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1 August 2012
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
Global Call for Free Academic Movement for International Dialogue
Itamar Raz, MD; Stephanie A. Amiel, FRCP; George Alberti, FRCP; Naim Shehadeh, MD; Stefano Del Prato, MD; Paul Zimmet, MD, PHD; William T. Cefalu, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1631-1632. doi:
Original Research
Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition/Psychosocial Research
Reducing the Glycemic Index or Carbohydrate Content of Mixed Meals Reduces Postprandial Glycemia and Insulinemia Over the Entire Day but Does Not Affect Satiety
Ann G. Liu, PHD; Marlene M. Most, PHD; Meghan M. Brashear, MPH; William D. Johnson, PHD; William T. Cefalu, MD; Frank L. Greenway, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1633-1637. doi:
Improved Biomedical and Psychological Outcomes 1 Year After Structured Education in Flexible Insulin Therapy for People With Type 1 Diabetes: The U.K. DAFNE experience
David Hopkins, FRCP; Ian Lawrence, FRCP; Peter Mansell, MD; Gillian Thompson, BSC; Stephanie Amiel, MD; Michael Campbell, PHD; Simon Heller, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1638-1642. doi:
Development and Validation of the Type 1 Diabetes Nutrition Knowledge Survey
Alisha J. Rovner, PHD; Tonja R. Nansel, PHD; Sanjeev N. Mehta, MD; Laurie A. Higgins, MS; Denise L. Haynie, PHD; Lori M. Laffel, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1643-1647. doi:
Hemoglobin A1c Versus Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Postpartum Diabetes Screening
María José Picón, MD; Mora Murri, PHD; Araceli Muñoz, MD; José Carlos Fernández-García, MD; Ricardo Gomez-Huelgas, MD; Francisco J. Tinahones, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1648-1653. doi:
Effects of Gevokizumab on Glycemia and Inflammatory Markers in Type 2 Diabetes
Claudia Cavelti-Weder, MD; Andrea Babians-Brunner, MD; Cornelia Keller, MD; Marc A. Stahel, MD; Malaika Kurz-Levin, MD; Hany Zayed, PHD; Alan M. Solinger, MD; Thomas Mandrup-Poulsen, MD; Charles A. Dinarello, MD; Marc Y. Donath, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1654-1662. doi:
Can the Retinal Screening Interval Be Safely Increased to 2 Years for Type 2 Diabetic Patients Without Retinopathy?
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1663-1668. doi:
ATLANTIC DIP: Closing the Loop : A change in clinical practice can improve outcomes for women with pregestational diabetes
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1669-1671. doi:
Epidemiology/Health Services Research
Role of Muscle Mass and Muscle Quality in the Association Between Diabetes and Gait Speed
Stefano Volpato, MD; Lara Bianchi, MD; Fulvio Lauretani, MD; Fabrizio Lauretani, MD; Stefania Bandinelli, MD; Jack M. Guralnik, MD; Giovanni Zuliani, MD; Luigi Ferrucci, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1672-1679. doi:
Supervised Exercise Program, BMI, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Subjects With Normal or Impaired Fasting Glucose
Jey Sook Chae, PHD; Ryungwoo Kang, MS; Jung Hyun Kwak, PHD; Jean Kyung Paik, PHD; Oh Yoen Kim, PHD; Minjoo Kim, BS; Ji Won Park, BS; Justin Y. Jeon, PHD; Jong Ho Lee, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1680-1685. doi:
Prevalence of Diagnosed Arthritis and Arthritis-Attributable Activity Limitation Among Adults With and Without Diagnosed Diabetes: United States, 2008–2010
Yiling J. Cheng, MD; Giuseppina Imperatore, MD; Carl J. Caspersen, PHD; Edward W. Gregg, PHD; Ann L. Albright, PHD; Charles G. Helmick, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1686-1691. doi:
Racial Disparities in Quality-Adjusted Life-Years Associated With Diabetes and Visual Impairment
Kathryn E. McCollister, PHD; D. Diane Zheng, MS; Cristina A. Fernandez, MSED; David J. Lee, PHD; Byron L. Lam, MD; Kristopher L. Arheart, EDD; Anat Galor, MD; Manuel Ocasio, BA; Peter Muennig, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1692-1694. doi:
Serum 25(OH)D and Type 2 Diabetes Association in a General Population: A prospective study
Lise Lotte N. Husemoen, PHD; Betina H. Thuesen, PHD; Mogens Fenger, DMSC; Torben Jørgensen, DMSC; Charlotte Glümer, PHD; Jannet Svensson, PHD; Lars Ovesen, MD; Daniel R. Witte, PHD; Allan Linneberg, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1695-1700. doi:
Plasma Fatty Acid–Binding Protein 4, Nonesterified Fatty Acids, and Incident Diabetes in Older Adults
Luc Djoussé, MD; Owais Khawaja, MD; Traci M. Bartz, MS; Mary L. Biggs, PHD; Joachim H. Ix, MD; Susan J. Zieman, MD; Jorge R. Kizer, MD; Russell P. Tracy, PHD; David S. Siscovick, MD; Kenneth J. Mukamal, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1701-1707. doi:
Depression Predicts All-Cause Mortality: Epidemiological evaluation from the ACCORD HRQL substudy
Mark D. Sullivan, MD; Patrick O’Connor, MD; Patricia Feeney, MS; Don Hire, MS; Debra L. Simmons, MD; Dennis W. Raisch, PHD; Lawrence J. Fine, MD; K.M. Venkat Narayan, MD; Mohammad K. Ali, MB; Wayne J. Katon, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1708-1715. doi:
Health Care Transition in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes: Young adult experiences and relationship to glycemic control
Katharine C. Garvey, MD; Howard A. Wolpert, MD; Erinn T. Rhodes, MD; Lori M. Laffel, MD; Ken Kleinman, PHD; Margaret G. Beste, BA; Joseph I. Wolfsdorf, MB; Jonathan A. Finkelstein, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1716-1722. doi:
A Simple Screening Score for Diabetes for the Korean Population: Development, validation, and comparison with other scores
Yong-ho Lee, MD; Heejung Bang, PHD; Hyeon Chang Kim, MD; Hee Man Kim, MD; Seok Won Park, MD; Dae Jung Kim, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1723-1730. doi:
Associations Between the Ankle-Brachial Index and Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality Are Similar in Individuals Without and With Type 2 Diabetes: Nineteen-year follow-up of a population-based cohort study
Nordin M.J. Hanssen, MD; Maya S. Huijberts, MD; Casper G. Schalkwijk, PHD; Giel Nijpels, MD; Jacqueline M. Dekker, PHD; Coen D.A. Stehouwer, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1731-1735. doi:
Health-Related Quality of Life Among German Youths With Early-Onset and Long-Duration Type 1 Diabetes
Anna Stahl, PHD; Klaus Straßburger, PHD; Karin Lange, PHD; Christina Bächle, MSC; Reinhard W. Holl, MD; Guido Giani, PHD; Joachim Rosenbauer, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1736-1742. doi:
Modest Levels of Physical Activity Are Associated With a Lower Incidence of Diabetes in a Population With a High Rate of Obesity: The Strong Heart Family Study
Amanda M. Fretts, PHD; Barbara V. Howard, PHD; Barbara McKnight, PHD; Glen E. Duncan, PHD; Shirley A.A. Beresford, PHD; Darren Calhoun, PHD; Andrea M. Kriska, PHD; Kristi L. Storti, PHD; David S. Siscovick, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1743-1745. doi:
Independent Effect of Ethnicity on Glycemia in South Asians and White Europeans
Samiul A. Mostafa, MBCHB; Melanie J. Davies, MD; David R. Webb, MBCHB; Balasubramanian Thiagarajan Srinivasan, MD; Laura J. Gray, PHD; Kamlesh Khunti, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1746-1748. doi:
Circulating Metabolite Predictors of Glycemia in Middle-Aged Men and Women
Peter Würtz, PHD; Mika Tiainen, MSC; Ville-Petteri Mäkinen, DSC; Antti J. Kangas, MSC; Pasi Soininen, PHD; Juha Saltevo, MD; Sirkka Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, MD; Pekka Mäntyselkä, MD; Terho Lehtimäki, MD; Markku Laakso, MD; Antti Jula, MD; Mika Kähönen, MD; Mauno Vanhala, MD; Mika Ala-Korpela, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1749-1756. doi:
Early Loss of the Glucagon Response to Hypoglycemia in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes
Aris Siafarikas, FRACP; Robert J. Johnston, MRCP; Max K. Bulsara, PHD; Peter O’Leary, PHD; Timothy W. Jones, MBBS; Elizabeth A. Davis, MBBS
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1757-1762. doi:
Genetic Risk Score Constructed Using 14 Susceptibility Alleles for Type 2 Diabetes Is Associated With the Early Onset of Diabetes and May Predict the Future Requirement of Insulin Injections Among Japanese Individuals
Minoru Iwata, MD; Shiro Maeda, MD; Yutaka Kamura, MD; Atsuko Takano, MD; Hiromi Kato, MD; Shihou Murakami, MD; Kiyohiro Higuchi, MD; Atsushi Takahashi, PHD; Hayato Fujita, MD; Kazuo Hara, MD; Takashi Kadowaki, MD; Kazuyuki Tobe, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1763-1770. doi:
Circulating Dopamine and C-Peptide Levels in Fasting Nondiabetic Hypertensive Patients: The Graz Endocrine Causes of Hypertension study
Andreas Tomaschitz, MD; Eberhard Ritz, MD; Katharina Kienreich, MD; Burkert Pieske, MD; Winfried März, MD; Bernhard O. Boehm, MD; Christiane Drechsler, MD; Andreas Meinitzer, PHD; Stefan Pilz, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1771-1773. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Risk Factors for Metabolic Syndrome Independently Predict Arterial Stiffness and Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease and Minimal Comorbidity
Pajaree Lilitkarntakul, MD; Neeraj Dhaun, MBCHB; Vanessa Melville, BSC; Debbie Kerr, BSC; David J. Webb, MD; Jane Goddard, MBCHB
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1774-1780. doi:
Aortic and Mitral Annular Calcifications Are Predictive of All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Andrea Rossi, MD; Giovanni Targher, MD; Giacomo Zoppini, MD; Mariantonietta Cicoira, MD; Stefano Bonapace, MD; Carlo Negri, MD; Vincenzo Stoico, MD; Pompilio Faggiano, MD; Corrado Vassanelli, MD; Enzo Bonora, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1781-1786. doi:
Differences in Prevalence, Extent, Severity, and Prognosis of Coronary Artery Disease Among Patients With and Without Diabetes Undergoing Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography: Results from 10,110 individuals from the CONFIRM (COronary CT Angiography EvaluatioN For Clinical Outcomes): an InteRnational Multicenter Registry
Jamal S. Rana, MD; Allison Dunning, MS; Stephan Achenbach, MD; Mouaz Al-Mallah, MD; Matthew J. Budoff, MD; Filippo Cademartiri, MD; Tracy Q. Callister, MD; Hyuk-Jae Chang, MD; Victor Y. Cheng, MD; Kavitha Chinnaiyan, MD; Benjamin J.W. Chow, MD; Ricardo Cury, MD; Augustin Delago, MD; Gudrun Feuchtner, MD; Martin Hadamitzky, MD; Jörg Hausleiter, MD; Philipp Kaufmann, MD; Ronald P. Karlsberg, MD; Yong-Jin Kim, MD; Jonathon Leipsic, MD; Troy M. Labounty, MD; Fay Y. Lin, MD; Erica Maffei, MD; Gilbert Raff, MD; Todd C. Villines, MD; Leslee J. Shaw, PHD; Daniel S. Berman, MD; James K. Min, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1787-1794. doi:
Determinants of Insulin Resistance in Infants at Age 1 Year: Impact of gestational diabetes mellitus
Carla A. Borgoño, MD; Jill K. Hamilton, MD; Chang Ye, MSC; Anthony J. Hanley, PHD; Philip W. Connelly, PHD; Mathew Sermer, MD; Bernard Zinman, MD; Ravi Retnakaran, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1795-1797. doi:
Scientific Statement
Nonnutritive Sweeteners: Current Use and Health Perspectives: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association
Christopher Gardner, PHD; Judith Wylie-Rosett, EDD, RD; Samuel S. Gidding, MD, FAHA; Lyn M. Steffen, PHD, MPH, RD, FAHA; Rachel K. Johnson, PHD, MPH, RD; Diane Reader, RD, CDE; Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSC, FAHA; on behalf of the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee of the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism, Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, and the American Diabetes Association
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, 1798-1808. doi:
Issues and Events
Online Letters: Observations
No Relation Between Cystic Fibrosis–Related Diabetes and Type 1 Diabetes Autoimmunity
Peter A. Gottlieb, MD; Liping Yu, MD; Sunanda Babu, PHD; Janet Wenzlau, PHD; Melena Bellin, MD; Brigitte I. Frohnert, MD, PHD; Antoinette Moran, MD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, e57. doi:
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency and Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, e58. doi:
The Diagnosis of Neonatal Diabetes in a Mother at 25 Years of Age
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, e59. doi:
Low Prevalence of Diabetic Retinopathy in a Chinese Population
Ming-Xia Yuan, MD, PHD; Zhi-Hui Peng, MD; Zhong Xin, MD, PHD; Jian-Ping Feng, RN; Lin Hua, PHD; Jing Shi, RN; Kun Geng, MD; Zhi-Xin Xu, MD; Xiao-Rong Zhu, MD; Xi Cao, PHD; Chang Liu, MD; Jin-Kui Yang, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care July 2012, Vol.35, e61. doi: