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June 2012
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
American Diabetes Association–European Association for the Study of Diabetes Position Statement: Due Diligence Was Conducted
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1201-1203. doi:
The American Diabetes Association Diabetes Research Perspective
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1380-1387. doi:
Original Research
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Systematic Assessment of Etiology in Adults With a Clinical Diagnosis of Young-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Is a Successful Strategy for Identifying Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young
Gaya Thanabalasingham, BM; Aparna Pal, BM; Mary P. Selwood, MSC; Christina Dudley, RGN; Karen Fisher; Polly J. Bingley, MD; Sian Ellard, PHD; Andrew J. Farmer, DM; Mark I. McCarthy, MD; Katharine R. Owen, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1206-1212. doi:
Zinc Transporter-8 Autoantibodies Improve Prediction of Type 1 Diabetes in Relatives Positive for the Standard Biochemical Autoantibodies
Liping Yu, MD; David C. Boulware, MS; Craig A. Beam, PHD; John C. Hutton, PHD; Janet M. Wenzlau, PHD; Carla J. Greenbaum, MD; Polly J. Bingley, MD; Jeffrey P. Krischer, PHD; Jay M. Sosenko, MD; Jay S. Skyler, MD; George S. Eisenbarth, MD; Jeffrey L. Mahon, MD; for the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1213-1218. doi:
Changes in Treatment Adherence and Glycemic Control During the Transition to Adolescence in Type 1 Diabetes
Joseph R. Rausch, PHD; Korey K. Hood, PHD; Alan Delamater, PHD; Jennifer Shroff Pendley, PHD; Jennifer M. Rohan, MA; Grafton Reeves, MD; Lawrence Dolan, MD; Dennis Drotar, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1219-1224. doi:
Efficacy and Safety of the Once-Daily GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Lixisenatide in Monotherapy: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in patients with type 2 diabetes (GetGoal-Mono)
Vivian A. Fonseca, MD; Ricardo Alvarado-Ruiz, MD; Denis Raccah, MD; Gabor Boka, MD; Patrick Miossec, MD; John E. Gerich, MD; on behalf of the EFC6018 GetGoal-Mono Study Investigators
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1225-1231. doi:
Dose-Ranging Effects of Canagliflozin, a Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitor, as Add-On to Metformin in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes
Julio Rosenstock, MD; Naresh Aggarwal, MD; David Polidori, PHD; Yue Zhao, PHD; Deborah Arbit, MD; Keith Usiskin, MD; George Capuano, PHD; William Canovatchel, MD; for the Canagliflozin DIA 2001 Study Group
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1232-1238. doi:
Family Support, Medication Adherence, and Glycemic Control Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1239-1245. doi:
Insulin Requirements in Type 1 Diabetic Pregnancy: Do twin pregnant women require twice as much insulin as singleton pregnant women?
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1246-1248. doi:
Metabolic Effects of Replacing Sucrose by Isomaltulose in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes: A randomized double-blind trial
Stefanie Brunner, MSC; Ines Holub, DIPL TROPH; Stephan Theis, PHD; Andrea Gostner, PHD; Ralph Melcher, MD; Petra Wolf, DIPL STAT; Ulrike Amann-Gassner, PHD; Wolfgang Scheppach, MD; Hans Hauner, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1249-1251. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Trends in Death Rates Among U.S. Adults With and Without Diabetes Between 1997 and 2006: Findings from the National Health Interview Survey
Edward W. Gregg, PHD; Yiling J. Cheng, PHD; Sharon Saydah, PHD; Catherine Cowie, PHD; Sanford Garfield, PHD; Linda Geiss, MA; Lawrence Barker, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1252-1257. doi:
Independent Associations of Glucose Status and Arterial Stiffness With Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction: An 8-year follow-up of the Hoorn Study
Katja van den Hurk, PHD; Marjan Alssema, PHD; Otto Kamp, MD; Ronald M. Henry, MD; Coen D. Stehouwer, MD; Yvo M. Smulders, MD; Giel Nijpels, MD; Walter J. Paulus, MD; Jacqueline M. Dekker, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1258-1264. doi:
High Burden of Kidney Disease in Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes
Allison B. Dart, MD; Elizabeth A. Sellers, MD; Patricia J. Martens, PHD; Claudio Rigatto, MD; Marni D. Brownell, PHD; Heather J. Dean, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1265-1271. doi:
How Are Physical Activity, Fitness, and Sedentary Behavior Associated With Insulin Sensitivity in Children?
Mélanie Henderson, MD; Katherine Gray-Donald, PHD; Marie-Eve Mathieu, PHD; Tracie A. Barnett, PHD; James A. Hanley, PHD; Jennifer O’Loughlin, PHD; Angelo Tremblay, PHD; Marie Lambert, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1272-1278. doi:
The Impact of Treatment Noncompliance on Mortality in People With Type 2 Diabetes
Craig J. Currie, PHD; Mark Peyrot, PHD; Christopher Ll. Morgan, MSC; Chris D. Poole, PHD; Sara Jenkins-Jones, MSC; Richard R. Rubin, PHD; Christopher M. Burton, MD; Marc Evans, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1279-1284. doi:
Does Diabetes Care Differ by Type of Chronic Comorbidity?: An evaluation of the Piette and Kerr framework
Sri Ram Pentakota, MD; Mangala Rajan, MBA; B. Graeme Fincke, MD; Chin-Lin Tseng, DRPH; Donald R. Miller, PHD; Cindy L. Christiansen, PHD; Eve A. Kerr, MD; Leonard M. Pogach, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1285-1292. doi:
A Prospective Study of the Association Between Quantity and Variety of Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Incident Type 2 Diabetes
Andrew J. Cooper, MPHIL; Stephen J. Sharp, MSC; Marleen A.H. Lentjes, MSC; Robert N. Luben, BSC; Kay-Tee Khaw, FRCP; Nicholas J. Wareham, FRCP; Nita G. Forouhi, FFPH
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1293-1300. doi:
Predictors of Mortality Over 8 Years in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD)
Laura N. McEwen, PHD; Andrew J. Karter, PHD; Beth E. Waitzfelder, PHD; Jesse C. Crosson, PHD; David G. Marrero, PHD; Carol M. Mangione, MD; William H. Herman, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1301-1309. doi:
Association of High Pulse Pressure With Proteinuria in Subjects With Diabetes, Prediabetes, or Normal Glucose Tolerance in a Large Japanese General Population Sample
Yuichiro Yano, MD; Yuji Sato, MD; Shouichi Fujimoto, MD; Tsuneo Konta, MD; Kunitoshi Iseki, MD; Toshiki Moriyama, MD; Kunihiro Yamagata, MD; Kazuhiko Tsuruya, MD; Hideaki Yoshida, MD; Koichi Asahi, MD; Issei Kurahashi, MD; Yasuo Ohashi, MD; Tsuyoshi Watanabe, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1310-1315. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Multiorgan Insulin Sensitivity in Lean and Obese Subjects
Caterina Conte, MD; Elisa Fabbrini, MD; Marleen Kars, MD; Bettina Mittendorfer, PHD; Bruce W. Patterson, PHD; Samuel Klein, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1316-1321. doi:
Whole-Blood Tissue Factor Procoagulant Activity Is Elevated in Type 1 Diabetes: Effects of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1322-1327. doi:
Maternal Enterovirus Infection as a Risk Factor for Type 1 Diabetes in the Exposed Offspring
Hanna Viskari, MD; Mikael Knip, MD; Sisko Tauriainen, PHD; Heini Huhtala, MSC; Riitta Veijola, MD; Jorma Ilonen, MD; Olli Simell, MD; Heljä-Marja Surcel, MD; Heikki Hyöty, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1328-1332. doi:
High Concentrations of AGE-LDL and Oxidized LDL in Circulating Immune Complexes Are Associated With Progression of Retinopathy in Type 1 Diabetes
Maria F. Lopes-Virella, MD; Nathaniel L. Baker, MS; Kelly J. Hunt, PHD; Timothy J. Lyons, MD; Alicia J. Jenkins, MD; Gabriel Virella, MD; the DCCT/EDIC Study Group
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1333-1340. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Correlates of Age Onset of Type 2 Diabetes Among Relatively Young Black and White Adults in a Community: The Bogalusa Heart Study
Quoc Manh Nguyen, MD; Ji-Hua Xu, MD; Wei Chen, MD; Sathanur R. Srinivasan, PHD; Gerald S. Berenson, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1341-1346. doi:
Changes in Physical Fitness Predict Improvements in Modifiable Cardiovascular Risk Factors Independently of Body Weight Loss in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Participating in the Italian Diabetes and Exercise Study (IDES)
Stefano Balducci, MD; Silvano Zanuso, PHD; Patrizia Cardelli, PHD; Laura Salvi, MD; Giulia Mazzitelli, MD; Alessandra Bazuro, MD; Carla Iacobini, PHD; Antonio Nicolucci, MD; Giuseppe Pugliese, MD; for the Italian Diabetes Exercise Study (IDES) Investigators
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1347-1354. doi:
Insulin Resistance, Cystatin C, and Mortality Among Older Adults
Ian H. de Boer, MD; Ronit Katz, PHD; Michel B. Chonchol, MD; Linda F. Fried, MD; Joachim H. Ix, MD; Bryan Kestenbaum, MD; Kenneth J. Mukamal, MD; Carmen A. Peralta, MD; David S. Siscovick, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1355-1360. doi:
Serum Levels of Receptors for Advanced Glycation End Products in Normal-Weight and Obese Children Born Small and Large for Gestational Age
Valentina Chiavaroli, MD; Ebe D’Adamo, MD; Cosimo Giannini, MD; Tommaso de Giorgis, MD; Stefania De Marco, MD; Francesco Chiarelli, MD; Angelika Mohn, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1361-1363. doi:
Reviews / Consensus Reports / ADA Statements
Position Statement
Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes: A Patient-Centered Approach: Position Statement of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
Silvio E. Inzucchi, MD; Richard M. Bergenstal, MD; John B. Buse, MD; Michaela Diamant, MD; Ele Ferrannini, MD; Michael Nauck, MD; Anne L. Peters, MD; Apostolos Tsapas, MD; Richard Wender, MD; David R. Matthews, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1364-1379. doi:
Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor γ Polymorphism Pro12Ala Is Associated With Nephropathy in Type 2 Diabetes: Evidence from meta-analysis of 18 studies
Hui Zhang, MD; Shimiao Zhu, PHD; Jing Chen, PHD; Yang Tang, PHD; Hailong Hu, PHD; Viswanathan Mohan, MD; Radha Venkatesan, MD; Jianmin Wang, PHD; Haiping Chen, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, 1388-1393. doi:
Issues and Events
Diabetes Care Electronic Pages
Online Letters: Observations
Sulfonylurea Use During Entire Pregnancy in Diabetes Because of KCNJ11 Mutation: A Report of Two Cases
Zsolt Gaal, MD; Tomasz Klupa, MD, PHD; Irene Kantor, MD; Wojciech Mlynarski, MD, PHD; Laszlo Albert, MD; Justyna Tolloczko, MD, PHD; Istvan Balogh, MD, PHD; Krzysztof Czajkowski, MD, PHD; Maciej T. Malecki, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, e40. doi:
Successful Use of Omalizumab in an Inadequately Controlled Type 2 Diabetic Patient With Severe Insulin Allergy
Claudia Cavelti-Weder, MD; Bettina Muggli, MD; Cornelia Keller, MD; Andrea Babians-Brunner, MD; Anna Biason-Lauber, MD; Marc Y. Donath, MD; Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, e41. doi:
Response to Comment on: Hegde et al. Effect of 3-Month Yoga on Oxidative Stress in Type 2 Diabetes With or Without Complications: A Controlled Clinical Trial. Diabetes Care 2011;34: 2208–2210
Shreelaxmi V. Hegde, PHD; Prabha Adhikari, MD; Shashidhar Kotian, MSC; Veena J. Pinto, MD; Sydney D’Souza, MD; Vivian D’Souza, MD
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, e43. doi:
Response to Comment on: Ellervik et al. Elevated Transferrin Saturation and Risk of Diabetes: Three Population-Based Studies. Diabetes Care 2011;34:2256–2258
Christina Ellervik, MD, PHD; Thomas Mandrup-Poulsen, MD, DMSCI; Henrik Birgens, MD, DMSCI; Børge G. Nordestgaard, MD, DMSCI
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, e48. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Response to Comment on: Wheeler et al. Macronutrients, Food Groups, and Eating Patterns in the Management of Diabetes: A Systematic Review of the Literature, 2010. Diabetes Care 2012;35:434–445
Madelyn L. Wheeler, MS, RD, FADA, CD; Stephanie A. Dunbar, MPH, RD; Lindsay M. Jaacks, BS; Wahida Karmally, DRPH, RD, CDE, CLS, FNLA; Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis, MSPH, PHD, RD; Judith Wylie-Rosett, EDD, RD; William S. Yancy, Jr., MD, MHS
Diabetes Care May 2012, Vol.35, e52. doi: