczyrba, MD; Joanna Wojczal, MD, PHD; Ulf Schminke, MD; Walenty M. Nyka, MD, PHD; Leszek Bieniaszewski, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 878-882. doi:
Structural and Functional Cardiac Abnormalities in Adolescent Girls with Poorly Controlled Type 2 Diabetes
Gillian A. Whalley, PHD, DMU, FCSANZ, FASE; Silmara Gusso, MSC; Paul Hofman, MBCHB, FRACP; Wayne Cutfield, MBCHB, FRACP; Katrina K. Poppe, MSC; Robert N. Doughty, MBCHB, MD, FRCP, FRACP, FCSANZ; J. Chris Baldi, PHD, FACSM
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 883-888. doi:
Renal Hyperfiltration and the Development of Microalbuminuria in Type 1 Diabetes
Linda H. Ficociello, DSC; Bruce A. Perkins, MD, MPH; Bijan Roshan, MD; Janice M. Weinberg, SCD; Ann Aschengrau, SCD; James H. Warram, MD, SCD; Andrzej S. Krolewski, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 889-893. doi:
Cognitive Function Is Not Associated With Recurrent Foot Ulcers in Patients With Diabetes and Neuropathy
Christof Kloos, MD; Franziska Hagen, MD; Claudia Lindloh, MD; Anke Braun, MD; Karena Leppert, PHD; Nicolle Müller; Gunter Wolf, MD; Ulrich A. Müller, MD, MSC
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 894-896. doi:
Pulse Pressure and Prediction of Incident Foot Ulcers in Type 2 Diabetes
Matteo Monami, MD, PHD; Maria Vivarelli, RN; Carla Maria Desideri, MD; Claudia Colombi, MD; Niccolò Marchionni, MD; Edoardo Mannucci, MD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 897-899. doi:
Lower Total Adipocyte Number but No Evidence for Small Adipocyte Depletion in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Magdalena Pasarica, MD, PHD; Hui Xie, MS; David Hymel, MS; George Bray, MD; Frank Greenway, MD; Eric Ravussin, PHD; Steven R. Smith, MD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 900-902. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Cross-Sectional Associations Bet ween Abdominal and Thoracic Adipose Tissue Compartments and Adiponectin and Resistin in the Framingham Heart Study
Shilpa H. Jain, MD; Joseph M. Massaro, PHD; Udo Hoffmann, MD, MPH; Guido A. Rosito, MD; Ramachandran S. Vasan, MD; Annaswamy Raji, MBBS, MMSC; Christopher J. O'Donnell, MD, MPH; James B. Meigs, MD, MPH; Caroline S. Fox, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 903-908. doi:
Sex Hormone–Binding Globulin Levels Predict Insulin Sensitivity, Disposition Index, and Cardiovascular Risk During Puberty
Kaspar Sørensen, MD; Lise Aksglaede, MD; Thor Munch-Andersen; Niels Jacob Aachmann-Andersen; Joergen Holm Petersen, PHD; Linda Hilsted, MD, DMSC; Jørn Wulff Helge, PHD; Anders Juul, MD, DMSC
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 909-914. doi:
Predictors of Development of Diabetes in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure in the Candesartan in Heart Failure Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity (CHARM) Program
David Preiss, MRCP; Sofia Zetterstrand, PHD; John J.V. McMurray, MD; Jan Östergren, MD; Eric L. Michelson, MD; Christopher B. Granger, MD; Salim Yusuf, MB BS, DPHIL; Karl Swedberg, MD, PHD; Marc A. Pfeffer, MD, PHD; Hertzel C. Gerstein, MD; Naveed Sattar, PHD; for the Candesartan in Heart Failure Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity Investigators
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 915-920. doi:
Predictors of Overweight During Childhood in Offspring of Parents With Type 1 Diabetes
Sandra Hummel, PHD; Maren Pflüger, MSC; Susanne Kreichauf, MPH; Michael Hummel, MD; Anette-G. Ziegler, MD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 921-925. doi:
Phobic Anxiety Is Associated With Higher Serum Concentrations of Adipokines and Cytokines in Women With Diabetes
Aoife M. Brennan, MD; Jessica L. Fargnoli; Catherine J. Williams, MPH; Tricia Li, MPH; Walter Willett, MD, DRPH; I. Kawachi, PHD; Lu Qi, MD, PHD; Frank B. Hu, MD, PHD; Christos S. Mantzoros, MD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 926-931. doi:
Relation of Abdominal Fat Depots to Systemic Markers of Inflammation in Type 2 Diabetes
Susan Sam, MD; Steven Haffner, MD; Michael H. Davidson, MD; Ralph B. D'Agostino, Sr., MD; Steven Feinstein, MD; George Kondos, MD; Alfonso Perez, MD; Theodore Mazzone, MD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 932-937. doi:
Childhood Predictors of Adult Acute Insulin Response and Insulin Action
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 938-943. doi:
Association Between Increased Platelet P-Selectin Expression and Obesity in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A BARI 2D (Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation 2 Diabetes) substudy
David J. Schneider, MD; Regina M. Hardison, MS; Neuza Lopes, MD; Burton E. Sobel, MD; Maria Mori Brooks, PHD; the Pro-Thrombosis Ancillary Study Group
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 944-949. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease, Mortality, and Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy in Type 1 Diabetes
Lena M. Thorn, MD; Carol Forsblom, DMSC; Johan Wadén, MD; Markku Saraheimo, MD; Nina Tolonen, MD; Kustaa Hietala, MD; Per-Henrik Groop, DMSC; for the Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy (FinnDiane) Study Group
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 950-952. doi:
Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes in a Sixth- Grade Multiracial Cohort: The HEALTHY study
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 953-955. doi:
Prediction of Type 2 Diabetes Using Alternate Anthropometric Measures in a Multi-Ethnic Cohort: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study
Meredith F. MacKay, MSC; Steven M. Haffner, MD; Lynne E. Wagenknecht, DRPH; Ralph B. D'Agostino, Jr., PHD; Anthony J.G. Hanley, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 956-958. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Influence of Fat and Carbohydrate Proportions on the Metabolic Profile in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Meta-Analysis
Satoru Kodama, MD, PHD; Kazumi Saito, MD, PHD; Shiro Tanaka, PHD; Miho Maki, MS; Yoko Yachi, RD; Mutsumi Sato, RD; Ayumi Sugawara, RD; Kumiko Totsuka, RD; Hitoshi Shimano, MD, PHD; Yasuo Ohashi, PHD; Nobuhiro Yamada, MD, PHD; Hirohito Sone, MD, PHD, FACP
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, 959-965. doi:
Is It Time to Take a Different Approach to Screening People at High Risk for Type 1 Diabetes?
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, 966-967. doi:
Perspectives on the News
Online Letters: Observations
Association Between the Connexin37 Polymorphism and Peripheral Arterial Disease in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes
Naoto Katakami, MD, PHD; Ken'ya Sakamoto, MD, PHD; Hideaki Kaneto, MD, PHD; Munehide Matsuhisa, MD, PHD; Ikki Shimizu, MD, PHD; Fukashi Ishibashi, MD, PHD; Takeshi Osonoi, MD, PHD; Atsunori Kashiwagi, MD, PHD; Ryuzo Kawamori, MD, PHD; Masatsugu Hori, MD, PHD; Yoshimitsu Yamasaki, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, e53-e54. doi:
Cumulative Effect of Oxidative Stress–Related Gene Polymorphisms on Myocardial Infarction in Type 2 Diabetes
Naoto Katakami, MD, PHD; Ken'ya Sakamoto, MD, PHD; Hideaki Kaneto, MD, PHD; Munehide Matsuhisa, MD, PHD; Keizo Ohno, MD, PHD; Ikki Shimizu, MD, PHD; Fukashi Ishibashi, MD, PHD; Takeshi Osonoi, MD, PHD; Atsunori Kashiwagi, MD, PHD; Ryuzo Kawamori, MD, PHD; Yoshimitsu Yamasaki, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, e55. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Depression and Type 2 Diabetes Over the Lifespan: A Meta-Analysis: Response to Mezuk et al.
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, e56. doi:
Depression and Type 2 Diabetes Over the Lifespan: A Meta-Analysis: Response to Nouwen, Lloyd, and Pouwer
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, e57. doi:
Medical Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes: A Consensus Algorithm for the Initiation and Adjustment of Therapy: A Consensus Statement of the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes: Response to Nathan et al.
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, e58. doi:
Medical Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes: A Consensus Algorithm for the Initiation and Adjustment of Therapy: A Consensus Statement of the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes: Response to Cobitz and Ambery
David M. Nathan, MD; for the American Diabetes Association and European Association for the Study of Diabetes Consensus Committee
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, e59. doi:
Predicting 6-Year Mortality Risk in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Response to Wells et al.
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, e60. doi:
Prevalence and Control of Diabetes and Impaired Fasting Glucose in New York City: Response to Thorpe et al.
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, e62. doi:
Prevalence and Control of Diabetes and Impaired Fasting Glucose in New York City: Response to Getaneh and Findley
Diabetes Care May 2009, Vol.32, e63. doi: