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August 2010
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Original Research
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Dietary Phylloquinone and Menaquinones Intakes and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Joline W.J. Beulens, PHD; Daphne L. van der A, PHD; Diederick E. Grobbee, MD; Ivonne Sluijs, MSC; Annemieke M.W. Spijkerman, PHD; Yvonne T. van der Schouw, PHD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1699-1705. doi:
Rosiglitazone and Cognitive Stability in Older Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes and Mild Cognitive Impairment
Angela M. Abbatecola, MD, PHD; Fabrizia Lattanzio, MD, PHD; Anna M. Molinari, MD; Michele Cioffi, MD; Luigi Mansi, MD; Pierfrancesco Rambaldi, MD; Luigi DiCioccio, MD; Federico Cacciapuoti, MD; Raffaele Canonico, MD; Giuseppe Paolisso, MD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1706-1711. doi:
TeleHealth Improves Diabetes Self-Management in an Underserved Community: Diabetes TeleCare
Richard M. Davis, MD; Angela D. Hitch, MSPH; Muhammad M. Salaam, BS; William H. Herman, MD; Ingrid E. Zimmer-Galler, MD; Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1712-1717. doi:
Survival of Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Receiving Renal Replacement Therapy in 1980–2007
Mikko Haapio, MD; Jaakko Helve, MD; Per-Henrik Groop, MD, PHD; Carola Grönhagen-Riska, MD, PHD; Patrik Finne, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1718-1723. doi:
Glycemic Control in Children With Type 1 Diabetes in Wales: Influence of the pediatric diabetes specialist nurse
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1724-1726. doi:
Simulated Physician Learning Program Improves Glucose Control in Adults With Diabetes
JoAnn M. Sperl-Hillen, MD; Patrick J. O'Connor, MD, MPH; William A. Rush, PHD; Paul E. Johnson, PHD; Todd Gilmer, PHD; George Biltz, MD; Stephen E. Asche, MA; Heidi L. Ekstrom, MA
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 1727-1733. doi:
Exenatide Affects Circulating Cardiovascular Risk Biomarkers Independently of Changes in Body Composition
Mathijs C. Bunck, MD; Michaela Diamant, MD, PHD; Bjorn Eliasson, MD, PHD; Anja Cornér, MD; Rimma M. Shaginian, MD; Robert J. Heine, MD, PHD, FRCP; Marja-Riitta Taskinen, MD, PHD; Hannele Yki-Järvinen, MD, PHD, FRCP; Ulf Smith, MD, PHD, FRCP
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1734-1737. doi:
Effect of Internet Therapeutic Intervention on A1C Levels in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Treated With Insulin
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 1738-1740. doi:
A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Motivational Interviewing in Education to Structured Diabetes Education in Teens With Type 1 Diabetes
Yu-Chi Wang, MD; Sunita M. Stewart, PHD; Marsha Mackenzie, RD, CDE; Paul A. Nakonezny, PHD; Deidre Edwards, MS; Perrin C. White, MD
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1741-1743. doi:
Impact of an Interactive Online Nursing Educational Module on Insulin Errors in Hospitalized Pediatric Patients
Mary M. Sullivan, RN, DNP, ANP-BC, CDE; Colette R. O'Brien, RN, MS, C-PNP, CDE; Stephen E. Gitelman, MD; Susan E. Shapiro, RN, PHD; Robert J. Rushakoff, MD
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1744-1746. doi:
Factors Associated With Psychological Insulin Resistance in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes
Soohyun Nam, PHD; Catherine Chesla, DNSC; Nancy A. Stotts, EDD; Lisa Kroon, PHARMD; Susan L. Janson, DNSC
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1747-1749. doi:
Mixing Insulin Aspart With Detemir Does Not Affect Glucose Excursion in Children With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1750-1752. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Cross-Sectional Study of Periodontal Care and Glycosylated Hemoglobin in an Insured Population
Leslie Spangler, PHD, VMD; Robert J. Reid, MD, PHD; Ronald Inge, DDS; Katherine M. Newton, PHD; Philippe Hujoel, DDS MSD, PHD; Monica Chaudhari, MS; Robert J. Genco, DDS, PHD; William E. Barlow, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1753-1758. doi:
Diabetes and Risk of Hip Fracture in the Singapore Chinese Health Study
Woon-Puay Koh, PHD; Renwei Wang, MD; Li-Wei Ang, MSC; Derrick Heng, MPHIL; Jian-Min Yuan, PHD; Mimi C. Yu, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1766-1770. doi:
Risk of Diabetes in U.S. Military Service Members in Relation to Combat Deployment and Mental Health
Edward J. Boyko, MD; Isabel G. Jacobson, MPH; Besa Smith, PHD; Margaret A.K. Ryan, MD; Tomoko I. Hooper, MD; Paul J. Amoroso, MD; Gary D. Gackstetter, PHD; Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, MD; Tyler C. Smith, PHD; for the Millennium Cohort Study Team
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1771-1777. doi:
Parity and the Association With Diabetes in Older Women
Angela G. Fowler-Brown, MD; Ian H. de Boer, MD; Janet M. Catov, PHD; Mercedes R. Carnethon, PHD; Aruna Kamineni, MS; Lewis H. Kuller, MD; David S. Siscovick, MD; Kenneth J. Mukamal, MD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1778-1782. doi:
Prevalence and Clinical Outcome of Hyperglycemia in the Perioperative Period in Noncardiac Surgery
Anna Frisch, PHD, MD; Prakash Chandra, MD, MS; Dawn Smiley, MD; Limin Peng, PHD; Monica Rizzo, MD; Chelsea Gatcliffe, BS; Megan Hudson, BS; Jose Mendoza, BS; Rachel Johnson, BS; Erica Lin, BS; Guillermo E. Umpierrez, MD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1783-1788. doi:
Long-Term Pancreas Allograft Survival in Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation by Era: UNOS registry analysis
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1789-1791. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Corneal Confocal Microscopy: A novel noninvasive test to diagnose and stratify the severity of human diabetic neuropathy
Mitra Tavakoli, PHD; Cristian Quattrini, MD, PHD; Caroline Abbott, PHD; Panagiotis Kallinikos, PHD; Andrew Marshall, MD; Joanne Finnigan, BSC; Philip Morgan, PHD; Nathan Efron, PHD; Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD; Rayaz A. Malik, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1792-1797. doi:
β-Cell Function Declines Within the First Year Postpartum in Women With Recent Glucose Intolerance in Pregnancy
Ravi Retnakaran, MD; Ying Qi, MSC; Mathew Sermer, MD; Philip W. Connelly, PHD; Anthony J.G. Hanley, PHD; Bernard Zinman, MD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 1798-1804. doi:
Association Between Urinary Type IV Collagen Level and Deterioration of Renal Function in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Without Overt Proteinuria
Shin-ichi Araki, MD, PHD; Masakazu Haneda, MD, PHD; Daisuke Koya, MD, PHD; Keiji Isshiki, MD, PHD; Shinji Kume, MD, PHD; Toshiro Sugimoto, MD, PHD; Hiromichi Kawai, MD, PHD; Yoshihiko Nishio, MD, PHD; Atsunori Kashiwagi, MD, PHD; Takashi Uzu, MD, PHD; Hiroshi Maegawa, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 1805-1810. doi:
Dialysis Treatment Is an Independent Risk Factor for Foot Ulceration in Patients With Diabetes and Stage 4 or 5 Chronic Kidney Disease
Agbor Ndip, MD; Martin K. Rutter, MD, FRCP; Loretta Vileikyte, MD, PHD; Anand Vardhan, MD, MRCP; Ashwinbhai Asari, MD, MRCP; Mehreen Jameel, MBCHB; Hassan A. Tahir, MBCHB; Lawrence A. Lavery, DPM, MPH; Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD, FRCP
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1811-1816. doi:
Central Role of Fatty Liver in the Pathogenesis of Insulin Resistance in Obese Adolescents
Ebe D'Adamo, MD; Anna M.G. Cali, MD; Ram Weiss, MD, PHD; Nicola Santoro, MD, PHD; Bridget Pierpont, MA; Veronika Northrup, MPH; Sonia Caprio, MD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 1817-1822. doi:
Effect of Paternal Diabetes on Pre-Diabetic Phenotypes in Adult Offspring
Diabetes Care June 2010, Vol.33, 1823-1828. doi:
Glycemic Control Influences Serum Angiogenin Concentrations in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Janusz Siebert, MD, PHD; Magdalena Reiwer-Gostomska, MD; Jolanta Mysliwska, MD, PHD; Natalia Marek, PHD; Krystyna Raczynska, MD, PHD; Leopold Glasner, MD
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1829-1830. doi:
Sex Steroids Affect Triglyceride Handling, Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide, and Insulin Sensitivity: A 1-week randomized clinical trial in healthy young men
Bruno Lapauw, MD; Margriet Ouwens, PHD; Leen M. ′t Hart, PHD; Birgitte Wuyts, PHD; Jens J. Holst, PHD; Guy T'Sjoen, MD; Jean-Marc Kaufman, MD; Johannes B. Ruige, MD
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1831-1833. doi:
Aldose Reductase Gene Polymorphisms and Diabetic Retinopathy Susceptibility
Sotoodeh Abhary, MBBS; Kathryn P. Burdon, PHD; Kate J. Laurie, BMEDSCI; Stacey Thorpe, BNG; John Landers, PHD; Lucy Goold, MBBS; Stewart Lake, FRCOPHTH; Nikolai Petrovsky, FRACP; Jamie E. Craig, FRANZCO
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1834-1836. doi:
Acidosis: The Prime Determinant of Depressed Sensorium in Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Ebenezer A. Nyenwe, MD; Laleh N. Razavi, MD; Abbas E. Kitabchi, PHD, MD; Amna N. Khan, MD; Jim Y. Wan, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1837-1839. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Plasma Protein Growth Arrest–Specific 6 Levels Are Associated With Altered Glucose Tolerance, Inflammation, and Endothelial Dysfunction
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1840-1844. doi:
Prevalence and Predictors of Overweight and Insulin Resistance in Offspring of Mothers With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Heike Boerschmann, MD; Maren Pflüger, MSC; Lydia Henneberger, MSC; Anette-G. Ziegler, MD; Sandra Hummel, PHD
Diabetes Care April 2010, Vol.33, 1845-1849. doi:
Increases in Waist Circumference and Weight As Predictors of Type 2 Diabetes in Individuals With Impaired Fasting Glucose: Influence of Baseline BMI: Data from the DESIR study
Alain Gautier, MD; Ronan Roussel, MD, PHD; Pierre H. Ducluzeau, MD, PHD; Céline Lange, MSC; Sylviane Vol, MSC; Beverley Balkau, PHD; Fabrice Bonnet, MD, PHD; for the DESIR Study Group
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1850-1852. doi:
Roles of the Metabolic Syndrome, HDL Cholesterol, and Coronary Atherosclerosis in Subclinical Inflammation
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1853-1855. doi:
Using Glycosylated Hemoglobin to Define the Metabolic Syndrome in United States Adults
Kwok Leung Ong, MPHIL; Annette W.K. Tso, MD; Karen S.L. Lam, MD; Stacey S. Cherny, PHD; Pak Chung Sham, MD; Bernard M.Y. Cheung, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1856-1858. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
The Effect of Oral Antidiabetic Agents on A1C Levels: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Diana Sherifali, RN, PHD, CDE; Kara Nerenberg, MD, MSC, FRCPC; Eleanor Pullenayegum, PHD; Ji Emmy Cheng, MSC; Hertzel C. Gerstein, MD, MSC, FRCPC
Diabetes Care May 2010, Vol.33, 1859-1864. doi:
Kelly West Award Lecture 2009
Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: Translation From Population to Prevention: The Kelly West Award Lecture 2009
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 1865-1871. doi:
Cost-Effectiveness of Interventions to Prevent and Control Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 1872-1894. doi:
Recommendations for Management of Diabetes During Ramadan: Update 2010
Monira Al-Arouj, MD; Samir Assaad-Khalil, MD, PHD; John Buse, MD, PHD; Ibtihal Fahdil, MD, PHD; Mohamed Fahmy, MD, PHD; Sherif Hafez, MD, FACP; Mohamed Hassanein, FRCP; Mahmoud Ashraf Ibrahim, MD; David Kendall, MD; Suhail Kishawi, MD; Abdulrazzaq Al-Madani, MD; Abdullah Ben Nakhi, MD; Khaled Tayeb, MD; Abraham Thomas, MD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 1895-1902. doi:
Consensus Statement
2010 Consensus Statement on the Worldwide Standardization of the Hemoglobin A1C Measurement
Ragnar Hanas, MD, PHD; Garry John, FRCPATH; On behalf of the International HbA1c Consensus Committee
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 1903-1904. doi:
Point / Counterpoint
Point: Postprandial Glucose Levels Are a Clinically Important Treatment Target
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 1905-1907. doi:
Counterpoint: Postprandial Glucose Levels Are Not a Clinically Important Treatment Target
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, 1908-1910. doi:
Perspectives on the News
World Congress on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome, 2009: Cellular mechanisms of insulin resistance
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, e103-e108. doi:
Online Letters: Observations
Dietary Acculturation, Obesity, and Diabetes Among Chinese Immigrants in New York City
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, e109. doi:
One-Year Reductions in Body Weight and Blood Pressure, but Not in Visceral Fat Accumulation and Adiponectin, Improve Urinary Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio in Middle-Aged Japanese Men
Hideaki Nakatsuji, MD; Ken Kishida, MD, PHD; Tohru Funahashi, MD, PHD; Midori Noguchi, RN; Tomoko Ogawa, RN; Yukiyoshi Okauchi, MD, PHD; Hitoshi Nishizawa, MD, PHD; Tadashi Nakamura, MD, PHD; Yuji Matsuzawa, MD, PHD; Iichiro Shimomura, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, e110-e111. doi:
Neonatal Diabetes Caused by Pancreatic Agenesia: Which other genes should be used for diagnosis?
Alessandro Salina, DR; Lorenzo Pasquali, MD; Concetta Aloi, PHD; Francesca Lugani, MD; Giuseppe d'Annunzio, MD; Renata Lorini, MD
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, e112. doi:
Volunteer Caregivers and the Management of a Total Blind/Brittle Type 1 Diabetic Student and Researcher at Yale
Diabetes Care August 2010, Vol.33, e113. doi: