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June 2009
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Original Research
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Predictors and Impact of Intensification of Antihyperglycemic Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes: Translating Research into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD)
Laura N. McEwen, PHD; Dori Bilik, MBA; Susan L. Johnson, MD, MS; Jeffrey B. Halter, MD; Andrew J. Karter, PHD; Carol M. Mangione, MD; Usha Subramanian, MD; Beth Waitzfelder, PHD; Jesse C. Crosson, PHD; William H. Herman, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 971-976. doi:
Effects of Structured Versus Usual Care on Renal Endpoint in Type 2 Diabetes: The SURE Study: A randomized multicenter translational study
Juliana C. Chan, MD; Wing-Yee So, FRCP; Chun-Yip Yeung, MRCP; Gary T. Ko, MD; Ip-Tim Lau, FRCP; Man-Wo Tsang, FRCP; Kam-Piu Lau, FRCP; Sing-Chung Siu, FRCP; June K. Li, FRCP; Vincent T. Yeung, MD; Wilson Y. Leung, PHD; Peter C. Tong, PHD; for the SURE Study Group
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 977-982. doi:
Usual Source of Care as a Health Insurance Substitute for U.S. Adults With Diabetes?
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 983-989. doi:
Effect of a High-Fiber Diet Compared With a Moderate-Fiber Diet on Calcium and Other Mineral Balances in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes
Meena Shah, PHD; Manisha Chandalia, MD; Beverley Adams-Huet, MS; Linda J. Brinkley, RD; Khashayar Sakhaee, MD; Scott M. Grundy, MD, PHD; Abhimanyu Garg, MD
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 990-995. doi:
Can a Low–Glycemic Index Diet Reduce the Need for Insulin in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus?: A randomized trial
Robert G. Moses, MD; Megan Barker, APD; Meagan Winter, APD; Peter Petocz, PHD; Jennie C. Brand-Miller, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 996-1000. doi:
Cognitive Function Is Disrupted by Both Hypo- and Hyperglycemia in School-AgedChildren With Type 1 Diabetes: A Field Study
Linda A. Gonder-Frederick, PHD; John F. Zrebiec, MSW; Andrea U. Bauchowitz, PHD; LeeM. Ritterband, PHD; Joshua C. Magee, MA; Daniel J. Cox, PHD; William L. Clarke, MD
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 1001-1006. doi:
DURAbility of Basal Versus Lispro Mix 75/25 Insulin Efficacy (DURABLE) Trial 24-Week Results: Safety and efficacy of insulin lispro mix 75/25 versus insulin glargine added to oral antihyperglycemic drugs in patients with type 2 diabetes
John B. Buse, MD, PHD; Bruce H.R. Wolffenbuttel, MD, PHD; William H. Herman, MD, MPH; Natalie K. Shemonsky, MD; Honghua H. Jiang, PHD; Jessie L. Fahrbach, MD; Jamie L. Scism-Bacon, PHD; Sherry A. Martin, MD
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 1007-1013. doi:
Impact of Carbohydrate Counting on Glycemic Control in Children With Type 1 Diabetes
Sanjeev N. Mehta, MD, MPH; Nicolle Quinn, MS, LD, RDN; Lisa K. Volkening, MA; Lori M.B. Laffel, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 1014-1016. doi:
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Among Obese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Gary D. Foster, PHD; Mark H. Sanders, MD; Richard Millman, MD; Gary Zammit, PHD; Kelley E. Borradaile, PHD; Anne B. Newman, MD; Thomas A. Wadden, PHD; David Kelley, MD; Rena R. Wing, PHD; F. Xavier Pi Sunyer, MD; Valerie Darcey, MS; Samuel T. Kuna, MD; for the Sleep AHEAD Research Group
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 1017-1019. doi:
Validation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Children and Adolescents With Cystic Fibrosis: A prospective cohort study
Stephen M.P. O'Riordan, MRCPI, MD; Peter Hindmarsh, MD, FRCPCH; Nathan R. Hill, DPHIL, MBCS; David R. Matthews, DPHIL, FRCP; Sherly George, MSC; Peter Greally, MD, FRCPI; Gerard Canny, MD, FRCPI; Dubhfeasa Slattery, PHD, FRCPI; Nuala Murphy, MD, FRCPI; Edna Roche, MD, FRCPI; Colm Costigan, FRCPI; Hilary Hoey, MD, FRCPI
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 1020-1022. doi:
Acute Effects of Decaffeinated Coffee and the Major Coffee Components Chlorogenic Acid and Trigonelline on Glucose Tolerance
Aimée E. van Dijk, MSC; Margreet R. Olthof, PHD; Joke C. Meeuse, MSC; Elin Seebus, MD; Rob J. Heine, MD, PHD; Rob M. van Dam, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 1023-1025. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Family-Planning Practices Among Women With Diabetes and Overweight and Obese Women in the 2002 National Survey for Family Growth
Anjel Vahratian, PHD, MPH; Jennifer S. Barber, PHD; Jean M. Lawrence, SCD, MPH, MSSA; Catherine Kim, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 1026-1031. doi:
Access to Care and the Incidence of End-Stage Renal Disease Due to Diabetes
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, 1032-1036. doi:
Metabolic Screening After the American Diabetes Association's Consensus Statement on Antipsychotic Drugs and Diabetes
Elaine H. Morrato, DRPH, MPH; John W. Newcomer, MD; Siddhesh Kamat, MS; Onur Baser, PHD; James Harnett, PHARMD, MS; Brian Cuffel, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 1037-1042. doi:
Coffee Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases and All-Cause Mortality Among Men With Type 2 Diabetes
Weili Zhang, MD, PHD; Esther Lopez-Garcia, PHD; Tricia Y. Li, MD; Frank B. Hu, MD, PHD; Rob M. van Dam, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 1043-1045. doi:
Peri-Conceptional A1C and Risk of Serious Adverse Pregnancy Outcome in 933 Women With Type 1 Diabetes
Dorte M. Jensen, PHD; Lars Korsholm, PHD; Per Ovesen, DMSC; Henning Beck-Nielsen, DMSC; Lars Moelsted-Pedersen, DMSC; Jes G. Westergaard, DMSC; Margrethe Moeller, MD; Peter Damm, DMSC
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 1046-1048. doi:
Association of Endogenous Sex Hormones With Diabetes andImpaired Fasting Glucose in Men: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis*
Laura A. Colangelo, MS; Pamela Ouyang, MD; Kiang Liu, PHD; Peter Kopp, MD; Sherita Hill Golden, MD; Adrian S. Dobs, MD, MHS; Moyses Szklo, MD, DRPH; Dhananjay Vaidya, PHD, MPH; Mary Cushman, MD; Susan M. Gapstur, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 1049-1051. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Pregnancy-Induced Rise in Serum C-Peptide Concentrations in Women With Type 1 Diabetes
Lene Ringholm Nielsen, MD, PHD; Jens F. Rehfeld, MD, DMSC; Ulrik Pedersen-Bjergaard, MD; Peter Damm, MD, DMSC; Elisabeth R. Mathiesen, MD, DMSC
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 1052-1057. doi:
Glycemic Variability Correlates Strongly With Postprandialβ-Cell Dysfunction in a Segment of Type 2 Diabetic Patients Using Oral Hypoglycemic Agents
Klaus-Dieter Kohnert, MD, PHD; Petra Augstein, MD, PHD; Eckhard Zander, MD; Peter Heinke, MSC; Karolina Peterson, MD; Ernst-Joachim Freyse, MD, PHD; Roman Hovorka, PHD; Eckhard Salzsieder, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 1058-1062. doi:
Role of Intrinsic Muscle Atrophy in the Etiology of Claw Toe Deformity in Diabetic Neuropathy May Not Be as Straightforward as Widely Believed
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 1063-1067. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Abdominal Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue: A Protective Fat Depot?
Stacy A. Porter, MA; Joseph M. Massaro, PHD; Udo Hoffmann, MD, MPH; Ramachandran S. Vasan, MD; Christopher J. O'Donnel, MD, MPH; Caroline S. Fox, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 1068-1075. doi:
Fetuses of Obese Mothers Develop Insulin Resistance in Utero
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, 1076-1080. doi:
Objectively Measured Moderate- and Vigorous-Intensity Physical Activity but Not Sedentary Time Predicts Insulin Resistance in High-Risk Individuals
Ulf Ekelund, PHD; Soren Brage, PHD; Simon J. Griffin, DM; Nicholas J. Wareham, MD, PHD; the ProActive UK Research Group
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 1081-1086. doi:
Effects of Rosuvastatin and Atorvastatin on LDL and HDL Particle Concentrations in Patients With Metabolic Syndrome: A randomized, double-blind, controlled study
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 1087-1091. doi:
First Nationwide Study of the Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome and Optimal Cutoff Points of Waist Circumference in the Middle East: The National Survey of Risk Factors for Noncommunicable Diseases of Iran
Alireza Delavari, MD; Mohammad Hossein Forouzanfar, MD, MPH, PHD; Siamak Alikhani, MD, MPH; Afsaneh Sharifian, MD; Roya Kelishadi, MD
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 1092-1097. doi:
Serum Amyloid A, C-Reactive Protein, and Retinal Microvascular Changes in Hypertensive Diabetic and Nondiabetic Individuals: An Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT) substudy
Christoph Stettler, MD; Nicholas Witt, PHD; Robyn J. Tapp, PHD; Simon Thom, FRCP; Sabin Allemann, PHD; Therese Tillin, MSC; Alice Stanton, PHD; Eoin O'Brien, PHD; Neil Poulter, FRCP; J. Ruth Gallimore; Alun D. Hughes, PHD; Nish Chaturvedi, MD
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 1098-1100. doi:
Effect of Drinking on Adiponectin in Healthy Men and Women: A randomized intervention study of water, ethanol, red wine, and beer with or without alcohol
Diabetes Care February 2009, Vol.32, 1101-1103. doi:
BMI and Diabetes Risk in Singaporean Chinese
Andrew O. Odegaard, MPH; Woon-Puay Koh, PHD; Gabrielle Vazquez, PHD; Kazuko Arakawa, MS; Hin-Peng Lee, MD, PHD; Mimi C. Yu, PHD; Mark A. Pereira, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2009, Vol.32, 1104-1106. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Genetic Architecture of Type 2 Diabetes: Recent Progress and Clinical Implications
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, 1107-1114. doi:
Improving Diabetes Care: The Model for Health Care Reform
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, 1115-1118. doi:
Consensus Statement
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American Diabetes Association Consensus Statement on Inpatient Glycemic Control
Etie S. Moghissi, MD, FACP, FACE; Mary T. Korytkowski, MD; Monica DiNardo, MSN, CRNP, CDE; Daniel Einhorn, MD, FACP, FACE; Richard Hellman, MD, FACP, FACE; Irl B. Hirsch, MD; Silvio E. Inzucchi, MD; Faramarz Ismail-Beigi, MD, PHD; M. Sue Kirkman, MD; Guillermo E. Umpierrez, MD, FACP, FACE
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, 1119-1131. doi:
Intensive Diabetes Management for High-Risk Patients: How Best to Deliver?
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, 1132-1133. doi:
Perspectives on the News
Online Letters
Lower Vital Capacity Is Associated With Diabetes but Not With Metabolic Syndrome in Nonobese Japanese Men
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, e69. doi:
Optimal Waist Circumference Measurement Site for Assessing the Metabolic Syndrome
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, e70. doi:
Visfatin: The Link Between Inflammation and Childhood Obesity
George V.Z. Dedoussis, PHD; Alexandra Kapiri; Anastasia Samara, PHD; Dimitris Dimitriadis, MD; Daniel Lambert, PHD; Michele Pfister, MSC; Gerard Siest, PHD; Sophie Visvikis-Siest, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, e71. doi:
Impaired Vascular Reactivity in Healthy First-Degree Relatives of Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Is Related to Metabolic Factors
Kelb Bousquet-Santos, PHD; Fabricia J. Neves, MSC; Eduardo Tibiriçá, MD, PHD; Marcio Nogueira de Souza, DSC; Antonio C.L. Nóbrega, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, e72. doi:
Comments and Responses
Egg Consumption and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Men and Women: Response to Djoussé et al.
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, e73. doi:
Egg Consumption and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Men and Women: Response to Citrome and Holt
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, e74. doi:
PPARγ Variant Influences Angiographic Outcome and 10-Year Cardiovascular Risk in Male Symptomatic Coronary Artery Disease Patients: Response to Schneider et al.
Jakub J. Regieli, MD; J. Wouter Jukema, MD; Pieter A. Doevendans, MD; Aeilko H. Zwinderman, PHD; Yolanda van der Graaf, MD; John J. Kastelein, MD; Diederick E. Grobbee, MD
Diabetes Care June 2009, Vol.32, e76. doi: