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November 2010
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Original Research
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
A 1-Year Lifestyle Intervention for Weight Loss in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes Reduces High C-Reactive Protein Levels and Identifies Metabolic Predictors of Change: From the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) study
L. Maria Belalcazar, MD; David M. Reboussin, PHD; Steven M. Haffner, MD; Ron C. Hoogeveen, PHD; Andrea M. Kriska, PHD; Dawn C. Schwenke, PHD; Russell P. Tracy, PHD; F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, MD; Christie M. Ballantyne, MD; for the Look AHEAD Research Group
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2297-2303. doi:
Impact of Baseline Renal Function on the Efficacy and Safety of Aliskiren Added to Losartan in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Nephropathy
Frederik Persson, MD; Julia B. Lewis, MD; Edmund J. Lewis, MD; Peter Rossing, DMSC; Norman K. Hollenberg, PHD; Hans-Henrik Parving, DMSC; for the AVOID Study Investigators
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2304-2309. doi:
The Effect of Iron and Erythropoietin Treatment on the A1C of Patients With Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease
Jen M. Ng, MRCP; Michelle Cooke, BSC; Sunil Bhandari, PHD, FRCP; Stephen L. Atkin, PHD, FRCP; Eric S. Kilpatrick, MD, FRCPATH
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2310-2313. doi:
Use of a Shared Medical Record With Secure Messaging by Older Patients With Diabetes
William G. Weppner, MD, MPH; James D. Ralston, MD, MPH; Thomas D. Koepsell, MD, MPH; Lou C. Grothaus, MS; Robert J. Reid, MD, PHD; Luesa Jordan, BA; Eric B. Larson, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2314-2319. doi:
Prognostic Value of Gated Myocardial Perfusion Imaging for Asymptomatic Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: The J-ACCESS 2 investigation
Yoshimitsu Yamasaki, MD, PHD; Kenichi Nakajima, MD, PHD; Hideo Kusuoka, MD, PHD; Tohru Izumi, MD, PHD; Atsunori Kashiwagi, MD, PHD; Ryuzo Kawamori, MD, PHD; Kazuaki Shimamoto, MD, PHD; Nobuhiro Yamada, MD, PHD; Tsunehiko Nishimura, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2320-2326. doi:
Effect of Oral Sebacic Acid on Postprandial Glycemia, Insulinemia, and Glucose Rate of Appearance in Type 2 Diabetes
Amerigo Iaconelli, MD; Amalia Gastaldelli, PHD; Chiara Chiellini, PHD; Donatella Gniuli, MD; Angela Favuzzi, MD; Christophe Binnert, PHD; Katherine Macé, PHD; Geltrude Mingrone, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2327-2332. doi:
Supervised Walking Groups to Increase Physical Activity in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Carlo Negri, MD; Elisabetta Bacchi, MSC; Susanna Morgante, MD; Diego Soave, MSC; Alessandra Marques, MD; Elisabetta Menghini, MD; Michele Muggeo, MD; Enzo Bonora, MD, PHD; Paolo Moghetti, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2010, Vol.33, 2333-2335. doi:
Double Heterozygous Mutations Involving Both HNF1A/MODY3 and HNF4A/MODY1 Genes: A case report
Gabriele Forlani, MD; Stefano Zucchini, MD; Antonio Di Rocco, DSC; Raffaella Di Luzio, MD; Mirella Scipione, MD; Elena Marasco, DSC; Giovanni Romeo, MD; Giulio Marchesini, MD; Vilma Mantovani, DSC, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2336-2338. doi:
Overall Diet History and Reversibility of the Metabolic Syndrome Over 5 Years: The Whitehall II prospective cohort study
Tasnime N. Akbaraly, PHD; Archana Singh-Manoux, PHD; Adam G. Tabak, MD, PHD; Markus Jokela, PHD; Marianna Virtanen, PHD; Jane E. Ferrie, PHD; Michael G. Marmot, PHD; Martin J. Shipley, MSC; Mika Kivimaki, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 2339-2341. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Physical Activity, Adiposity, and Diabetes Risk in Middle-Aged and Older Chinese Population: The Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study
Li Qin, MSC; Eva Corpeleijn, PHD; Chaoqiang Jiang, MD; G. Neil Thomas, PHD; C. Mary Schooling, PHD; Weisen Zhang, MD; Kar Keung Cheng, PHD; Gabriel M. Leung, MD; Ronald P. Stolk, MD, PHD; Tai Hing Lam, MD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2342-2348. doi:
Acute Pancreatitis in Type 2 Diabetes Treated With Exenatide or Sitagliptin: A retrospective observational pharmacy claims analysis
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2349-2354. doi:
Prevalence, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Impaired Fasting Glucose and Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Nondiabetic U.S. Adults
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2355-2359. doi:
All-Cause Mortality Risk Among a National Sample of Individuals With Diabetes
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2360-2364. doi:
Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on Survival After Amputation in Individuals With Diabetes
Lawrence A. Lavery, DPM, MPH; Nathan A. Hunt, DPM; Agbor Ndip, MD; David C. Lavery, MS; William Van Houtum, MD, PHD; Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2365-2369. doi:
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Association of Fasting Glucose–Associated Genomic Loci With Fasting Glucose, HOMA-B, and Impaired Fasting Glucose in the U.S. Adult Population
Quanhe Yang, PHD; Tiebin Liu, MSPH; Peter Shrader, MS; Ajay Yesupriya, MPH; Man-huei Chang, MPH; Nicole F. Dowling, PHD; Renée M. Ned, MMSC, PHD; Josée Dupuis, PHD; Jose C. Florez, MD, PHD; Muin J. Khoury, MD, PHD; James B. Meigs, MD, MPH; the MAGIC Investigators
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2370-2377. doi:
Health-Related Quality of Life and Mortality in a General and Elderly Population of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes (ZODIAC-18)
Gijs W.D. Landman, MD; Kornelis J.J. van Hateren, MD; Nanne Kleefstra, MD, PHD; Klaas H. Groenier, PHD; Rijk O.B. Gans, MD, PHD; Henk J.G. Bilo, MD, PHD, FRCP
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2378-2382. doi:
Secular Trends in Treatment and Control of Type 2 Diabetes in an American Indian Population: A 30-Year Longitudinal Study
Helen C. Looker, MBBS; Jonathan Krakoff, MD; Vickie Andre, FNP; Kathy Kobus, FNP, CDE; Robert G. Nelson, MD, PHD; William C. Knowler, MD, DRPH; Robert L. Hanson, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2383-2389. doi:
Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome Among U.S. Workers
Evelyn P. Davila, PHD, MPH; Hermes Florez, MD, PHD, MPH; Lora E. Fleming, MD, PHD; David J. Lee, PHD; Elizabeth Goodman, MD; William G. LeBlanc, PHD; Alberto J. Caban-Martinez, MPH; Kristopher L. Arheart, EDD; Kathryn E. McCollister, PHD; Sharon L. Christ, PHD, MS, MA; John C. Clark, III, PHD; Tainya Clarke, MS, MPH
Diabetes Care June 2010, Vol.33, 2390-2395. doi:
Effect of Intrauterine Diabetes Exposure on the Incidence of End-Stage Renal Disease in Young Adults With Type 2 Diabetes
Meda E. Pavkov, MD, PHD; Robert L. Hanson, MD; William C. Knowler, MD, DRPH; Maurice L. Sievers, MD; Peter H. Bennett, MB, FRCP, FFPH; Robert G. Nelson, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2396-2398. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Safety and Efficacy of Ranibizumab in Diabetic Macular Edema (RESOLVE Study*): A 12-month, randomized, controlled, double-masked, multicenter phase II study
Pascale Massin, MD, PHD; Francesco Bandello, MD, FEBO; Justus G. Garweg, MD; Lutz L. Hansen, MD; Simon P. Harding, FRCOPHTH, MD; Michael Larsen, MD, DMSC; Paul Mitchell, MD, PHD; Dianne Sharp, FRANZCO; U.E.K. Wolf-Schnurrbusch, MD; Margarita Gekkieva, MD; Andreas Weichselberger, PHD; Sebastian Wolf, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2010, Vol.33, 2399-2405. doi:
Initial Combination Therapy With Alogliptin and Pioglitazone in Drug-Naïve Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Julio Rosenstock, MD; Silvio E. Inzucchi, MD; Jochen Seufert, MD, PHD; Penny R. Fleck, MT; Craig A. Wilson, PHD; Qais Mekki, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2406-2408. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Urine Proteome Analysis May Allow Noninvasive Differential Diagnosis of Diabetic Nephropathy
Massimo Papale, PHD; Salvatore Di Paolo, MD; Riccardo Magistroni, MD; Olga Lamacchia, MD; Anna Maria Di Palma, MD; Angela De Mattia, MD; Maria Teresa Rocchetti, PHD; Luciana Furci, MD; Sonia Pasquali, MD; Salvatore De Cosmo, MD; Mauro Cignarelli, MD; Loreto Gesualdo, MD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 2409-2415. doi:
Insulin Suppresses Endotoxin-Induced Oxidative, Nitrosative, and Inflammatory Stress in Humans
Paresh Dandona, MD, PHD; Husam Ghanim, PHD; Arindam Bandyopadhyay, MD; Kelly Korzeniewski, BSC; Chang Ling Sia, BSC; Sandeep Dhindsa, MD; Ajay Chaudhuri, MD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2416-2423. doi:
Pulsatile Stress in Middle-Aged Patients With Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Compared With Nondiabetic Control Subjects
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2424-2429. doi:
Type 1 Diabetic Drivers With and Without a History of Recurrent Hypoglycemia–Related Driving Mishaps: Physiological and performance differences during euglycemia and the induction of hypoglycemia
Daniel J. Cox, PHD; Boris P. Kovatchev, PHD; Stacey M. Anderson, MD; William L. Clarke, MD; Linda A. Gonder-Frederick, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2430-2435. doi:
Leptin Gene Epigenetic Adaptation to Impaired Glucose Metabolism During Pregnancy
Luigi Bouchard, PHD, MBA; Stéphanie Thibault, BSC; Simon-Pierre Guay, BSC; Marta Santure, PHD; Alexandre Monpetit, PHD; Julie St-Pierre, MD, PHD; Patrice Perron, MD, MSC; Diane Brisson, PHD, CCRP
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2436-2441. doi:
The Role of Blood Pressure Variability in the Development of Nephropathy in Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2442-2447. doi:
Importance of Time Spent Standing for Those at Risk of Diabetic Foot Ulceration
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2448-2450. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Mannose-Binding Lectin Genotype and Phenotype in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Myocardial Infarction: A report from the DIGAMI 2 trial
L.G. Mellbin, MD, PHD; A. Hamsten, MD, PHD; K. Malmberg, MD, PHD; R. Steffensen, PHD; L. Rydén, MD, PHD; J. Öhrvik, PHD; T.K. Hansen, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2451-2456. doi:
Age and Sex Differences in the Clustering of Metabolic Syndrome Factors: Association with mortality risk
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2457-2461. doi:
Association Between Higher Serum Fetuin-A Concentrations and Abnormal Albuminuria in Middle-Aged and Elderly Chinese With Normal Glucose Tolerance
Mian Li, MD; Min Xu, PHD; Yufang Bi, MD; Aiyun Song, MD; Yu Liu, MD; Xiaoying Li, MD, PHD; Guang Ning, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2462-2464. doi:
Neck Circumference Positively Related With Central Obesity, Overweight, and Metabolic Syndrome in Chinese Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes: Beijing Community Diabetes Study 4
Guang-ran Yang, MM; Shen-yuan Yuan, MB; Han-jing Fu, MM; Gang Wan, MM; Liang-xiang Zhu, MB; Xiang-lei Bu, MB; Jian-dong Zhang, MB; Xue-ping Du, MB; Yu-ling Li, MB; Yu Ji, MB; Xiao-ning Gu, MB; Yue Li, MB; Beijing Community Diabetes Study Group
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2465-2467. doi:
Prothrombotic State, Cardiovascular, and Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Prepubertal Children Born Large for Gestational Age
Eleni N. Evagelidou, MD; Vasileios I. Giapros, MD; Anna S. Challa, PHD; Vasileios K. Cholevas, PHD; Georgios A. Vartholomatos, PHD; Ekaterini C. Siomou, MD; Nikolaos I. Kolaitis, MD; Eleni T. Bairaktari, PHD; Styliani K. Andronikou, MD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2468-2470. doi:
Serum Uric Acid Predicts Progression of Subclinical Coronary Atherosclerosis in Individuals Without Renal Disease
Ticiana C. Rodrigues, MD, PHD; David M. Maahs, MD; Richard J. Johnson, MD; Diana I. Jalal, MD; Gregory L. Kinney, MPH; Christopher Rivard, PHD; Marian Rewers, MD, MPH, PHD; Janet K. Snell-Bergeon, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2471-2473. doi:
Black-White Divergence in the Relation of White Blood Cell Count to Metabolic Syndrome in Preadolescents, Adolescents, and Young Adults: The Bogalusa Heart Study
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2474-2476. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes: A meta-analysis
Vasanti S. Malik, SCD; Barry M. Popkin, PHD; George A. Bray, MD; Jean-Pierre Després, PHD; Walter C. Willett, MD, DRPH; Frank B. Hu, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2477-2483. doi:
Perspectives on the News
Cardiovascular Disease and Glycemic Treatment
Diabetes Care November 2010, Vol.33, e134-e139. doi:
Online Letters: Observations
Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes Has Doubled in Rome and the Lazio Region in the 0- to 14-Year Age-Group: A 6-Year Prospective Study (2004–2009)
Carla Bizzarri, MD; Patrizia Ippolita Patera, MD; Claudia Arnaldi, MD; Stefano Petrucci, MD; Maria Luisa Manca Bitti, MD; Raffaella Scrocca, MD; Silvia Manfrini, MD; Rosalba Portuesi, MD; Raffaella Buzzetti, MD; Marco Cappa, MD; Paolo Pozzilli, MD; the Immunotherapy Diabetes (IMDIAB) Group
Diabetes Care November 2010, Vol.33, e140. doi:
Type 1 Diabetes Caused by Interferon α-2α in Polycythemia Vera Therapy
Xian-Ling Wang, MD; Yi-Ming Mu, MD; Zhao-Hui Lu, MD; Ju-Ming Lu, MD; Jing-Tao Dou, MD; Chang-Yu Pan, MD
Diabetes Care November 2010, Vol.33, e141. doi:
Altered Sleep Patterns in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: Implications for Insulin Regimen
Diabetes Care November 2010, Vol.33, e142. doi:
Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis Is Lower in Subjects With Higher Levels of Fasting Plasma Glucose
Diabetes Care November 2010, Vol.33, e143. doi:
Multiuse 10-g Monofilament Contamination
Anne M. Sharkey, DPM; Adam Goldkind, DPM; Raymond Yong, DPM; William Chagares, DPM; James S. Wrobel, DPM, MS
Diabetes Care November 2010, Vol.33, e144. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Simplifying the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Diagnostic Algorithm Using Fasting Plasma Glucose: Comment on Agarwal, Dhatt, and Shah
Masoud Mahdavian, MD, MSC; Marie-France Hivert, MD, MMSC; Jean-Patrice Baillargeon, MD, MSC; Julie Menard, PHD; Annie Ouellet, MD; Jean-Luc Ardilouze, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2010, Vol.33, e145. doi: