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December 2010
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Original Research
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Metabolic Syndrome, Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Cognition
Margherita Cavalieri, MD; Stefan Ropele, PHD; Katja Petrovic, MSC; Aga Pluta-Fuerst, MPHIL; Nina Homayoon, MD; Christian Enzinger, MD; Anja Grazer, MD; Petra Katschnig, MD; Petra Schwingenschuh, MD; Andrea Berghold, PHD; Reinhold Schmidt, MD
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2489-2495. doi:
Glulisine Versus Human Regular Insulin in Combination With Glargine in Noncritically Ill Hospitalized Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A randomized double-blind study
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2496-2501. doi:
Dose-Dependent Delay of the Hypoglycemic Effect of Short-Acting Insulin Analogs in Obese Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes: A pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study
Maude Gagnon-Auger, MSC; Patrick du Souich, MD, PHD; Jean-Patrice Baillargeon, MD, MSC; Elisabeth Martin, MSC; Pascal Brassard, PHD; Julie Ménard, PHD; Jean-Luc Ardilouze, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2502-2507. doi:
Prognostic Performance of Metabolic Indexes in Predicting Onset of Type 1 Diabetes
Ping Xu, MPH; Yougui Wu, PHD; Yiliang Zhu, PHD; Getachew Dagne, PHD; Giffe Johnson, PHD; David Cuthbertson, MS; Jeffrey P. Krischer, PHD; Jay M. Sosenko, MD; Jay S. Skyler, MD; on behalf of the Diabetes Prevention Trial–Type 1 (DPT-1) Study Group
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2508-2513. doi:
Effectiveness of a Regional Prepregnancy Care Program in Women With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Benefits beyond glycemic control
Helen R. Murphy, MD; Jonathan M Roland, DM; Timothy C. Skinner, PHD; David Simmons, MD; Eleanor Gurnell, MD; Nicholas J. Morrish, MD; Shiu-Ching Soo, FRCP; Suzannah Kelly, RM; Boon Lim, FRCOG; Joanne Randall, FRCP; Sarah Thompsett, RGN; Rosemary C. Temple, FRCP
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2514-2520. doi:
Menarchal Timing in Type 1 Diabetes Through the Last 4 Decades
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2521-2523. doi:
Clinical Outcomes of Pregnancies Complicated by Mild Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Differ by Combinations of Abnormal Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Values
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2524-2530. doi:
Comparison of Outcomes Following Thrombolytic Therapy Among Patients With Prior Stroke and Diabetes in the Virtual International Stroke Trials Archive (VISTA)
Nishant Kumar Mishra, MBBS; Stephen M. Davis, MD, FRCP, EDIN, FRACP; Markku Kaste, MD, PHD, FAHA, FESO; Kennedy R. Lees, MD, FRCP, FESO, FRSE; for the VISTA Collaboration
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2531-2537. doi:
The Influence of Glycemic Control on the Prognosis of Japanese Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty for Critical Limb Ischemia
Mitsuyoshi Takahara, MD; Hideaki Kaneto, MD, PHD; Osamu Iida, MD; Shin-ichi Gorogawa, MD, PHD; Naoto Katakami, MD, PHD; Taka-aki Matsuoka, MD, PHD; Masahiko Ikeda, MD, PHD; Iichiro Shimomura, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2538-2542. doi:
Implementing a State-Based Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Prevention Program
Karl K. Vanderwood, MPH; Taryn O. Hall, MPH; Todd S. Harwell, MPH; Marcene K. Butcher, RD, CDE; Steven D. Helgerson, MD, MPH; on behalf of the Montana Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Prevention Program Workgroup
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2543-2545. doi:
Effects of Thyroid Hormone on A1C and Glycated Albumin Levels in Nondiabetic Subjects With Overt Hypothyroidism
Mee Kyoung Kim, MD; Hyuk Sang Kwon, MD, PHD; Ki-Hyun Baek, MD, PHD; Je Hoon Lee, MD, PHD; Woo Chan Park, MD, PHD; Hyung Sun Sohn, MD, PHD; Kwang-Woo Lee, MD, PHD; Ki-Ho Song, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2546-2548. doi:
Antidepressant Medicine Use and Risk of Developing Diabetes During the Diabetes Prevention Program and Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study
Richard R. Rubin, PHD; Yong Ma, MS; Mark Peyrot, PHD; David G. Marrero, PHD; David W. Price, MD; Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, MD; William C. Knowler, MD, DRPH; for the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2549-2551. doi:
Utilizing the Second-Meal Effect in Type 2 Diabetes: Practical Use of a Soya-Yogurt Snack
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2552-2554. doi:
Aerobic Exercise Capacity and Pulmonary Function in Athletes With and Without Type 1 Diabetes
William R. Komatsu, MS; Turibio L. Barros Neto, MD, PHD; Antonio R. Chacra, MD, PHD; Sergio A. Dib, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2555-2557. doi:
Patient Age, Ethnicity, Medical History, and Risk Factor Profile, but Not Drug Insurance Coverage, Predict Successful Attainment of Glycemic Targets: Time 2 Do More Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (T2DM QUERI)
Hwee Teoh, PHD; Manoela F.B. Braga, MD, MSC; Amparo Casanova, MD, PHD; Denis Drouin, MD; Shaun G. Goodman, MD, MSC; Stewart B. Harris, MD; Anatoly Langer, MD, MSC; Mary K. Tan, BSC; Ehud Ur, MB; Andrew T. Yan, MD; Bernard Zinman, MD; Lawrence A. Leiter, MD; on behalf of the T2DM QUERI Investigators
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2558-2560. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Osteoprotegerin and Mortality in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Henrik Reinhard, MD; Maria Lajer, PHD; Mari-Anne Gall, DMSC; Lise Tarnow, DMSC; Hans-Henrik Parving, DMSC; Lars M. Rasmussen, DMSC; Peter Rossing, DMSC
Diabetes Care October 2010, Vol.33, 2561-2566. doi:
Smoking and Risk for Diabetes Incidence and Mortality in Korean Men and Women
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2567-2572. doi:
All-Cause Mortality Trends in a Large Population-Based Cohort With Long-Standing Childhood-Onset Type 1 Diabetes: The Allegheny County Type 1 Diabetes Registry
Aaron M. Secrest, PHD; Dorothy J. Becker, MBBCH; Sheryl F. Kelsey, PHD; Ronald E. LaPorte, PHD; Trevor J. Orchard, MBBCH, MMEDSCI
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2573-2579. doi:
Acute Pancreatitis in Association With Type 2 Diabetes and Antidiabetic Drugs: A population-based cohort study
Antonio Gonzalez-Perez, BPHARM, MSC; Raymond G. Schlienger, PHD, MPH; Luis A. García Rodríguez, MD, MSC
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2580-2585. doi:
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Alone in the Absence of Subsequent Diabetes Is Associated With Microalbuminuria: Results from the Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP)
Andrew S. Bomback, MD, MPH; Yelena Rekhtman, MD; Adam T. Whaley-Connell, DO, MSPH; Abhijit V. Kshirsagar, MD, MPH; James R. Sowers, MD; Shu-Cheng Chen, MS; Suying Li, PHD; Kavitha M. Chinnaiyan, MD; George L. Bakris, MD; Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2586-2591. doi:
Changes in the Incidence of Lower Extremity Amputations in Individuals With and Without Diabetes in England Between 2004 and 2008
Eszter P. Vamos, MD, PHD; Alex Bottle, MSC, PHD; Michael E. Edmonds, FRCP; Jonathan Valabhji, MD, FRCP; Azeem Majeed, MD, FRCGP; Christopher Millett, PHD, FFPH
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2592-2597. doi:
Fewer Major Amputations Among Individuals With Diabetes in Finland in 1997–2007: A population-based study
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2598-2603. doi:
Magnesium Intake in Relation to Systemic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, and the Incidence of Diabetes
Dae Jung Kim, MD; Pengcheng Xun, MD, PHD; Kiang Liu, PHD; Catherine Loria, PHD; Kuninobu Yokota, MD, PHD; David R. Jacobs, Jr, PHD; Ka He, MD, SCD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2604-2610. doi:
Antidepressant Medication Use, Weight Gain, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A population-based study
Mika Kivimäki, PHD; Mark Hamer, PHD; G. David Batty, PHD; John R. Geddes, MD, FRCPSYCH; Adam G. Tabak, MD, PHD; Jaana Pentti, MSC; Marianna Virtanen, PHD; Jussi Vahtera, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2611-2616. doi:
Medical Expenditures Associated With Diabetes Acute Complications in Privately Insured U.S. Youth
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2617-2622. doi:
Preterm Birth—A Risk Factor for Type 2 Diabetes?: The Helsinki Birth Cohort Study
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2623-2625. doi:
A1C and Diabetes Diagnosis Among Filipino Americans, Japanese Americans, and Native Hawaiians
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2626-2628. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Diabetic Neuropathy: A cross-sectional study of the relationships among tests of neurophysiology
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2629-2634. doi:
Vibration Perception Threshold as a Measure of Distal Symmetrical Peripheral Neuropathy in Type 1 Diabetes: Results from the DCCT/EDIC study
Catherine L. Martin, MS; Barbara H. Waberski, MS; Rodica Pop-Busui, MD, PHD; Patricia A. Cleary, MS; Sarah Catton, RN; James W. Albers, MD, PHD; Eva L. Feldman, MD, PHD; William H. Herman, MD, MPH; on behalf of the DCCT/EDIC Research Group
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2635-2641. doi:
Rates and Determinants of Coronary and Abdominal Aortic Artery Calcium Progression in the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT)
Aramesh Saremi, MD; Thomas E. Moritz, MS; Robert J. Anderson, PHD; Carlos Abraira, MD; William C. Duckworth, MD; Peter D. Reaven, MD; on behalf of the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT)
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2642-2647. doi:
Low Peripheral Nerve Conduction Velocities and Amplitudes Are Strongly Related to Diabetic Microvascular Complications in Type 1 Diabetes: The EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study
Morten Charles, MD; Sabita S. Soedamah-Muthu, PHD; Solomon Tesfaye, MD; John H. Fuller, FRCP; Joseph C. Arezzo, PHD; Nishi Chaturvedi, MD; Daniel R. Witte, PHD; EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study Investigators
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2648-2653. doi:
Pathophysiology of Neuropathic Pain in Type 2 Diabetes: Skin denervation and contact heat–evoked potentials
Chi-Chao Chao, MD; Ming-Tsung Tseng, MD, PHD; Ya-Ju Lin, MD; Wei-Shiung Yang, MD, PHD; Song-Chou Hsieh, MD, PHD; Yea-Huey Lin, BS; Ming-Jang Chiu, MD, PHD; Yang-Chyuan Chang, MD; Sung-Tsang Hsieh, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2654-2659. doi:
Impaired Fasting Glucose in Cystic Fibrosis
Brigitte I. Frohnert, MD, PHD; Katie Larson Ode, MD; Antoinette Moran, MD; Brandon M. Nathan, MD; Theresa Laguna, MD; Bonnie Holme, BS; William Thomas, PHD
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2660-2664. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Sagittal Abdominal Diameter Is a Strong Anthropometric Measure of Visceral Adipose Tissue in the Asian General Population
Jeong Yoon Yim, MD, PHD; Donghee Kim, MD, PHD; Seon Hee Lim, MD, PHD; Min Jeong Park, MD, PHD; Seung Ho Choi, MD; Chang Hyun Lee, MD, PHD; Sun Sin Kim, MD, PHD; Sang-Heon Cho, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care September 2010, Vol.33, 2665-2670. doi:
Differences in Cardiovascular Risk Profile of Diabetic Subjects Discordantly Classified by Diagnostic Criteria Based on Glycated Hemoglobin and Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
Mauro Boronat, PHD; Pedro Saavedra, PHD; Laura López-Ríos, PHD; Marta Riaño, MD; Ana M. Wägner, PHD; Francisco J. Nóvoa, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2671-2673. doi:
Fasting and 2-Hour Plasma Glucose and Insulin: Relationship with risk factors for cardiovascular disease in overweight nondiabetic children
Ingrid M. Libman, MD, PHD; Emma Barinas-Mitchell, PHD; Andrea Bartucci, MD; Diego Chaves-Gnecco, MD; Robert Robertson, PHD; Silva Arslanian, MD
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2674-2676. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Prognostic Implications of Cystic Fibrosis–Related Diabetes: A technical review
Antoinette Moran, MD; Dorothy Becker, MD; Samuel J. Casella, MD; Peter A. Gottlieb, MD; M. Sue Kirkman, MD; Bruce C. Marshall, MD; Bonnie Slovis, MD; the CFRD Consensus Conference Committee
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2677-2683. doi:
Interactions of Dietary Whole-Grain Intake With Fasting Glucose– and Insulin-Related Genetic Loci in Individuals of European Descent: A meta-analysis of 14 cohort studies
Jennifer A. Nettleton, PHD; Nicola M. McKeown, PHD; Stavroula Kanoni, PHD; Rozenn N. Lemaitre, PHD; Marie-France Hivert, MD; Julius Ngwa, MS; Frank J.A. van Rooij, DSC; Emily Sonestedt, PHD; Mary K. Wojczynski, PHD; Zheng Ye, PHD; Tosh Tanaka, PHD; the CHARGE Whole Grain Foods Study Group
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 2684-2691. doi:
Position Statement Executive Summary
Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes: The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association: joint position statement executive summary
Sheri R. Colberg, PHD, FACSM; Ronald J. Sigal, MD, MPH, FRCP(C); Bo Fernhall, PHD, FACSM; Judith G. Regensteiner, PHD; Bryan J. Blissmer, PHD; Richard R. Rubin, PHD; Lisa Chasan-Taber, SCD, FACSM; Ann L. Albright, PHD, RD; Barry Braun, PHD, FACSM
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2692-2696. doi:
Position Statement
Clinical Care Guidelines for Cystic Fibrosis–Related Diabetes: A position statement of the American Diabetes Association and a clinical practice guideline of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, endorsed by the Pediatric Endocrine Society
Antoinette Moran, MD; Carol Brunzell, RD, LD, CDE; Richard C. Cohen, MD; Marcia Katz, MD; Bruce C. Marshall, MD; Gary Onady, MD, PHD; Karen A. Robinson, PHD; Kathryn A. Sabadosa, MPH; Arlene Stecenko, MD; Bonnie Slovis, MD; the CFRD Guidelines Committee
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2697-2708. doi:
Considering Options for Attenuating Postmeal Glucose Excursions
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2709-2710. doi:
Obesity in Children and Future Cardiometabolic Risk: Are blood tests necessary?
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2711-2712. doi:
Prepregnancy Care: A Shared Responsibility
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2713-2715. doi:
Clinical Care Guidelines: Too Much of a Good Thing?
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2716-2718. doi:
Point / Counterpoint
Point: Intensive Glycemic Control and Mortality in ACCORD—A Chance Finding?
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2719-2721. doi:
Counterpoint: Intensive Glucose Control and Mortality in ACCORD—Still Looking for Clues
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, 2722-2724. doi:
Position Statement
Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes: The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association: joint position statement
Sheri R. Colberg, PHD, FACSM; Ronald J. Sigal, MD, MPH, FRCP(C); Bo Fernhall, PHD, FACSM; Judith G. Regensteiner, PHD; Bryan J. Blissmer, PHD; Richard R. Rubin, PHD; Lisa Chasan-Taber, SCD, FACSM; Ann L. Albright, PHD, RD; Barry Braun, PHD, FACSM
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, e147-e167. doi:
Perspectives on the News
Bariatric Surgery, Exercise, and Inpatient Glycemia Treatment: The American Diabetes Association's 57th Annual Advanced Postgraduate Course
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, e168-e172. doi:
Online Letters: Observations
Relationship Between Short Stature and Postchallenge Glycemia in Pregnancy
Simone Kew, BSC; Ying Qi, MSC; Mathew Sermer, MD; Philip W. Connelly, PHD; Anthony J.G. Hanley, PHD; Bernard Zinman, MD; Ravi Retnakaran, MD
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, e173. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Screening for Diabetes and Prediabetes With Proposed A1C-Based Diagnostic Criteria: Comment on Olson et al.
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, e174. doi:
Screening for Diabetes and Prediabetes With Proposed A1C-Based Diagnostic Criteria: Response to Buse
Darin E. Olson, MD, PHD; Mary K. Rhee, MD; Kirsten Herrick, MSC; David C. Ziemer, MD; Jennifer G. Twombly, MD, PHD; Lawrence S. Phillips, MD
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, e175. doi:
The Importance of Caloric Restriction in the Early Improvements in Insulin Sensitivity After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery: Comment on Isbell et al.
Diabetes Care December 2010, Vol.33, e176. doi: