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1 September 2011
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Original Research
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Recurrent Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Inner-City Minority Patients: Behavioral, socioeconomic, and psychosocial factors
Lori Randall, MD; Jovan Begovic, BA; Megan Hudson, BS; Dawn Smiley, MD; Limin Peng, PHD; Njalalia Pitre, DO; Denise Umpierrez, BA; Guillermo Umpierrez, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1891-1896. doi:
Development of Autoantibodies in the TrialNet Natural History Study
Kendra Vehik, PHD; Craig A. Beam, PHD; Jeffrey L. Mahon, MD; Desmond A. Schatz, MD; Michael J. Haller, MD; Jay M. Sosenko, MD; Jay S. Skyler, MD; Jeffrey P. Krischer, PHD; for the TrialNet Natural History Study Group
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1897-1901. doi:
Effects of Telmisartan on Glucose Levels in People at High Risk for Cardiovascular Disease but Free From Diabetes: The TRANSCEND study
Joshua I. Barzilay, MD; Peggy Gao, MSC; Lars Rydén, MD; Helmut Schumacher, PHD; Jeffrey Probstfield, MD; Patrick Commerford, MD; Antonio Dans, MD; Rafael Ferreira, MD; Mátyás Keltai, MD; Ernesto Paolasso, MD; Salim Yusuf, MD; Koon Teo, MD; on behalf of the TRANSCEND Investigators
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1902-1907. doi:
Hemoglobin A1c as a Screen for Previously Undiagnosed Prediabetes and Diabetes in an Acute-Care Setting
Robert A. Silverman, MD; Urvi Thakker, DO; Tovah Ellman, MD; Ivan Wong, BS; Kelly Smith, BS; Kazuhiko Ito, PHD; Kirsten Graff, BS
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1908-1912. doi:
Mediterranean Diet and Type 2 Diabetes Risk in the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study: The InterAct project
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1913-1918. doi:
Lifestyle Counseling for Type 2 Diabetes Risk Reduction in Dutch Primary Care: Results of the APHRODITE study after 0.5 and 1.5 years
Paulina W.A. Vermunt, MSC; Ivon E.J. Milder, PHD; Frits Wielaard, MSC; Jeanne H.M. de Vries, PHD; Hans A.M. van Oers, PHD; Gert P. Westert, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1919-1925. doi:
Peer-Led Diabetes Education Programs in High-Risk Mexican Americans Improve Glycemic Control Compared With Standard Approaches: A Project Dulce promotora randomized trial
Athena Philis-Tsimikas, MD; Adelaide Fortmann, MS; Leticia Lleva-Ocana, MPH; Chris Walker, MPH; Linda C. Gallo, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1926-1931. doi:
Changes in Altitude Cause Unintended Insulin Delivery From Insulin Pumps: Mechanisms and implications
Bruce R. King, FRACP, PHD; Peter W. Goss, FRACP; Megan A. Paterson, CDE; Patricia A. Crock, FRACP; Donald G. Anderson, FRACP
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1932-1933. doi:
Cluster-Randomized Trial of a Mobile Phone Personalized Behavioral Intervention for Blood Glucose Control
Charlene C. Quinn, RN; Michelle D. Shardell, PHD; Michael L. Terrin, MD; Erik A. Barr, BA; Shoshana H. Ballew, BA; Ann L. Gruber-Baldini, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1934-1942. doi:
Short Form of the Chinese Version Diabetes Quality of Life for Youth Scale: A psychometric testing in Taiwanese adolescents with type 1 diabetes
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1943-1945. doi:
Novel Soy Germ Pasta Improves Endothelial Function, Blood Pressure, and Oxidative Stress in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Carlo Clerici, MD; Elisabetta Nardi, MD; Pier Maria Battezzati, MD; Stefania Asciutti, MD; Danilo Castellani, MD; Nadia Corazzi, MD; Vittorio Giuliano, MD; Stefania Gizzi, MD; Gabriele Perriello, MD; Giorgio Di Matteo, MD; Francesco Galli, MD; Kenneth D.R. Setchell, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1946-1948. doi:
Comparison of Hemoglobin A1c With Fasting Plasma Glucose and 2-h Postchallenge Glucose for Risk Stratification Among Women With Recent Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Catherine Kim, MD; William H. Herman, MD; N. Wah Cheung, MD; Erica P. Gunderson, PHD; Caroline Richardson, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1949-1951. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Hemoglobin A1c, Fasting Glucose, and Cardiovascular Risk in a Population With High Prevalence of Diabetes: The Strong Heart Study
Hong Wang, MD; Nawar M. Shara, PHD; Elisa T. Lee, PHD; Richard Devereux, MD; Darren Calhoun, PHD; Giovanni de Simone, MD; Jason G. Umans, MD; Barbara V. Howard, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1952-1958. doi:
Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Changes of Glucose Effectiveness in Relation to Glucose Tolerance: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study
Carlos Lorenzo, MD; Lynne E. Wagenknecht, DRPH; Andrew J. Karter, PHD; Anthony J.G. Hanley, PHD; Marian J. Rewers, MD; Steven M. Haffner, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1959-1964. doi:
Further Exploration of the Relationship Between Insulin Glargine and Incident Cancer: A retrospective cohort study of older Medicare patients
Nancy E. Morden, MD; Stephen K. Liu, MD; Jeremy Smith, MPH; Todd A. Mackenzie, PHD; Jonathan Skinner, PHD; Murray Korc, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1965-1971. doi:
Association Between Type 2 Diabetes and Exposure to Persistent Organic Pollutants
Riikka Airaksinen, MSC; Panu Rantakokko, PHD; Johan G. Eriksson, PHD; Paul Blomstedt, MSC; Eero Kajantie, MD; Hannu Kiviranta, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1972-1979. doi:
Prevalence and Management of Diabetes and Metabolic Risk Factors in Thai Adults: The Thai National Health Examination Survey IV, 2009
Wichai Aekplakorn, MD, PHD; Suwat Chariyalertsak, MD, PHD; Pattapong Kessomboon, MD, PHD; Rassamee Sangthong, MD, PHD; Rungkarn Inthawong, MPH; Panwadee Putwatana, PHD; Surasak Taneepanichskul, MD; the Thai National Health Examination Survey IV Study Group
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1980-1985. doi:
Changes in BMI, Duration of Overweight and Obesity, and Glucose Metabolism: 45 Years of Follow-up of a Birth Cohort
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1986-1991. doi:
Achieved Levels of HbA1c and Likelihood of Hospital Admission in People With Type 1 Diabetes in the Scottish Population: A study from the Scottish Diabetes Research Network Epidemiology Group
Lindsay Govan, PHD; Olivia Wu, PHD; Andrew Briggs, PHD; Helen M. Colhoun, MD; Colin M. Fischbacher, FRCP; Graham P. Leese, MD; John A. McKnight, FRCP; Sam Philip, MD; Naveed Sattar, FRCPATH; Sarah H. Wild, FRCP; Robert S. Lindsay, FRCP; on behalf of the Scottish Diabetes Research Network Epidemiology Group
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1992-1997. doi:
Household Income and Cardiovascular Disease Risks in U.S. Children and Young Adults: Analyses from NHANES 1999–2008
Mohammed K. Ali, MBCHB; Kai McKeever Bullard, MPH; Gloria L. Beckles, MD; Mark R. Stevens, MSPH; Lawrence Barker, PHD; K.M. Venkat Narayan, MD; Giuseppina Imperatore, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 1998-2004. doi:
Decline in the Cumulative Incidence of Severe Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Janne P. Kytö, MD; Valma Harjutsalo, PHD; Carol Forsblom, DMSC; Kustaa Hietala, MD; Paula A. Summanen, MD; Per-Henrik Groop, MD; on behalf of the FinnDiane Study Group
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2005-2007. doi:
Emerging Treatments and Technologies
Effects of the New Dual PPARα/δ Agonist GFT505 on Lipid and Glucose Homeostasis in Abdominally Obese Patients With Combined Dyslipidemia or Impaired Glucose Metabolism
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2008-2014. doi:
Dapagliflozin Versus Glipizide as Add-on Therapy in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Who Have Inadequate Glycemic Control With Metformin: A randomized, 52-week, double-blind, active-controlled noninferiority trial
Michael A. Nauck, MD; Stefano Del Prato, MD; Juris J. Meier, MD; Santiago Durán-García, MD; Katja Rohwedder, MD; Martina Elze, MS; Shamik J. Parikh, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2015-2022. doi:
Insulin Pump Therapy With Automated Insulin Suspension in Response to Hypoglycemia: Reduction in nocturnal hypoglycemia in those at greatest risk
Pratik Choudhary, MD; John Shin, PHD; Yongyin Wang, PHD; Mark L. Evans, MD; Peter J. Hammond, FRCP; David Kerr, FRCPE; James A.M. Shaw, PHD; John C. Pickup, FRCPATH; Stephanie A. Amiel, FRCP
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2023-2025. doi:
Phase I (Safety) Study of Autologous Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells in Type 1 Diabetic Patients
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2026-2032. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Declining β-Cell Function Relative to Insulin Sensitivity With Escalating OGTT 2-h Glucose Concentrations in the Nondiabetic Through the Diabetic Range in Overweight Youth
Stephen F. Burns, PHD; Fida Bacha, MD; So Jung Lee, PHD; Hala Tfayli, MD; Neslihan Gungor, MD; Silva A. Arslanian, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2033-2040. doi:
Effects of Exenatide on Measures of β-Cell Function After 3 Years in Metformin-Treated Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Mathijs C. Bunck, MD; Anja Cornér, MD; Bjorn Eliasson, MD; Robert J. Heine, MD; Rimma M. Shaginian, MD; Marja-Riitta Taskinen, MD; Ulf Smith, MD; Hannele Yki-Järvinen, MD; Michaela Diamant, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2041-2047. doi:
Chronic Reduction of Fasting Glycemia With Insulin Glargine Improves First- and Second-Phase Insulin Secretion in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Christian Pennartz, MD; Nina Schenker, MD; Björn A. Menge, MD; Wolfgang E. Schmidt, MD; Michael A. Nauck, MD; Juris J. Meier, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2048-2053. doi:
Efficacy and Safety of Antioxidant Treatment With α-Lipoic Acid Over 4 Years in Diabetic Polyneuropathy: The NATHAN 1 trial
Dan Ziegler, MD; Phillip A. Low, MD; William J. Litchy, MD; Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD; Aaron I. Vinik, MD; Roy Freeman, MD; Rustem Samigullin, MD; Hans Tritschler, PHD; Ullrich Munzel, PHD; Joachim Maus, MD; Klemens Schütte, BSC; Peter J. Dyck, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2054-2060. doi:
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Causes Changes in the Concentrations of Adipocyte Fatty Acid–Binding Protein and Other Adipocytokines in Cord Blood
Henar Ortega-Senovilla, PHD; Ute Schaefer-Graf, MD; Katrin Meitzner, MD; Michael Abou-Dakn, MD; Kristof Graf, MD; Ulrich Kintscher, MD; Emilio Herrera, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2061-2066. doi:
Ratio of Waist-to-Calf Circumference and Carotid Atherosclerosis in Korean Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Soo-Kyung Kim, MD; Young Ju Choi, MD; Byung Wook Huh, MD; Chul-Sik Kim, MD; Seok Won Park, MD; Eun Jig Lee, MD; Yong-Wook Cho, MD; Kap Bum Huh, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2067-2071. doi:
Vildagliptin Improves Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilatation in Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2072-2077. doi:
Initial Angiotensin Receptor Blockade–Induced Decrease in Albuminuria Is Associated With Long-Term Renal Outcome in Type 2 Diabetic Patients With Microalbuminuria: A post hoc analysis of the IRMA-2 trial
Merel E. Hellemons, MD; Frederik Persson, MD; Stephan J.L. Bakker, MD; Peter Rossing, MD; Hans-Henrik Parving, MD; Dick De Zeeuw, MD; Hiddo J. Lambers Heerspink, PHARMD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2078-2083. doi:
Type 1 Diabetes and Interferon Therapy: A nationwide survey in Japan
Kan Nakamura, MD; Eiji Kawasaki, MD; Akihisa Imagawa, MD; Takuya Awata, MD; Hiroshi Ikegami, MD; Yasuko Uchigata, MD; Tetsuro Kobayashi, MD; Akira Shimada, MD; Koji Nakanishi, MD; Hideichi Makino, MD; Taro Maruyama, MD; Toshiaki Hanafusa, MD; the Research Committee on Type 1 Diabetes of the Japan Diabetes Society
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2084-2089. doi:
Observation on Renal Outcomes in the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial
Lily Agrawal, MD; Nasrin Azad, MD; Nicholas V. Emanuele, MD; Gideon D. Bahn, PHD; Derrick G. Kaufman, MS; Thomas E. Moritz, MS; William C. Duckworth, MD; Carlos Abraira, MD; for the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT) Study Group
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2090-2094. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Clinical Usefulness of Different Lipid Measures for Prediction of Coronary Heart Disease in Type 2 Diabetes: A report from the Swedish National Diabetes Register
Björn Eliasson, MD; Jan Cederholm, MD; Katarina Eeg-Olofsson, MD; Anne-Marie Svensson, RN; Björn Zethelius, MD; Soffia Gudbjörnsdottir, MD; on behalf of the National Diabetes Register
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2095-2100. doi:
Cardiovascular Risk Prediction Is Improved by Adding Asymptomatic Coronary Status to Routine Risk Assessment in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Emmanuel Cosson, MD; Minh Tuan Nguyen, MD; Bernard Chanu, MD; Isabela Banu, MD; Sabrina Chiheb, MD; Cristina Balta, MD; Karim Takbou, MD; Paul Valensi, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2101-2107. doi:
Two-Step Approach for the Prediction of Future Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Muhammad A. Abdul-Ghani, MD; Tamam Abdul-Ghani, MSC; Michael P. Stern, MD; Jasmina Karavic; Tiinamaija Tuomi, MD; Insoma Bo, MD; Ralph A. DeFronzo, MD; Leif Groop, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2108-2112. doi:
High Plasma Level of Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Is an Independent Predictor of Type 2 Diabetes: A 5.4-year population-based prospective study in Chinese subjects
Cheng Chen, PHD; Bernard M.Y. Cheung, PHD; Annette W.K. Tso, MD; Yudong Wang, MPHIL; Lawrence S.C. Law, BSSC; Kwok Leung Ong, PHD; Nelson M.S. Wat, MD; Aimin Xu, PHD; Karen S.L. Lam, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2113-2115. doi:
Reviews / Commentaries / ADA Statements
Magnesium Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2116-2122. doi:
Consensus Report
The Charcot Foot in Diabetes
Lee C. Rogers, DPM; Robert G. Frykberg, DPM, MPH; David G. Armstrong, DPM, PHD; Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD; Michael Edmonds, MD; Georges Ha Van, MD; Agnes Hartemann, MD; Frances Game, MD; William Jeffcoate, MD; Alexandra Jirkovska, MD; Edward Jude, MD; Stephan Morbach, MD; William B. Morrison, MD; Michael Pinzur, MD; Dario Pitocco, MD; Lee Sanders, DPM; Dane K. Wukich, MD; Luigi Uccioli, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2123-2129. doi:
Editorial (See kytö et al., p. 2005)
Time for a Victory Lap or Time to Raise the Levees: A Perspective on Complication Reduction and New-Onset Diabetes
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2130-2132. doi:
Editorial (See Bunck et al., p. 2041)
Incretin-Based Therapy and the Quest for Sustained Improvements in β-Cell Health
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2133-2135. doi:
Editorial (See Choudhary et al., p. 2023)
Closing the Loop: Another Step Forward
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, 2136-2137. doi:
Issues and Events
Diabetes Care Electronic Pages
Perspectives on the News
World Congress on Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease: Part 3
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, e140-e145. doi:
Online Letters: Observations
Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by α–Lipoic Acid in a Caucasian Woman: Case Report
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, e146. doi:
Vitamin K2 Supplementation Improves Insulin Sensitivity via Osteocalcin Metabolism: A Placebo-Controlled Trial
Hyung Jin Choi, MD; Juyoun Yu, BS; Hosanna Choi, BS; Jee Hyun An, MD; Sang Wan Kim, MD, PHD; Kyong Soo Park, MD, PHD; Hak C. Jang, MD, PHD; Seong Yeon Kim, MD, PHD; Chan Soo Shin, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, e147. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Response to Comment on: Sun et al. Protection From Retinopathy and Other Complications in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes of Extreme Duration: The Joslin 50-Year Medalist Study. Diabetes Care 2011;34:968–974
Jennifer K. Sun, MD, MPH; Hillary A. Keenan, PHD; Vincent M. Monnier, MD; Lloyd Paul Aiello, MD, PHD; George L. King, MD
Diabetes Care August 2011, Vol.34, e149. doi: