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1 December 2013
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
In This Issue
In This Issue of Diabetes Care
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3853-3854. doi:
Brain MRI Correlates of Cognitive Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes: The Needle Recovered From the Haystack?
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3855-3856. doi:
The Changing Face of Young-Onset Diabetes: Type 1 Optimism Mellowed by Type 2 Concerns
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3857-3859. doi:
Thirty Years of Research on the Dawn Phenomenon: Lessons to Optimize Blood Glucose Control in Diabetes
Francesca Porcellati, MD, PHD; Paola Lucidi, MD, PHD; Geremia B. Bolli, MD; Carmine G. Fanelli, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3860-3862. doi:
Original Research
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Long-Term Complications and Mortality in Young-Onset Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is more hazardous and lethal than type 1 diabetes
Maria I. Constantino, BInfoTech; Lynda Molyneaux, RN; Franziska Limacher-Gisler, MClinTPrac; Abdulghani Al-Saeed, MD; Connie Luo, RN; Ted Wu, MD; Stephen M. Twigg, MD; Dennis K. Yue, MD; Jencia Wong, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3863-3869. doi:
Long-Term Effects of the Booster-Enhanced READY-Girls Preconception Counseling Program on Intentions and Behaviors for Family Planning in Teens With Diabetes
Denise Charron-Prochownik, PHD; Susan M. Sereika, PHD; Dorothy Becker, MBBCH; Neil H. White, MD; Patricia Schmitt, MPM; A. Blair Powell, III, BS; Ana Maria Diaz, RN; Jacquelyn Jones, RA; William H. Herman, MD; Andrea F. Rodgers Fischl, PHD; Laura McEwen, PHD; Monica DiNardo, ANP-BC; Feng Guo, BSN; Julie Downs, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3870-3874. doi:
Effects of Adding Linagliptin to Basal Insulin Regimen for Inadequately Controlled Type 2 Diabetes: A ≥52-week randomized, double-blind study
Hannele Yki-Järvinen, MD; Julio Rosenstock, MD; Santiago Durán-Garcia, MD; Sabine Pinnetti, MD; Sudipta Bhattacharya, MSJ; Sandra Thiemann, PHD; Sanjay Patel, MB; Hans-Juergen Woerle, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3875-3881. doi:
Day and Night Closed-Loop Control in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: A comparison of two closed-loop algorithms driving continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion versus patient self-management
Yoeri M. Luijf, PHD; J. Hans DeVries, PHD; Koos Zwinderman, PHD; Lalantha Leelarathna, MRCP; Marianna Nodale, MSC; Karen Caldwell, RN; Kavita Kumareswaran, PHD; Daniela Elleri, MD; Janet M. Allen, RN; Malgorzata E. Wilinska, PHD; Mark L. Evans, MD; Roman Hovorka, PHD; Werner Doll, MS; Martin Ellmerer, PHD; Julia K. Mader, MD; Eric Renard, PHD; Jerome Place, MS; Anne Farret, MD; Claudio Cobelli, PHD; Simone Del Favero, PHD; Chiara Dalla Man, PHD; Angelo Avogaro, PHD; Daniela Bruttomesso, PHD; Alessio Filippi, MD; Rachele Scotton, MD; Lalo Magni, PHD; Giordano Lanzola, PHD; Federico Di Palma, PHD; Paola Soru, MS; Chiara Toffanin, MS; Giuseppe De Nicolao, PHD; Sabine Arnolds, MD; Carsten Benesch, PHD; Lutz Heinemann, PHD; on behalf of the AP@home Consortium
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3882-3887. doi:
Dose-Response Effect of Fruit and Vegetables on Insulin Resistance in People at High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A randomized controlled trial
Ian R. Wallace, MRCP; Claire T. McEvoy, PHD; Steven J. Hunter, FRCP; Lesley L. Hamill, PHD; Cieran N. Ennis, BSC; Patrick M. Bell, FRCP; Chris C. Patterson, PHD; Jayne V. Woodside, PHD; Ian S. Young, FRCP; Michelle C. McKinley, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3888-3896. doi:
Both Dietary Protein and Fat Increase Postprandial Glucose Excursions in Children With Type 1 Diabetes, and the Effect Is Additive
Carmel E.M. Smart, RD; Megan Evans, RD, PGRADDIPDIET; Susan M. O’Connell, MD; Patrick McElduff, PHD; Prudence E. Lopez, MD; Timothy W. Jones, MD; Elizabeth A. Davis, MD; Bruce R. King, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3897-3902. doi:
Peripheral Neuropathy in Adolescents and Young Adults With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes From the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Follow-up Cohort: A pilot study
Mamta Jaiswal, MBBS; Abigail Lauer, MS; Catherine L. Martin, RN; Ronny A. Bell, PHD; Jasmin Divers, PHD; Dana Dabelea, MD; David J. Pettitt, MD; Sharon Saydah, PHD; Catherine Pihoker, MD; Debra A. Standiford, MSN; Beatriz L. Rodriguez, MD; Rodica Pop-Busui, MD; Eva L. Feldman, MD; for the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study Group
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3903-3908. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Association of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Glucose Metabolism in Subjects With or Without Obesity
Nan Hee Kim, MD; Nam H. Cho, MD; Chang-Ho Yun, MD; Seung Ku Lee, PHD; Dae Wui Yoon, MS; Hyun Joo Cho, MS; Jae Hee Ahn, MD; Ji A. Seo, MD; Sin Gon Kim, MD; Kyung Mook Choi, MD; Sei Hyun Baik, MD; Dong Seop Choi, MD; Chol Shin, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3909-3915. doi:
Intakes of Dietary Fiber, Vegetables, and Fruits and Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease in Japanese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Shiro Tanaka, PHD; Yukio Yoshimura, MD; Chiemi Kamada, MA; Sachiko Tanaka, PHD; Chika Horikawa, RD; Ryota Okumura, MA; Hideki Ito, MD; Yasuo Ohashi, PHD; Yasuo Akanuma, MD; Nobuhiro Yamada, MD; Hirohito Sone, MD; for the Japan Diabetes Complications Study Group
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3916-3922. doi:
Elevated HbA1c and Fasting Plasma Glucose in Predicting Diabetes Incidence Among Older Adults: Are two better than one?
Kasia J. Lipska, MD; Silvio E. Inzucchi, MD; Peter H. Van Ness, PHD; Thomas M. Gill, MD; Alka Kanaya, MD; Elsa S. Strotmeyer, PHD; Annemarie Koster, PHD; Karen C. Johnson, MD; Bret H. Goodpaster, PHD; Tamara Harris, MD; Nathalie De Rekeneire, MD; for the Health ABC Study
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3923-3929. doi:
Low Prepregnancy Adiponectin Concentrations Are Associated With a Marked Increase in Risk for Development of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Monique M. Hedderson, PHD; Jeanne Darbinian, MPH; Peter J. Havel, DVM; Charles P. Quesenberry, PHD; Sneha Sridhar, MPH; Samantha Ehrlich, PHD; Assiamira Ferrara, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3930-3937. doi:
Cardiovascular Risk Factors Are Associated With Increased Arterial Stiffness in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes: The SEARCH CVD study
Dana Dabelea, MD; Jennifer W. Talton, MS; Ralph D’Agostino, Jr., PHD; R. Paul Wadwa, MD; Elaine M. Urbina, MD; Lawrence M. Dolan, MD; Stephen R. Daniels, MD; Santica M. Marcovina, PHD; Richard F. Hamman, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3938-3943. doi:
Nonlaboratory-Based Risk Assessment Algorithm for Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Developed on a Nation-Wide Diabetes Survey
Xianghai Zhou, MD; Qing Qiao, MD; Linong Ji, MD; Feng Ning, MS; Wenying Yang, MD; Jianping Weng, MD; Zhongyan Shan, MD; Haoming Tian, MD; Qiuhe Ji, MD; Lixiang Lin, MD; Qiang Li, MD; Jianzhong Xiao, MD; Weiguo Gao, MD; Zengchang Pang, MD; Jianping Sun, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3944-3952. doi:
Cohort Study of Insulin Glargine and Risk of Breast, Prostate, and Colorectal Cancer Among Patients With Diabetes
Laurel A. Habel, PHD; Kim N. Danforth, SCD; Charles P. Quesenberry, PHD; Angela Capra, MA; Stephen K. Van Den Eeden, PHD; Noel S. Weiss, MD; Assiamira Ferrara, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3953-3960. doi:
The Association Between Dietary Flavonoid and Lignan Intakes and Incident Type 2 Diabetes in European Populations: The EPIC-InterAct study
Raul Zamora-Ros, PHD; Nita G. Forouhi, FFPH; Stephen J. Sharp, MSC; Carlos A. González, PHD; Brian Buijsse, PHD; Marcela Guevara, MD; Yvonne T. van der Schouw, PHD; Pilar Amiano, MSC; Heiner Boeing, PHD; Lea Bredsdorff, PHD; Françoise Clavel-Chapelon, PHD; Guy Fagherazzi, PHD; Edith J. Feskens, PHD; Paul W. Franks, PHD; Sara Grioni, MSC; Verena Katzke, PHD; Timothy J. Key, DPHIL; Kay-Tee Khaw, FRCP; Tilman Kühn, MSC; Giovanna Masala, PHD; Amalia Mattiello, PHD; Esther Molina-Montes, PHD; Peter M. Nilsson, PHD; Kim Overvad, PHD; Florence Perquier, MSC; J. Ramón Quirós, MD; Isabelle Romieu, PHD; Carlotta Sacerdote, PHD; Augustin Scalbert, PHD; Matthias Schulze, DRPH; Nadia Slimani, PHD; Annemieke M.W. Spijkerman, PHD; Anne Tjonneland, PHD; Maria Jose Tormo, PHD; Rosario Tumino, MD; Daphne L. van der A, PHD; Claudia Langenberg, PHD; Elio Riboli, MD; Nicholas J. Wareham, FRCP
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3961-3970. doi:
Mortality in Adult-Onset Autoimmune Diabetes Is Associated With Poor Glycemic Control: Results from the HUNT Study
Lisa Olsson, PHD; Valdemar Grill, MD; Kristian Midthjell, MD; Anders Ahlbom, PHD; Tomas Andersson, BSC; Sofia Carlsson, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3971-3978. doi:
Glycemic Exposure and Blood Pressure Influencing Progression and Remission of Diabetic Retinopathy: A longitudinal cohort study in GoDARTS
Yiyuan Liu, BSC; Minghui Wang, PHD; Andrew D. Morris, MD; Alex S.F. Doney, MD; Graham P. Leese, MD; Ewan R. Pearson, FRCP; Colin N.A. Palmer, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3979-3984. doi:
Diabetes and Risk of Hospitalized Fall Injury Among Older Adults
Rebecca K. Yau, MPH; Elsa S. Strotmeyer, PHD; Helaine E. Resnick, PHD; Deborah E. Sellmeyer, MD; Kenneth R. Feingold, MD; Jane A. Cauley, DRPH; Eric Vittinghoff, PHD; Nathalie De Rekeneire, MD; Tamara B. Harris, MD; Michael C. Nevitt, PHD; Steven R. Cummings, MD; Ronald I. Shorr, MD; Ann V. Schwartz, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3985-3991. doi:
Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Thresholds of the Fasting Plasma Glucose Test to Identify the Target Population for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention in Adults Aged ≥45 Years
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3992-3998. doi:
Changing Impact of Modifiable Risk Factors on the Incidence of Major Outcomes of Type 1 Diabetes: The Pittsburgh Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications Study
Rachel G. Miller, MS; Aaron M. Secrest, MD, PHD; Demetrius Ellis, MD; Dorothy J. Becker, MD; Trevor J. Orchard, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 3999-4006. doi:
Effect of Postmenopausal Status and Age at Menopause on Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes in Japanese Individuals: Toranomon Hospital Health Management Center Study 17 (TOPICS 17)
Yoriko Heianza, RD; Yasuji Arase, MD; Satoru Kodama, MD; Shiun Dong Hsieh, MD; Hiroshi Tsuji, MD; Kazumi Saito, MD; Hitoshi Shimano, MD; Shigeko Hara, MD; Hirohito Sone, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4007-4014. doi:
Emerging Technologies and Therapeutics
Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Empagliflozin, Sitagliptin, and Metformin: An active-controlled, parallel-group, randomized, 78-week open-label extension study in patients with type 2 diabetes
Ele Ferrannini, MD; Andreas Berk, PHD; Stefan Hantel, PHD; Sabine Pinnetti, MD; Thomas Hach, MD; Hans J. Woerle, MD; Uli C. Broedl, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4015-4021. doi:
Effects of Naltrexone Sustained- Release/Bupropion Sustained-Release Combination Therapy on Body Weight and Glycemic Parameters in Overweight and Obese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Priscilla Hollander, MD; Alok K. Gupta, MD; Raymond Plodkowski, MD; Frank Greenway, MD; Harold Bays, MD; Colleen Burns, PHD; Preston Klassen, MD; Ken Fujioka, MD; for the COR-Diabetes Study Group
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4022-4029. doi:
Effectiveness of Early Intensive Therapy on β-Cell Preservation in Type 1 Diabetes
Bruce Buckingham, MD; Roy W. Beck, MD; Katrina J. Ruedy, MSPH; Peiyao Cheng, MPH; Craig Kollman, PHD; Stuart A. Weinzimer, MD; Linda A. DiMeglio, MD; Andrew A. Bremer, MD; Robert Slover, MD; William V. Tamborlane, MD; Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet) and Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Groups
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4030-4035. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Brain Atrophy in Type 2 Diabetes: Regional distribution and influence on cognition
Chris Moran, MB; Thanh G. Phan, PHD; Jian Chen, ME; Leigh Blizzard, PHD; Richard Beare, PHD; Alison Venn, PHD; Gerald Münch, PHD; Amanda G. Wood, PHD; Josephine Forbes, PHD; Timothy M. Greenaway, PHD; Susan Pearson, PHD; Velandai Srikanth, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4036-4042. doi:
Identification of Factors Associated With Sural Nerve Regeneration and Degeneration in Diabetic Neuropathy
Junguk Hur, PHD; Kelli A. Sullivan, PHD; Brian C. Callaghan, MD; Rodica Pop-Busui, MD; Eva L. Feldman, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4043-4049. doi:
Cerebral Blood Flow and Glucose Metabolism in Appetite-Related Brain Regions in Type 1 Diabetic Patients After Treatment With Insulin Detemir and NPH Insulin: A randomized controlled crossover trial
Larissa W. van Golen, MD; Richard G. IJzerman, MD; Marc C. Huisman, PHD; Jolanda F. Hensbergen, MHSC; Roel P. Hoogma, MD; Madeleine L. Drent, MD; Adriaan A. Lammertsma, PHD; Michaela Diamant, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4050-4056. doi:
Magnitude of the Dawn Phenomenon and Its Impact on the Overall Glucose Exposure in Type 2 Diabetes: Is this of concern?
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4057-4062. doi:
Restoration of Self-Awareness of Hypoglycemia in Adults With Long-Standing Type 1 Diabetes: Hyperinsulinemic-hypoglycemic clamp substudy results from the HypoCOMPaSS trial
Lalantha Leelarathna, MRCP; Stuart A. Little, MRCP; Emma Walkinshaw, MRCP; Horng Kai Tan, MRCP; Alexandra Lubina-Solomon, MD; Kavita Kumareswaran, PHD; Annette P. Lane, GCGI; Thomas Chadwick, PHD; Sally M. Marshall, MD; Jane Speight, PHD; Daniel Flanagan, MD; Simon R. Heller, MD; James A.M. Shaw, PHD; Mark L. Evans, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4063-4070. doi:
Poor Glycemic Control Is Related to Increased Nitric Oxide Activity Within the Renal Circulation of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Markus P. Schneider, MD; Christian Ott, MD; Stephanie Schmidt, MD; Iris Kistner, MD; Stefanie Friedrich, MD; Roland E. Schmieder, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4071-4075. doi:
Decreased Circulatory Response to Hypovolemic Stress in Young Women With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4076-4082. doi:
Adipose Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 and Obesity: Correlation with insulin resistance and depot-specific release from adipose tissue in vivo and in vitro
Henrike Sell, PHD; Matthias Blüher, MD; Nora Klöting, PHD; Raphaela Schlich, PHD; Miriam Willems, MD; Florian Ruppe, MD; Wolfram Trudo Knoefel, MD; Arne Dietrich, MD; Barbara A. Fielding, PHD; Peter Arner, MD; Keith N. Frayn, PHD; Jürgen Eckel, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4083-4090. doi:
Increased Glycemic Variability Is Independently Associated With Length of Stay and Mortality in Noncritically Ill Hospitalized Patients
Carlos E. Mendez, MD; Ki-Tae Mok, MD; Ashar Ata, MBBS; Robert J. Tanenberg, MD; Jorge Calles-Escandon, MD; Guillermo E. Umpierrez, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4091-4097. doi:
Islet-Specific T-Cell Responses and Proinflammatory Monocytes Define Subtypes of Autoantibody-Negative Ketosis-Prone Diabetes
Barbara M. Brooks-Worrell, PHD; Dinakar Iyer, PHD; Ivonne Coraza; Christiane S. Hampe, PHD; Ramaswami Nalini, MD; Kerem Ozer, MD; Radhika Narla, MD; Jerry P. Palmer, MD; Ashok Balasubramanyam, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4098-4103. doi:
Vitamin C Further Improves the Protective Effect of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 on Acute Hypoglycemia-Induced Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Endothelial Dysfunction in Type 1 Diabetes
Antonio Ceriello, MD; Anna Novials, MD; Emilio Ortega, MD; Silvia Canivell, MD; Lucia La Sala, PHD; Gemma Pujadas, PHD; Loredana Bucciarelli, MD; Maurizio Rondinelli, MD; Stefano Genovese, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4104-4108. doi:
Effect of Custom-Made Footwear on Foot Ulcer Recurrence in Diabetes: A multicenter randomized controlled trial
Sicco A. Bus, PHD; Roelof Waaijman, MSC; Mark Arts, MSC; Mirjam de Haart, MD; Tessa Busch-Westbroek, MD; Jeff van Baal, MD; Frans Nollet, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4109-4116. doi:
β-Cell Function Improvements in Grade I/II Obese Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes 1 Month After Biliopancreatic Diversion: Results from modeling analyses of oral glucose tolerance tests and hyperglycemic clamp studies
Ana Carolina Junqueira Vasques, RD; José Carlos Pareja, MD; Maria da Saude de Oliveira, MD; Fernanda Satake Novaes, MD; Marcelo Miranda de Oliveira Lima, MD; Élinton A. Chaim, MD; Francesca Piccinini, MSC; Chiara Dalla Man, PHD; Claudio Cobelli, PHD; Bruno Geloneze, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4117-4124. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Influence of Apolipoproteins on the Association Between Lipids and Insulin Sensitivity: A cross-sectional analysis of the RISC Study
Simona Baldi, PHD; Fabrice Bonnet, MD; Martine Laville, MD; Cecilia Morgantini, MD; Lucilla Monti, MD; Kurt Hojlund, MD; Ele Ferrannini, MD; Andrea Natali, MD; on behalf of the RISC Investigators
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4125-4131. doi:
Targeting Inflammation Using Salsalate in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: Effects on Flow-Mediated Dilation (TINSAL-FMD)
Allison B. Goldfine, MD; J. Stewart Buck, BS; Cyrus Desouza, MD; Vivian Fonseca, MD; Yii-Der Ida Chen, PHD; Steven E. Shoelson, MD; Kathleen A. Jablonski, PHD; Mark A. Creager, MD; for the TINSAL-FMD (Targeting Inflammation Using Salsalate in Type 2 Diabetes–Flow-Mediated Dilation) Ancillary Study Team
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4132-4139. doi:
Incidence of Stroke According to Presence of Diabetic Nephropathy and Severe Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Stefanie Hägg, MB; Lena M. Thorn, MD; Jukka Putaala, MD; Ron Liebkind, MD; Valma Harjutsalo, PHD; Carol M. Forsblom, DMSC; Daniel Gordin, MD; Turgut Tatlisumak, MD; Per-Henrik Groop, MD; on behalf of the FinnDiane Study Group
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4140-4146. doi:
Iron Status and Survival in Diabetic Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
Beata Ponikowska, MD; Tomasz Suchocki, PHD; Bartłomiej Paleczny, PHD; Martyna Olesinska, MD; Slawomir Powierza, MD; Ludmila Borodulin-Nadzieja, MD; Krzysztof Reczuch, MD; Stephan von Haehling, MD; Wolfram Doehner, MD; Stefan D. Anker, MD; John G.F. Cleland, MD; Ewa A. Jankowska, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4147-4156. doi:
Novel Communications in Diabetes
Association Between Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Severe Hypoglycemia in People With Type 2 Diabetes: The Edinburgh Type 2 Diabetes Study
Berit Inkster, MBCHB; Renata L. Riha, MD; Liesbeth Van Look, MBCHB; Rachel Williamson, MD; Stela McLachlan, PHD; Brian M. Frier, MD; Mark W.J. Strachan, MD; Jackie F. Price, MD; Rebecca M. Reynolds, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4157-4159. doi:
A 10-s Sprint Performed After Moderate-Intensity Exercise Neither Increases nor Decreases the Glucose Requirement to Prevent Late-Onset Hypoglycemia in Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes
Raymond J. Davey, PHD; Vanessa A. Bussau, BSC; Nirubasini Paramalingam, BSC; Luis D. Ferreira, PHD; Ee Mun Lim, PHD; Elizabeth A. Davis, MD; Timothy W. Jones, MD; Paul A. Fournier, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4163-4165. doi:
Novel Communications in Diabetes
Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring Significantly Reduces Severe Hypoglycemia in Hypoglycemia-Unaware Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Pratik Choudhary, MBBS; Sharmin Ramasamy, MBBS; Louisa Green, BSC; Geraldine Gallen, RGN; Siobhan Pender, RGN; Anna Brackenridge, MBBS; Stephanie A. Amiel, MBBS; John C. Pickup, BM
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4160-4162. doi:
Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, Carbohydrates, and Type 2 Diabetes: Systematic review and dose–response meta-analysis of prospective studies
Darren C. Greenwood, PHD; Diane E. Threapleton, MSC; Charlotte E.L. Evans, PHD; Christine L. Cleghorn, MSC; Camilla Nykjaer, MSC; Charlotte Woodhead, MSC; Victoria J. Burley, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4166-4171. doi:
Reduction of microalbuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes: the Shiga Microalbuminuria Reduction Trial (SMART). Diabetes Care 2007;30:1581–1583
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4172. doi:
Canagliflozin compared with sitagliptin for patients with type 2 diabetes who do not have adequate glycemic control with metformin plus sulfonylurea: a 52-week randomized trial. Diabetes Care 2013;36:2508–2515
G Schernthaner; JL Gross; J Rosenstock; M Guarisco; M Fu; J Yee; M Kawaguchi; W Canovatchel; G Meininger
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4172. doi:
Combining incretin-based therapies with insulin: realizing the potential in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2013;36(Suppl. 2):S226–S232
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4172. doi:
The 10-year cost-effectiveness of lifestyle intervention or metformin for diabetes prevention: an intent-to-treat analysis of the DPP/DPPOS. Diabetes Care 2012;35:723–730
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, 4172-4175. doi:
Issues and Events
Online Letters: Observations
Diabetes and the Course of Febrile Urinary Tract Infection
Willize E. van der Starre, MD; Hanneke Borgdorff, MD; Albert M. Vollaard, MD, PHD; Nathalie M. Delfos, MD; Jan W. van ’t Wout, MD, PHD; Ida C. Spelt, MD; Jeanet W. Blom, MD, PHD; Eliane M.S. Leyten, MD, PHD; Ted Koster, MD, PHD; Hans C. Ablij, MD; Jaap T. van Dissel, MD, PHD; Cees van Nieuwkoop, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e193-e194. doi:
Insulin Glulisine May Cause a Disease Resembling Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome: Case Report
Maki Kawasaki, MD; Yoichi Oikawa, MD, PHD; Takeshi Katsuki, MD; Yusuke Kabeya, MD, MPH; Masuomi Tomita, MD; Mari Okisugi, MD; Akira Shimada, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e195-e196. doi:
Ten Nights of Moderate Hypoxia Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Obese Humans
Virgile Lecoultre, PHD; Courtney M. Peterson, PHD; Jeffrey D. Covington, BS; Philip J. Ebenezer, PHD; Elizabeth A. Frost, BS; Jean-Marc Schwarz, PHD; Eric Ravussin, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e197-e198. doi:
New-Onset Saquinavir-Induced Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e199. doi:
Localized Amyloidosis at the Site of Repeated Insulin Injection in a Patient With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e200. doi:
Successful Transition From Insulin to Sulfonylurea Therapy in a Patient With Monogenic Neonatal Diabetes Owing to a KCNJ11 F333L Mutation
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e201. doi:
Artificial Sweeteners Have No Effect on Gastric Emptying, Glucagon-Like Peptide-1, or Glycemia After Oral Glucose in Healthy Humans
Tongzhi Wu, MBBS; Michelle J. Bound, B MED RAD (NUC MED); Scott D. Standfield, BSC; Max Bellon, DIP MED TECH AD NUC MED; Richard L. Young, PHD; Karen L. Jones, PHD; Michael Horowitz, MBBS, PHD; Christopher K. Rayner, MBBS, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e202-e203. doi:
Cromolyn Sodium for Insulin-Induced Lipoatrophy: Old Drug, New Use
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e204-e205. doi:
Diabetic Hepatosclerosis Presenting With Severe Cholestasis
Elena Nazzari, MD; Federica Grillo, MD; Tiziana Celiento, MD; Antonino Picciotto, MD; Diego Ferone, MD; Giovanni Murialdo, MD; Pietro Ameri, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e206. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Comment on: Torres-Mejía et al. Moderate-Intensity Physical Activity Ameliorates the Breast Cancer Risk in Diabetic Women. Diabetes Care 2012;35:2500–2502
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e209. doi:
Response to Comment on: Torres-Mejía et al. Moderate-Intensity Physical Activity Ameliorates the Breast Cancer Risk in Diabetic Women. Diabetes Care 2012;35:2500–2502
Gabriela Torres-Mejía, PHD; Carolina Ortega-Olvera, MSC; Louis Martínez-Matsushita, MSC; Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce, PHD; Elad Ziv, PHD; Angélica Angeles-Llerenas, MSC
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e210. doi:
Comment on: Wolpert et al. Dietary Fat Acutely Increases Glucose Concentrations and Insulin Requirements in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes: Implications for Carbohydrate-Based Bolus Dose Calculation and Intensive Diabetes Management. Diabetes Care 2013;36:810–816
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e211. doi:
Response to Comment on: Wolpert et al. Dietary Fat Acutely Increases Glucose Concentrations and Insulin Requirements in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes: Implications for Carbohydrate-Based Bolus Dose Calculation and Intensive Diabetes Management. Diabetes Care 2013;36:810–816
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e212. doi:
Comment on: Butler et al. A Critical Analysis of the Clinical Use of Incretin-Based Therapies: Are the GLP-1 Therapies Safe? Diabetes Care 2013;36:2118–2125
Lotte Bjerre Knudsen, BSC; Niels C. Berg Nyborg, MD, DMSCI; Claus Bo Svendsen, MD, PHD; Niels Vrang, MD, PHD; Alan C. Moses, MD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e213. doi:
Response to Comment on: Bosi et al. Intensive Structured Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose and Glycemic Control in Noninsulin-Treated Type 2 Diabetes: The PRISMA Randomized Trial. Diabetes Care 2013;36:2887–2894
Emanuele Bosi, MD; Marina Scavini, MD, PHD; Antonio Ceriello, MD; Domenico Cucinotta, MD; Antonio Tiengo, MD; Raffaele Marino, MD, MBA; Erminio Bonizzoni, PHD; Francesco Giorgino, MD, PHD; on behalf of the PRISMA Study Group
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e218. doi:
Comment on: Draznin et al. Pathways to Quality Inpatient Management of Hyperglycemia and Diabetes: A Call to Action. Diabetes Care 2013;36:1807–1814
Ketan Dhatariya, FRCP; Mike Sampson, FRCP; Chris Walton, FRCP; Gerry Rayman, FRCP; Esther Walden, RGN; Tracy Kelly, BSC
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e219. doi:
Response to Comment on: Draznin et al. Pathways to Quality Inpatient Management of Hyperglycemia and Diabetes: A Call to Action. Diabetes Care 2013;36:1807–1814
Boris Draznin, MD, PHD; Janice Gilden, MS, MD; Sherita H. Golden, MD, MHS; Silvio Inzucchi, MD; for the PRIDE Investigators
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e220. doi:
Comment on: Besser et al. Lessons From the Mixed-Meal Tolerance Test: Use of 90-Minute and Fasting C-Peptide in Pediatric Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2013;36:195–201
Sandeep Chaudhary, MD; Anubhav Thukral, MD; Manoj Kataria, MD; Sujoy Ghosh, DM, FRCP (Edin); Satinath Mukherjee, DM; Subhankar Chowdhury, DM
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e221. doi:
Response to Comment on: Besser et al. Lessons From the Mixed-Meal Tolerance Test: Use of 90-Minute and Fasting C-Peptide in Pediatric Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2013;36:195–201
Beverley M. Shields, PHD; William Henley, PHD; Rachel E.J. Besser, PHD; Andrew T. Hattersley, DM; Johnny Ludvigsson, PHD
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e222. doi:
Comment on: TODAY Study Group. Effects of Metformin, Metformin Plus Rosiglitazone, and Metformin Plus Lifestyle on Insulin Sensitivity and β-Cell Function in TODAY. Diabetes Care 2013;36:1749–1757
James C. Baldi, PHD, FACSM; Patrick J. Manning, MBCHB; Paul L. Hofman, MBCHB, FRACP; Robert J. Walker, MBCHB, FRACP, FASN, FAHA
Diabetes Care November 2013, Vol.36, e223. doi: