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April 2012
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
Steps Toward the Meaningful Translation of Prevention Strategies for Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 663-665. doi:
Diabetes Prevention: How Important Is Geographic Divergence Regarding the Role of Fish Intake?
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 666-668. doi:
Original Research
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Effects of Performing Resistance Exercise Before Versus After Aerobic Exercise on Glycemia in Type 1 Diabetes
Jane E. Yardley, PHD; Glen P. Kenny, PHD; Bruce A. Perkins, MD; Michael C. Riddell, PHD; Janine Malcolm, MD; Pierre Boulay, PHD; Farah Khandwala, MSC; Ronald J. Sigal, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 669-675. doi:
Metabolic Effects of Aerobic Training and Resistance Training in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects: A randomized controlled trial (the RAED2 study)
Elisabetta Bacchi, PHD; Carlo Negri, MD; Maria Elisabetta Zanolin, MSC; Chiara Milanese, MSC; Niccolò Faccioli, MD; Maddalena Trombetta, MD; Giacomo Zoppini, MD; Antonio Cevese, MD; Riccardo C. Bonadonna, MD; Federico Schena, MD; Enzo Bonora, MD; Massimo Lanza, MSC; Paolo Moghetti, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 676-682. doi:
Safety and Efficacy of Once-Weekly Exenatide Compared With Insulin Glargine Titrated to Target in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Over 84 Weeks
Michaela Diamant, MD; Luc Van Gaal, MD; Stephen Stranks, MD; Bruno Guerci, MD; Leigh MacConell, PHD; Harry Haber, MPH; Jamie Scism-Bacon, PHD; Michael Trautmann, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 683-689. doi:
The Alteration of Aspart Insulin Pharmacodynamics When Mixed With Detemir Insulin
Eda Cengiz, MD; Karena L. Swan, MD; William V. Tamborlane, MD; Jennifer L. Sherr, MD; Melody Martin, CRA; Stuart A. Weinzimer, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 690-692. doi:
Use of an Automated Decision Support Tool Optimizes Clinicians’ Ability to Interpret and Appropriately Respond to Structured Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose Data
Helena W. Rodbard, MD; Oliver Schnell, MD; Jeffrey Unger, MD; Christen Rees, RN; Linda Amstutz, RN; Christopher G. Parkin, MS; Zhihong Jelsovsky, MS; Nathan Wegmann, BS; Matthias Axel-Schweitzer, MD; Robin S. Wagner, DVM
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 693-698. doi:
Examining the Psychological Pathways to Behavior Change in a Group-Based Lifestyle Program to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 699-705. doi:
The Accuracy Benefit of Multiple Amperometric Glucose Sensors in People With Type 1 Diabetes
Jessica R. Castle, MD; Amy Pitts, RN; Kathryn Hanavan, ANP-C; Rhonda Muhly, BS; Joseph El Youssef, MBBS; Colleen Hughes-Karvetski, PHD; Boris Kovatchev, PHD; W. Kenneth Ward, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 706-710. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Combined Influence of Insulin Resistance, Overweight/Obesity, and Fatty Liver as Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 717-722. doi:
The 10-Year Cost-Effectiveness of Lifestyle Intervention or Metformin for Diabetes Prevention: An intent-to-treat analysis of the DPP/DPPOS
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 723-730. doi:
Long-Term Safety, Tolerability, and Weight Loss Associated With Metformin in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 731-737. doi:
Prevalence of Diabetes and Intermediate Hyperglycemia Among Adults From the First Multinational Study of Noncommunicable Diseases in Six Central American Countries: The Central America Diabetes Initiative (CAMDI)
Alberto Barcelo, MD; Edward W. Gregg, PHD; Robert B. Gerzoff, PHD; Roy Wong, MD; Enrique Perez Flores, MD; Manuel Ramirez-Zea, MD; Elizabeth Cafiero, MSC; Lesbia Altamirano, MD; Melanie Ascencio Rivera, MSC; Gerardo de Cosio, MSC; Martha Dinorah de Maza, MD; Roberto del Aguila, MD; Englebert Emanuel, MSC; Enrique Gil, MD; Ethan Gough, MD; Valerie Jenkins, MSC; Patrícia Orellana, MD; Ruben Palma, MD; Ruben Palomo, MD; Martha Pastora, MD; Rodolfo Peña, MD; Elia Pineda, MSC; Bismark Rodriguez, MSC; Luis Tacsan, MD; Loraine Thompson, MSC; Lucy Villagra, MD; for the CAMDI Collaborative Study Group
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 738-740. doi:
One Risk Assessment Tool for Cardiovascular Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and Chronic Kidney Disease
Marjan Alssema, PHD; Rachel S. Newson, PHD; Stephan J.L. Bakker, MD; Coen D.A. Stehouwer, MD; Martijn W. Heymans, PHD; Giel Nijpels, MD; Hans L. Hillege, MD; Albert Hofman, MD; Jacqueline C.M. Witteman, PHD; Ron T. Gansevoort, MD; Jacqueline M. Dekker, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 741-748. doi:
Relationship Between A1C and Fasting Plasma Glucose in Dysglycemia or Type 2 Diabetes: An analysis of baseline data from the ORIGIN trial
Ambady Ramachandran, MD; Matthew C. Riddle, MD; Conrad Kabali, PHD; Hertzel C. Gerstein, MD; on behalf of the ORIGIN Investigators
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 749-753. doi:
Diabetes Screening Among Immigrants: A population-based urban cohort study
Maria I. Creatore, MSC; Gillian L. Booth, MD; Douglas G. Manuel, MD; Rahim Moineddin, PHD; Richard H. Glazier, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 754-761. doi:
Validation of Diabetic Retinopathy and Maculopathy Diagnoses Recorded in a U.K. Primary Care Database
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 762-767. doi:
The Association Between IGF-I and Insulin Resistance: A general population study in Danish adults
Nele Friedrich, PHD; Betina Thuesen, PHD; Torben Jørgensen, MD; Anders Juul, MD; Christin Spielhagen, MD; Henri Wallaschofksi, MD; Allan Linneberg, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 768-773. doi:
Control of Glycemia and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care in Catalonia (Spain)
Irene Vinagre, MD; Manel Mata-Cases, MD; Eduard Hermosilla, BSC; Rosa Morros, MD; Francesc Fina, MD; Magdalena Rosell, MD; Conxa Castell, MD; Josep Franch-Nadal, MD; Bonaventura Bolíbar, MD; Didac Mauricio, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 774-779. doi:
The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Study: Associations of GDM and obesity with pregnancy outcomes
Patrick M. Catalano, MD; H. David McIntyre, MD; J. Kennedy Cruickshank, MD; David R. McCance, MD; Alan R. Dyer, PHD; Boyd E. Metzger, MD; Lynn P. Lowe, PHD; Elisabeth R. Trimble, MD; Donald R. Coustan, MD; David R. Hadden, MD; Bengt Persson, MD; Moshe Hod, MD; Jeremy J.N. Oats, MD; for the HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 780-786. doi:
Poor Cognitive Function and Risk of Severe Hypoglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes: Post hoc epidemiologic analysis of the ACCORD trial
Zubin Punthakee, MD; Michael E. Miller, PHD; Lenore J. Launer, PHD; Jeff D. Williamson, MD; Ronald M. Lazar, PHD; Tali Cukierman-Yaffee, MD; Elizabeth R. Seaquist, MD; Faramarz Ismail-Beigi, MD; Mark D. Sullivan, MD; Laura C. Lovato, MS; Richard M. Bergenstal, MD; Hertzel C. Gerstein, MD; for the ACCORD Group of Investigators and the ACCORD-MIND Investigators
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 787-793. doi:
Absence of Disparities in the Quality of Primary Diabetes Care for South Asians and Chinese in an Urban Canadian Setting
Baiju R. Shah, MD; Karen Cauch-Dudek, BA; Sonia S. Anand, MD; Peter C. Austin, PHD; Douglas G. Manuel, MD; Janet E. Hux, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 794-796. doi:
Spuriously High Prevalence of Prediabetes Diagnosed by HbA1c in Young Indians Partly Explained by Hematological Factors and Iron Deficiency Anemia
Pallavi S. Hardikar, BMTECH; Suyog M. Joshi, MSC; Dattatray S. Bhat, MSC; Deepa A. Raut, BMTECH; Prachi A. Katre, MSC; Himangi G. Lubree, MSC; Abhay Jere, PHD; Anand N. Pandit, MD; Caroline H.D. Fall, MB; Chittaranjan S. Yajnik, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 797-802. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
More Impact of Microalbuminuria on Retinopathy Than Moderately Reduced GFR Among Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 803-808. doi:
Heart Rate Variability and Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy in Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 809-816. doi:
Achievement of Target A1C Levels With Negligible Hypoglycemia and Low Glucose Variability in Youth With Short-Term Type 1 Diabetes and Residual β-Cell Function
Jennifer Sherr, MD; William V. Tamborlane, MD; Dongyuan Xing, MPH; Eva Tsalikian, MD; Nelly Mauras, MD; Bruce Buckingham, MD; Neil H. White, MD; Ana Maria Arbelaez, MD; Roy W. Beck, MD; Craig Kollman, PHD; Katrina Ruedy, MSPH; the Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet) Study Group
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 817-820. doi:
Detection of Diabetic Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy by Corneal Confocal Microscopy in Type 1 Diabetes: A concurrent validity study
Ausma Ahmed, BSC; Vera Bril, MD; Andrej Orszag, MD; Jenna Paulson; Emily Yeung, BSC; Mylan Ngo, RRT; Steven Orlov, MD; Bruce A. Perkins, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 821-828. doi:
Infant and Toddler Type 1 Diabetes: Complications after 20 years’ duration
Silvana Salardi, MD; Massimo Porta, MD; Giulio Maltoni, MD; Flavia Rubbi, MD; Silvia Rovere, MD; Franco Cerutti, MD; Dario Iafusco, MD; Stefano Tumini, MD; Vittoria Cauvin, MD; the Diabetes Study Group of the Italian Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology (ISPED)
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 829-833. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 Mass and Activity and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in a Population With High Prevalences of Obesity and Diabetes: The Strong Heart Study
Jorge R. Kizer, MD; Jason G. Umans, MD; Jianhui Zhu, MD; Richard B. Devereux, MD; Robert L. Wolfert, PHD; Elisa T. Lee, PHD; Barbara V. Howard, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 840-847. doi:
Abundance of Circulating Preadipocyte Factor 1 in Early Life
Francis de Zegher, PHD; Marta Díaz, PHD; Giorgia Sebastiani, MD; Ana Martín-Ancel, MD; David Sánchez-Infantes, PHD; Abel López-Bermejo, PHD; Lourdes Ibáñez, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 848-849. doi:
Pubertal Timing and Growth Influences Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Adult Males and Females
Elisabeth Widén, MD; Karri Silventoinen, PHD; Ulla Sovio, PHD; Samuli Ripatti, PHD; Diana L. Cousminer, MSC; Anna-Liisa Hartikainen, MD; Jaana Laitinen, MD; Anneli Pouta, MD; Jaakko Kaprio, MD; Marjo-Riitta Järvelin, MD; Leena Peltonen, MD; Aarno Palotie, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 850-856. doi:
Effect of Extended-Release Niacin on New-Onset Diabetes Among Hyperlipidemic Patients Treated With Ezetimibe/Simvastatin in a Randomized Controlled Trial
John R. Guyton, MD; Sergio Fazio, MD; Adeniyi J. Adewale, PHD; Erin Jensen, MS; Joanne E. Tomassini, PHD; Arvind Shah, PHD; Andrew M. Tershakovec, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 857-860. doi:
The Risk of a Persistent Glucose Metabolism Impairment After Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Is Increased in Patients With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Stefano Palomba, MD; Angela Falbo, MD; Tiziana Russo, MD; Laura Rivoli, MD; Marcello Orio, MD; Andrea Gregorio Cosco, MD; Raffaella Vero, MD; Carmelo Capula, MD; Achille Tolino, MD; Fulvio Zullo, MD; Annamaria Colao, MD; Francesco Orio, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 861-867. doi:
Insulin Sensitivity, β-Cell Function, and Incretin Effect in Individuals With Elevated 1-Hour Postload Plasma Glucose Levels
Maria A. Marini, MD; Elena Succurro, MD; Simona Frontoni, MD; Simona Mastroianni, MD; Franco Arturi, MD; Angela Sciacqua, MD; Renato Lauro, MD; Marta L. Hribal, PHD; Francesco Perticone, MD; Giorgio Sesti, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 868-872. doi:
Prevalence of Prediabetes and Diabetes and Metabolic Profile of Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Carolina Ortiz-Lopez, MD; Romina Lomonaco, MD; Beverly Orsak, RN; Joan Finch, RN; Zhi Chang, MD; Valeria G. Kochunov, MS; Jean Hardies, PHD; Kenneth Cusi, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 873-878. doi:
Clinical Utility of Creatinine- and Cystatin C–Based Definition of Renal Function for Risk Prediction of Primary Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Diabetes
Ben Schöttker, PHD; Christian Herder, PHD; Heiko Müller, PHD; Hermann Brenner, MD; Dietrich Rothenbacher, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 879-886. doi:
Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome Among an Urban Population in Kenya
Lydia U. Kaduka, MSC; Yeri Kombe, MD; Eucharia Kenya, PHD; Elizabeth Kuria, PHD; John K. Bore, MSC; Zipporah N. Bukania, MSC; Moses Mwangi, MSC
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 887-893. doi:
Elevated Properdin and Enhanced Complement Activation in First-Degree Relatives of South Asian Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes
Riyaz Somani, PHD; Victoria R. Richardson, MSC; Kristina F. Standeven, PHD; Peter J. Grant, MD; Angela M. Carter, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 894-899. doi:
Increased Toll-Like Receptor Activity in Patients With Metabolic Syndrome
Ishwarlal Jialal, MD; Beverley A. Huet, PHD; Harmeet Kaur, PHD; Alexander Chien, BS; Sridevi Devaraj, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 900-904. doi:
Metabolic Consequences of Hepatic Steatosis in Overweight and Obese Adolescents
Brandy A. Wicklow, MD; Kristy D.M. Wittmeier, PHD; Andrea C. MacIntosh, BSC; Elizabeth A.C. Sellers, MD; Lawrence Ryner, PHD; Hacene Serrai, PHD; Heather J. Dean, MD; Jonathan M. McGavock, PHD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 905-910. doi:
Complement Activation and Prognosis in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Myocardial Infarction: A report from the DIGAMI 2 trial
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 911-917. doi:
Reviews / Consensus Reports / ADA Statements
Fish Consumption, Dietary Long-Chain n-3 Fatty Acids, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies
Alice Wallin, MSC; Daniela Di Giuseppe, MSC; Nicola Orsini, PHD; Pinal S. Patel, MPHIL; Nita G. Forouhi, FFPH; Alicja Wolk, DMSC
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, 918-929. doi:
Issues and Events
Diabetes Care Electronic Pages
Online Letters: Observations
A Novel Model to Deliver Advanced Eye Care for People With Diabetes Living in Resource-Poor Settings: Results of Care Provided to Date
Krishna R. Murthy, MRCOPTH; Praveen R. Murthy, MS; Subbakrishna Rao, MSC; Gowri J. Murthy, FRCOPTH; Anil Kapur, MD; Pierre Lefebvre, MD, PHD, FRCP, MAE
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, e31. doi:
Antepartum Oral Disposition Index as a Predictor of Glucose Intolerance Postpartum
Yoshifumi Saisho, MD; Kei Miyakoshi, MD; Mamoru Tanaka, MD; Tadashi Matsumoto, MD; Kazuhiro Minegishi, MD; Yasunori Yoshimura, MD; Hiroshi Itoh, MD
Diabetes Care March 2012, Vol.35, e32. doi: