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July 2010
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Original Research
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Day-to-Day Variation of Insulin Requirements of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and End-Stage Renal Disease Undergoing Maintenance Hemodialysis
Eugene Sobngwi, MD, PHD; Sostanie Enoru, MD; Gloria Ashuntantang, MD; Marcel Azabji-Kenfack, MD; Mesmin Dehayem, MD; Arnold Onana, MD; Daniel Biwole, MD; François Kaze, MD; Jean-François Gautier, MD, PHD; Jean-Claude Mbanya, MD, PHD, FRCP
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1409-1412. doi:
Potential Additional Effect of Omentectomy on Metabolic Syndrome, Acute-Phase Reactants, and Inflammatory Mediators in Grade III Obese Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: A randomized trial
Miguel F. Herrera, MD, PHD; Juan Pablo Pantoja, MD; David Velázquez-Fernández, MD, PHD; Javier Cabiedes, PHD; Carlos Aguilar-Salinas, MD; Eduardo García-García, MD; Alfredo Rivas, MD; Christian Villeda, MD; Diego F. Hernández-Ramírez, MSC; Andrea Dávila, MD; Aarón Zaraín, MD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1413-1418. doi:
Effectiveness of Removable Walker Cast Versus Nonremovable Fiberglass Off-Bearing Cast in the Healing of Diabetic Plantar Foot Ulcer: A randomized controlled trial
Ezio Faglia, MD; Carlo Caravaggi, MD; Giacomo Clerici, MD; Adriana Sganzaroli, MD; Vincenzo Curci, MD; Wanda Vailati, RN; Daniele Simonetti, DPM; Francesco Sommalvico, PHD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1419-1423. doi:
Glycemic Control, Coping, and Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: A cross-lagged longitudinal approach
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1424-1429. doi:
The Importance of Caloric Restriction in the Early Improvements in Insulin Sensitivity After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery
James M. Isbell, MD, MSCI; Robyn A. Tamboli, PHD; Erik N. Hansen, MD, MPH; Jabbar Saliba, MD; Julia P. Dunn, MD; Sharon E. Phillips, MSPH; Pamela A. Marks-Shulman, MS, RD; Naji N. Abumrad, MD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1438-1442. doi:
No Effect of the 1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 on β-Cell Residual Function and Insulin Requirement in Adults With New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes
Markus Walter, MD; Thomas Kaupper, MD; Kerstin Adler, PHD; Johannes Foersch; Ezio Bonifacio, PHD; Anette-G. Ziegler, MD
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1443-1448. doi:
Estimated Average Glucose and Self-Monitored Mean Blood Glucose Are Discordant Estimates of Glycemic Control
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1449-1451. doi:
Improving Diabetes Care Among Patients Overdue for Recommended Testing: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Automated Telephone Outreach
Steven R. Simon, MD, MPH; Connie Mah Trinacty, PHD; Stephen B. Soumerai, SCD; John D. Piette, PHD; James B. Meigs, MD, MPH; Ping Shi, MA; Arthur Ensroth, MPH; Dennis Ross-Degnan, SCD
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1452-1453. doi:
Dietary Intake of Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic Acid and Diabetic Nephropathy: Cohort Analysis of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1454-1456. doi:
Prevention of Gestational Diabetes: Feasibility issues for an exercise intervention in obese pregnant women
Leonie K. Callaway, FRACP, PHD; Paul B. Colditz, FRACP, FRCPCH, PHD; Nuala M. Byrne, PHD; Barbara E. Lingwood, MSC, PHD; Ingrid J. Rowlands, PHD; Katie Foxcroft, RN; H. David McIntyre, FRACP; for the BAMBINO Group
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1457-1459. doi:
Diabetic Foot Prevention: A neglected opportunity in high-risk patients
Lawrence A. Lavery, DPM; Nathan A. Hunt, DPM; Javier LaFontaine, DPM; Cory L. Baxter, DPM; Agbor Ndip, MD; Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1460-1462. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Racial Disparities in Health Status: A comparison of the morbidity among American Indian and U.S. adults with diabetes
Joan O'Connell, PHD; Rong Yi, PHD; Charlton Wilson, MD, FACP; Spero M. Manson, PHD; Kelly J. Acton, MD, MPH, FACP
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1463-1470. doi:
Antidepressant Use Before and After the Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes: A longitudinal modeling study
Mika Kivimäki, PHD; Adam G. Tabák, MD, PHD; Debbie A. Lawlor, MD, PHD; G. David Batty, PHD; Archana Singh-Manoux, PHD; Markus Jokela, PHD; Marianna Virtanen, PHD; Paula Salo, PHD; Tuula Oksanen, PHD; Jaana Pentti, MSC; Daniel R. Witte, MD, PHD; Jussi Vahtera, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1471-1476. doi:
Maternal Family History of Diabetes Is Associated With a Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Women With Type 2 Diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study
David G. Bruce, MD; Kylie Van Minnen, BHlthSc; Wendy A. Davis, PHD; Jaspreet Mudhar, MBBS; Michael Perret, MBBS; Dayani P. Subawickrama, MBBS; Stephanie Venkitachalam, MBBS; David Ravine, PHD; Timothy M.E. Davis, DPHIL
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1477-1483. doi:
Screening Adults for Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes May Be Cost-Saving
Ranee Chatterjee, MD, MPH; K.M. Venkat Narayan, MD, MSC, MBA; Joseph Lipscomb, PHD; Lawrence S. Phillips, MD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1484-1490. doi:
Diabetes and the Severity of Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Infection
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1491-1493. doi:
Is the Recent Rise in Type 2 Diabetes Incidence From 1984 to 2007 Explained by the Trend in Increasing BMI?: Evidence from a prospective study of British men
Sarah L. Hardoon, MSC; Richard W. Morris, PHD; Mary C. Thomas, MSC; S. Goya Wannamethee, PHD, FFPH; Lucy T. Lennon, MSC; Peter H. Whincup, PHD, FRCP
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1494-1496. doi:
Prevalence and Determinant Factors of Sarcopenia in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: The Korean Sarcopenic Obesity Study (KSOS)
Tae Nyun Kim, MD; Man Sik Park, PHD; Sae Jeong Yang, MD; Hye Jin Yoo, MD; Hyun Joo Kang, PHD; Wook Song, PHD; Ji A. Seo, MD; Sin Gon Kim, MD; Nan Hee Kim, MD; Sei Hyun Baik, MD; Dong Seop Choi, MD; Kyung Mook Choi, MD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1497-1499. doi:
Age-Related Differences in the Frequency of Ketoacidosis at Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents
Anne Hekkala, MD; Antti Reunanen, MD, PHD; Matti Koski, MSC; Mikael Knip, MD, PHD; Riitta Veijola, MD, PHD; for the Finnish Pediatric Diabetes Register
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1500-1502. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Randomized Clinical Trial of Quick-Release Bromocriptine Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes on Overall Safety and Cardiovascular Outcomes
J. Michael Gaziano, MD, MPH; Anthony H. Cincotta, PHD; Christopher M. O'Connor, MD; Michael Ezrokhi, PHD; Dean Rutty, MSC; Z.J. Ma, PHD; Richard E. Scranton, MD, MPH
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1503-1508. doi:
Further Improvement in Postprandial Glucose Control With Addition of Exenatide or Sitagliptin to Combination Therapy With Insulin Glargine and Metformin: A proof-of-concept study
Sabine Arnolds, MD; Sibylle Dellweg, MD; Janina Clair, MD; Marie-Paule Dain, MD; Michael A. Nauck, MD; Klaus Rave, MD; Christoph Kapitza, MD
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1509-1515. doi:
The 11-β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 Inhibitor INCB13739 Improves Hyperglycemia in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Inadequately Controlled by Metformin Monotherapy
Julio Rosenstock, MD; Salomon Banarer, MD; Vivian A. Fonseca, MD; Silvio E. Inzucchi, MD; William Sun, PHD; Wenqing Yao, PHD; Gregory Hollis, PHD; Robert Flores, BSN; Richard Levy, MD; William V. Williams, MD; Jonathan R. Seckl, MD; Reid Huber, PHD; for the INCB13739-202 Principal Investigators
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1516-1522. doi:
Infliximab for Diabetic Macular Edema Refractory to Laser Photocoagulation: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover, 32-week study
Petros P. Sfikakis, MD; Vlassis Grigoropoulos, MD; Ioannis Emfietzoglou, MD; George Theodossiadis, MD; Nicholas Tentolouris, MD; Evi Delicha, PHD; Christina Katsiari, MD; Kleopatra Alexiadou, MD; Erifili Hatziagelaki, MD; Panayiotis G. Theodossiadis, MD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1523-1528. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Effects of Acute Hypoglycemia on Inflammatory and Pro-atherothrombotic Biomarkers in Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes and Healthy Individuals
Nino Gogitidze Joy, MD; Maka S. Hedrington, MD; Vanessa J. Briscoe, PHD, NP; Donna B. Tate, MS; Andrew C. Ertl, PHD; Stephen N. Davis, MD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1529-1535. doi:
Development and Progression of Renal Insufficiency With and Without Albuminuria in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial and the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Study
Mark E. Molitch, MD; Michael Steffes, MD, PHD; Wanjie Sun, MS; Brandy Rutledge, PHD; Patricia Cleary, MS; Ian H. de Boer, MD, MS; Bernard Zinman, MD; John Lachin, SCD; for the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) Study Group
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1536-1543. doi:
A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in STK11 Influences Insulin Sensitivity and Metformin Efficacy in Hyperinsulinemic Girls With Androgen Excess
Abel López-Bermejo, MD; Marta Díaz, MD, PHD; Erica Morán, PHD; Francis de Zegher, MD, PHD; Lourdes Ibáñez, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1544-1548. doi:
Prediction of Incident Diabetic Neuropathy Using the Monofilament Examination: A 4-year prospective study
Bruce A. Perkins, MD, MPH; Andrej Orszag, MD; Mylan Ngo, RRT; Eduardo Ng, MD; Patti New, MD; Vera Bril, MD
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1549-1554. doi:
Dose-Response Effects of Insulin Glargine in Type 2 Diabetes
Zhihui Wang, MD; Maka S. Hedrington, MD; Nino Gogitidze Joy, MD; Vanessa J. Briscoe, PHD, NP; M. Antoinette Richardson, RN; Lisa Younk, BS; Wendell Nicholson, BS; Donna B. Tate, MS; Stephen N. Davis, MBBS
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1555-1560. doi:
Improved Pancreatic β-Cell Function in Type 2 Diabetic Patients After Lifestyle-Induced Weight Loss Is Related to Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide
Thomas P.J. Solomon, PHD; Jacob M. Haus, PHD; Karen R. Kelly, PHD; Michael Rocco, MD; Sangeeta R. Kashyap, MD; John P. Kirwan, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1561-1566. doi:
Partial Sleep Restriction Decreases Insulin Sensitivity in Type 1 Diabetes
Esther Donga, MD; Marieke van Dijk, MD; J. Gert van Dijk, MD, PHD; Nienke R. Biermasz, MD, PHD; Gert-Jan Lammers, MD, PHD; Klaas van Kralingen, MD, PHD; Roel P.L.M. Hoogma, MD, PHD; Eleonora P.M. Corssmit, MD, PHD; Johannes A. Romijn, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1573-1577. doi:
Effects of Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction on Mortality Risk in the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) Trial
Rodica Pop-Busui, MD, PHD; Gregory W. Evans, MA; Hertzel C. Gerstein, MD, MSC; Vivian Fonseca, MD; Jerome L. Fleg, MD; Byron J. Hoogwerf, MD; Saul Genuth, MD; Richard H. Grimm, MD, PHD; Marshall A. Corson, MD; Ronald Prineas, MD; the ACCORD Study Group
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1578-1584. doi:
Painful Diabetic Neuropathy Is Associated With Greater Autonomic Dysfunction Than Painless Diabetic Neuropathy
Rajiv A. Gandhi, MRCP; Jefferson L.B. Marques, PHD; Dinesh Selvarajah, MRCP; Celia J. Emery, PHD; Solomon Tesfaye, MD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1585-1590. doi:
Effects of Acute Insulin-Induced Hypoglycemia on Indices of Inflammation: Putative mechanism for aggravating vascular disease in diabetes
Rohana J. Wright, MRCP; David E. Newby, PHD; David Stirling, PHD; Christopher A. Ludlam, PHD; Ian A. Macdonald, PHD; Brian M. Frier, MD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1591-1597. doi:
A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial on Benfotiamine Treatment in Patients With Diabetic Nephropathy
Alaa Alkhalaf, MD; Astrid Klooster, BSC; Willem van Oeveren, PHD; Ulrike Achenbach, PHD; Nanne Kleefstra, MD; Robbert J. Slingerland, PHD; G. Sophie Mijnhout, MD, PHD; Henk J.G. Bilo, MD, PHD, FRCP; Reinold O.B. Gans, MD, PHD; Gerjan J. Navis, MD, PHD; Stephan J.L. Bakker, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1598-1601. doi:
Midfoot and Hindfoot Bone Marrow Edema Identified By Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Feet of Subjects With Diabetes and Neuropathic Ulceration Is Common but of Unknown Clinical Significance
Chandani Thorning, FRCR; Wladyslaw M.W. Gedroyc, FRCR; Philippa A. Tyler, FRCR; Elizabeth A. Dick, FRCR; Elaine Hui, MRCP; Jonathan Valabhji, MD, FRCP
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1602-1603. doi:
Copeptin, IGFBP-1, and Cardiovascular Prognosis in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Acute Myocardial Infarction: A report from the DIGAMI 2 trial
Linda G. Mellbin, MD; Lars Rydén, MD, PHD; Kerstin Brismar, MD, PHD; Nils G. Morgenthaler, MD, PHD; John Öhrvik, PHD; Sergiu B. Catrina, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1604-1606. doi:
The Oral Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor Sitagliptin Increases Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Possible role of stromal-derived factor-1α
Gian Paolo Fadini, MD; Elisa Boscaro, BSC; Mattia Albiero, PHD; Lisa Menegazzo, BSC; Vera Frison, MD; Saula de Kreutzenberg, MD, PHD; Carlo Agostini, MD; Antonio Tiengo, MD; Angelo Avogaro, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2010, Vol.33, 1607-1609. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Leisure-Time Physical Activity and the Metabolic Syndrome in the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study
Pirjo Ilanne-Parikka, MD; David E. Laaksonen, MD, PHD, MPH; Johan G. Eriksson, MD, PHD; Timo A. Lakka, MD, PHD; Jaanaöm Lindstr, PHD; Markku Peltonen, PHD; Sirkka Aunola, PHD; Sirkka Keinánen-Kiukaanniemi, MD, PHD; Matti Uusitupa, MD, PHD; Jaakko Tuomilehto, MD, PHD; On behalf of the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study Group
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1610-1617. doi:
Association of Testosterone and Sex Hormone–Binding Globulin With Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance in Men
Chaoyang Li, MD, PHD; Earl S. Ford, MD, MPH; Benyi Li, MD, PHD; Wayne H. Giles, MD, MS; Simin Liu, MD, SCD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1618-1624. doi:
Pioglitazone Decreases Plasma Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Mass, Associated With a Decrease in Hepatic Triglyceride Content, in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Jacqueline T. Jonker, MD; Yanan Wang, MSC; Willeke de Haan, PHD; Michaela Diamant, MD, PHD; Luuk J. Rijzewijk, MD; Rutger W. van der Meer, MD, PHD; Hildo J. Lamb, MD, PHD; Jouke T. Tamsma, MD, PHD; Albert de Roos, MD, PHD; Johannes A. Romijn, MD, PHD; Patrick C.N. Rensen, PHD; Johannes W.A. Smit, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2010, Vol.33, 1625-1628. doi:
Ethnic Variation in Adiponectin and Leptin Levels and Their Association With Adiposity and Insulin Resistance
Andrew Mente, PHD; Fahad Razak, BENG, MSC; Stefan Blankenberg, MD; Vlad Vuksan, PHD; A. Darlene Davis, RN; Ruby Miller, RN; Koon Teo, MBBCH, PHD; Hertzel Gerstein, MD, MSC; Arya M. Sharma, MD, PHD; Salim Yusuf, MBBS, DPHIL; Sonia S. Anand, MD, PHD; for the Study of Health Assessment and Risk Evaluation (SHARE) and SHARE in Aboriginal Peoples (SHARE-AP) Investigators
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1629-1634. doi:
Pericardial Adipose Tissue, Atherosclerosis, and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: The Jackson Heart Study
Jiankang Liu, MD, PHD; Caroline S. Fox, MD, MPH; DeMarc Hickson, PHD; Daniel Sarpong, PHD; Lynette Ekunwe, MS; Warren D. May, PHD; Gregory W. Hundley, MD; J. Jeffery Carr, MD, MSC; Herman A. Taylor, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1635-1639. doi:
Glycemic Control and Cardiovascular Disease in 7,454 Patients With Type 1 Diabetes: An observational study from the Swedish National Diabetes Register (NDR)
Katarina Eeg-Olofsson, MD; Jan Cederholm, MD, PHD; Peter M. Nilsson, MD, PHD; Björn Zethelius, MD, PHD; Ann-Marie Svensson, RN, PHD; Soffia Gudbjörnsdóttir, MD, PHD; Björn Eliasson, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1640-1646. doi:
Metabolic Syndrome, Independent of Its Components, Is a Risk Factor for Stroke and Death But Not for Coronary Heart Disease Among Hypertensive Patients in the ASCOT-BPLA
Ajay K. Gupta, MD; Bjorn Dahlof, MD; Peter S. Sever, FRCP; Neil R. Poulter, FRCP; for the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial-Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA) investigators
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1647-1651. doi:
Sarcopenic Obesity: Prevalence and Association With Metabolic Syndrome in the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging (KLoSHA)
Soo Lim, MD; Jung Hee Kim, MD; Ji Won Yoon, MD; Seon Mee Kang, MD; Sung Hee Choi, MD; Young Joo Park, MD; Ki Woong Kim, MD; Jae Young Lim, MD; Kyong Soo Park, MD, PHD; Hak Chul Jang, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1652-1654. doi:
Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Metabolic Syndrome in Older Men and Women: The Dose Responses to Exercise Training (DR's EXTRA) study
Maija Hassinen, PHD; Timo A. Lakka, MD; Leena Hakola, MSC; Kai Savonen, MD; Pirjo Komulainen, PHD; Hannu Litmanen, MD; Vesa Kiviniemi, PHLIC; Reija Kouki, MSC; Harri Heikkilá, MSC; Rainer Rauramaa, MD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1655-1657. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Interventions With Adherence-Promoting Components in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes: Meta-analysis of their impact on glycemic control
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1658-1664. doi:
A1C Level and Future Risk of Diabetes: A Systematic Review
Xuanping Zhang, PHD; Edward W. Gregg, PHD; David F. Williamson, PHD; Lawrence E. Barker, PHD; William Thomas, MLIS; Kai McKeever Bullard, PHD; Giuseppina Imperatore, MD, PHD; Desmond E. Williams, MD, PHD; Ann L. Albright, PHD, RD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1665-1673. doi:
Consensus Report
Diabetes and Cancer: A consensus report
Edward Giovannucci, MD, SCD; David M. Harlan, MD; Michael C. Archer, MA, PHD, DSC; Richard M. Bergenstal, MD; Susan M. Gapstur, PHD; Laurel A. Habel, PHD; Michael Pollak, MD; Judith G. Regensteiner, PHD; Douglas Yee, MD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1674-1685. doi:
Proinflammatory and Prothrombotic Effects of Hypoglycemia
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1686-1687. doi:
Neuropathy: The Crystal Ball for Cardiovascular Disease?
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1688-1690. doi:
GIP: An Inconsequential Incretin or Not?
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1691-1692. doi:
Is Visceral Fat Responsible for the Metabolic Abnormalities Associated With Obesity?: Implications of omentectomy
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, 1693-1694. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Association of Vitamin D With Insulin Resistance and β-Cell Dysfunction in Subjects at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: Response to Muscogiuri et al.
Sheena Kayaniyil, MSC; Ravi Retnakaran, MD; Julia A. Knight, PHD; Ying Qi, MSC; Bruce A. Perkins, MD; Stewart B. Harris, MD; Bernard Zinman, MD; Anthony J. Hanley, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, e100. doi:
Effect of Periodontal Treatment on Glycemic Control of Diabetic Patients: Comment to Teeuw, Gerdes, and Loos
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, e101. doi:
Effect of Periodontal Treatment on Glycemic Control of Diabetic Patients: Response to Friedlander
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, e102. doi:
International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups Recommendations on the Diagnosis and Classification of Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy: Comment to the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups Consensus Panel
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, e97. doi:
International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups Recommendations on the Diagnosis and Classification of Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy: Response to Weinert
Boyd E. Metzger, MD; Steven G. Gabbe, MD; Bengt Persson, MD, PHD; Lynn P. Lowe, PHD; Alan R. Dyer, PHD; Jeremy J.N. Oats, MD; Thomas A. Buchanan, MD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, e98. doi:
Association of Vitamin D With Insulin Resistance and β-Cell Dysfunction in Subjects at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: Comment to Kayaniyil et al.
Giovanna Muscogiuri, MD; Gian Pio Sorice, MD; Annamaria Prioletta, MD; Caterina Policola, MD; Silvia Della Casa, MD; Alfredo Pontecorvi, MD; Andrea Giaccari, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, e99. doi:
Perspectives on the News
2009 World Congress on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome: Cardiovascular Disease Concepts
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, e85-e89. doi:
Online Letters: Observations
Serum Osteocalcin Is Inversely Associated With Adipocyte-Specific Fatty Acid–Binding Protein in the Korean Metabolic Syndrome Research Initiatives
Yun Jung Lee, MD; Heeyeon Lee, BS; Sun Ha Jee, MD; Seong Su Lee, MD; Sung Rae Kim, MD; Seon Mee Kim, MD; Myung Won Lee, BS; Chang Beom Lee, MD; Seungjoon Oh, MD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, e90. doi:
New Pathogenic Candidates for Diabetic Macular Edema Detected By Proteomic Analysis
Cristina Hernández, MD, PHD; Marta García-Ramírez, PHD; Nuria Colomé, PHD; Marta Villarroel, BSC; Lidia Corraliza, BSC; Luis García-Pacual, MD, PHD; Joan Casado, MD, PHD; Francesc Canals, PHD; Rafael Simó, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, e92. doi:
Identification of Two New Mutations in the Glucokinase Gene That Result in Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, e94. doi:
Weight Reduction May Be Beneficial for Japanese Men With Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Even if They Are Not Abdominally Obese
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, e95. doi:
Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Elevated Serum Lipase in the Setting of Aripiprazole Therapy
Diabetes Care July 2010, Vol.33, e96. doi: