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March 2013
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
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In This Issue
In This Issue of Diabetes Care
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 493-494. doi:
Profiles in Progress
Christopher Dyer Saudek, MD: Diabetes Expert and Implantable Insulin Pump Pioneer
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 495-497. doi:
Original Research
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
The Fate of Taspoglutide, a Weekly GLP-1 Receptor Agonist, Versus Twice-Daily Exenatide for Type 2 Diabetes: The T-emerge 2 trial
Julio Rosenstock, MD; Bogdan Balas, MD; Bernard Charbonnel, MD; Geremia B. Bolli, MD; Mark Boldrin, MS; Robert Ratner, MD; Raffaella Balena, MD; for the T-emerge 2 Study Group
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 498-504. doi:
Transient Neonatal Diabetes, ZFP57, and Hypomethylation of Multiple Imprinted Loci: A detailed follow-up
Susanne E. Boonen, MD; Deborah J.G. Mackay, PHD; Johanne M.D. Hahnemann, MD; Louise Docherty, PHD; Karen Grønskov, PHD; Anna Lehmann, PHD; Lise G. Larsen, MD; Andreas P. Haemers, MD; Yves Kockaerts, MD; Lutgarde Dooms, MD; Dũng Chí Vũ, MD; C.T. Bich Ngoc, MD; Phuong Bich Nguyen, MD; Olga Kordonouri, MD; Frida Sundberg, MD; Pinar Dayanikli, MD; Vijith Puthi, MD; Carlo Acerini, MD; Ahmed F. Massoud, MD; Zeynep Tümer, MD; I. Karen Temple, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 505-512. doi:
Caspase Induction and BCL2 Inhibition in Human Adipose Tissue: A potential relationship with insulin signaling alteration
Francisco José Tinahones, MD; Leticia Coín Aragüez, BSC; Mora Murri, PHD; Wilfredo Oliva Olivera, BSC; María Dolores Mayas Torres, PHD; Nuria Barbarroja, PHD; Ricardo Gomez Huelgas, MD; Maria M. Malagón, PHD; Rajaa El Bekay, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 513-521. doi:
Better Glycemic Control and Weight Loss With the Novel Long-Acting Basal Insulin LY2605541 Compared With Insulin Glargine in Type 1 Diabetes: A randomized, crossover study
Julio Rosenstock, MD; Richard M. Bergenstal, MD; Thomas C. Blevins, MD; Linda A. Morrow, MD; Melvin J. Prince, MD; Yongming Qu, PHD; Vikram P. Sinha, PHD; Daniel C. Howey, MD; Scott J. Jacober, DO
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 522-528. doi:
Maternal and Neonatal Circulating Markers of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Risk in the Metformin in Gestational Diabetes (MiG) Trial: Responses to maternal metformin versus insulin treatment
Helen L. Barrett, BSC; Kathryn L. Gatford, PHD; Candice M. Houda, B MED SCI; Miles J. De Blasio, PHD; H. David McIntyre, MBBS; Leonie K. Callaway, MBBS; Marloes Dekker Nitert, PHD; Suzette Coat, PHD; Julie A. Owens, PHD; William M. Hague, MD; Janet A. Rowan, MBCHB
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 529-536. doi:
Resistance Versus Aerobic Exercise: Acute effects on glycemia in type 1 diabetes
Jane E. Yardley, PHD; Glen P. Kenny, PHD; Bruce A. Perkins, MD; Michael C. Riddell, PHD; Nadia Balaa, BSC; Janine Malcolm, MD; Pierre Boulay, PHD; Farah Khandwala, MSC; Ronald J. Sigal, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 537-542. doi:
Assessment of Barriers to Improve Diabetes Management in Older Adults: A randomized controlled study
Medha N. Munshi, MD; Alissa R. Segal, PHARMD; Emmy Suhl, RD; Courtney Ryan, BS; Adrianne Sternthal, BS; Judy Giusti, RD; Yishan Lee, MS; Shane Fitzgerald, MS; Elizabeth Staum, RD; Patricia Bonsignor, RN; Laura DesRochers, BS; Richard McCartney, BS; Katie Weinger, EDD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 543-549. doi:
Vitamin D Receptor Fok-I Polymorphism Modulates Diabetic Host Response to Vitamin D Intake: Need for a nutrigenetic approach
Tirang R. Neyestani, PHD; Abolghassem Djazayery, PHD; Sakineh Shab-Bidar, MSC; Mohammad Reza Eshraghian, PHD; Ali Kalayi, BSC; Nastaran Shariátzadeh, BSC; Niloufar Khalaji, MSC; Malihe Zahedirad, MSC; A’zam Gharavi, BSC; Anahita Houshiarrad, MSC; Maryam Chamari, MSC; Sepideh Asadzadeh, BSC
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 550-556. doi:
Heterogeneity in Phenotype of Usher-Congenital Hyperinsulinism Syndrome: Hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa, and hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia ranging from severe to mild with conversion to diabetes
Angham N. Al Mutair, MD; Klaus Brusgaard, MSC; Bassam Bin-Abbas, MD; Khalid Hussain, MD; Naila Felimban, MD; Adnan Al Shaikh, MD; Henrik T. Christesen, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 557-561. doi:
Body Composition Is Normal in Term Infants Born to Mothers With Well-Controlled Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Cheryl P. Au, MBBS; Camille H. Raynes-Greenow, MPH, PHD; Robin M. Turner, MBIOSTAT, PHD; Angela E. Carberry, MPH; Heather E. Jeffery, PHD, FRACP (PAEDS)
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 562-564. doi:
The Efficacy and Safety of Imeglimin as Add-on Therapy in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Inadequately Controlled With Metformin Monotherapy
Pascale Fouqueray, MD; Valdis Pirags, MD; Silvio E. Inzucchi, MD; Clifford J. Bailey, PHD; Guntram Schernthaner, MD; Michaela Diamant, MD; Harold E. Lebovitz, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 565-568. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
No Ethnic Differences in the Association of Glycated Hemoglobin With Retinopathy: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005–2008
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 569-573. doi:
Elevated Rates of Diabetes in Pacific Islanders and Asian Subgroups: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)
Andrew J. Karter, PHD; Dean Schillinger, MD; Alyce S. Adams, PHD; Howard H. Moffet, MPH; Jennifer Liu, MPH; Nancy E. Adler, PHD; Alka M. Kanaya, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 574-579. doi:
A Simple Risk Stratification for Time to Development of Sight-Threatening Diabetic Retinopathy
Irene M. Stratton, MSC; Stephen J. Aldington, DMS; David J. Taylor, BTECH; Amanda I. Adler, MD; Peter H. Scanlon, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 580-585. doi:
Evaluation of the Value of Fasting Plasma Glucose in the First Prenatal Visit to Diagnose Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in China
Wei-wei Zhu, MD; Hui-xia Yang, MD; Yu-mei Wei, MD; Jie Yan, PHD; Zi-lian Wang, MD; Xue-lan Li, MM; Hai-rong Wu, MM; Nan Li, MM; Mei-hua Zhang, MM; Xing-hui Liu, MM; Hua Zhang, MD; Yun-hui Wang, MM; Jian-min Niu, MM; Yu-jie Gan, MM; Li-ruo Zhong, MM; Yun-feng Wang, MM; Anil Kapur, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 586-590. doi:
Generic Medications and Blood Pressure Control in Diabetic Hypertensive Subjects: Results from the REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study
Doyle M. Cummings, PHARMD; Abraham J. Letter, MS; George Howard, DRPH; Virginia J. Howard, PHD; Monika M. Safford, MD; Valerie Prince, PHARMD; Paul Muntner, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 591-597. doi:
Diagnostic and Prognostic Performances Over 9 Years of a Selective Screening Strategy for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in a Cohort of 18,775 Subjects
Emmanuel Cosson, MD; Amélie Benbara, MD; Isabelle Pharisien, MSC; Minh Tuan Nguyen, PHD; Aurélie Revaux, MD; Boris Lormeau, MD; Dorian Sandre-Banon, MD; Nabil Assad, MD; Camille Pillegand, MD; Paul Valensi, MD; Lionel Carbillon, MD, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 598-603. doi:
Smoking Is Associated With Reduced Risk of Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults Contrasting With Increased Risk in Overweight Men With Type 2 Diabetes: A 22-year follow-up of the HUNT study
Bahareh Rasouli, MSC; Valdemar Grill, MD; Kristian Midthjell, MD; Anders Ahlbom, PHD; Tomas Andersson, MSC; Sofia Carlsson, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 604-610. doi:
Impact of Sleep Duration on Obesity and the Glycemic Level in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: The Fukuoka Diabetes Registry
Toshiaki Ohkuma, MD; Hiroki Fujii, MD; Masanori Iwase, MD; Yohei Kikuchi, MD; Shinako Ogata, MD; Yasuhiro Idewaki, MD; Hitoshi Ide, MD; Yasufumi Doi, MD; Yoichiro Hirakawa, MD; Udai Nakamura, MD; Takanari Kitazono, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 611-617. doi:
Early Prediction of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Vietnam: Clinical impact of currently recommended diagnostic criteria
Thach S. Tran, PHD; Jane E. Hirst, MPH; My An T. Do, MSC; Jonathan M. Morris, PHD; Heather E. Jeffery, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 618-624. doi:
Systemic Inflammation (C-Reactive Protein) in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Is Associated With Ambient Air Pollution in Pune City, India
Morteza A. Khafaie, MPH; Sundeep S. Salvi, MD; Ajay Ojha, PHD; Behzad Khafaie, MPHIL; Sharad S. Gore, PHD; Chittaranjan S. Yajnik, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 625-630. doi:
Assessing Progress in Retinopathy Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes: Comparing findings from the Wisconsin Diabetes Registry Study and the Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy
Tamara J. LeCaire, PHD; Mari Palta, PHD; Ronald Klein, MD; Barbara E.K. Klein, MD; Karen J. Cruickshanks, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 631-637. doi:
Self-Reported Physical Activity Is Associated With β-Cell Function in Mexican American Adults
Zhanghua Chen, MS; Mary Helen Black, PHD; Richard M. Watanabe, PHD; Enrique Trigo, MD; Miwa Takayanagi, MS; Jean M. Lawrence, SCD; Thomas A. Buchanan, MD; Anny H. Xiang, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 638-644. doi:
Association of Electrocardiographically Determined Left Ventricular Mass With Incident Diabetes, 1985–1986 to 2010–2011: Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study
Mercedes R. Carnethon, PHD; Hongyan Ning, MD; Elsayed Z. Soliman, MD; Cora E. Lewis, MD; Pamela J. Schreiner, PHD; Stephen Sidney, MD; Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 645-647. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Branched-Chain and Aromatic Amino Acids Are Predictors of Insulin Resistance in Young Adults
Peter Würtz, PHD; Pasi Soininen, PHD; Antti J. Kangas, MSC; Tapani Rönnemaa, MD; Terho Lehtimäki, MD; Mika Kähönen, MD; Jorma S. Viikari, MD; Olli T. Raitakari, MD; Mika Ala-Korpela, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 648-655. doi:
Urinary Cystatin C and Tubular Proteinuria Predict Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy
Sang Soo Kim, MD; Sang Heon Song, MD; In Joo Kim, MD; Yun Kyung Jeon, MD; Bo Hyun Kim, MD; Ihm Soo Kwak, MD; Eun Kyung Lee, RPH; Yong Ki Kim, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 656-661. doi:
Altered Brain Microstructure Assessed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Patients With Diabetes and Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Jens Brøndum Frøkjær, PHD; Lars Wiuff Andersen, MD; Christina Brock, PHD; Magnus Simrén, DMSC; Maria Ljungberg, PHD; Eirik Søfteland, MD; Georg Dimcevski, PHD; Yousef Yavarian, MD; Hans Gregersen, DMSC; Asbjørn Mohr Drewes, DMSC
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 662-668. doi:
Association Between Urinary Markers of Nucleic Acid Oxidation and Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes: A population-based cohort study
Kasper Broedbaek, PHD; Volkert Siersma, PHD; Trine Henriksen, PHD; Allan Weimann, PHD; Morten Petersen, PHD; Jon T. Andersen, MD; Espen Jimenez-Solem, MD; Lars J. Hansen, PHD; Jan Erik Henriksen, PHD; Steen J. Bonnema, DMSC; Niels de Fine Olivarius, MD; Henrik E. Poulsen, DMSC
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 669-676. doi:
Macro- and Microstructural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Indices Associated With Diabetes Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Cherie M. Falvey, MPH; Caterina Rosano, MD; Eleanor M. Simonsick, PHD; Tamara Harris, MD; Elsa S. Strotmeyer, PHD; Suzanne Satterfield, MD; Kristine Yaffe, MD; for the Health ABC Study
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 677-682. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Effects of GLP-1 on Forearm Vasodilator Function and Glucose Disposal During Hyperinsulinemia in the Metabolic Syndrome
Manfredi Tesauro, MD; Francesca Schinzari, MD; Angelo Adamo, MD; Valentina Rovella, MD; Francesca Martini, MD; Nadia Mores, MD; Angela Barini, MD; Dario Pitocco, MD; Giovanni Ghirlanda, MD; Davide Lauro, MD; Umberto Campia, MD; Carmine Cardillo, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 683-689. doi:
The Combined Effect of Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Diabetes on Cardiovascular Mortality: The Nord-Trøndelag Health (HUNT) cohort study, Norway
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 690-695. doi:
White Matter Alteration in Metabolic Syndrome: Diffusion tensor analysis
Keigo Shimoji, MD; Osamu Abe, MD; Takanori Uka, MD; Hasina Yasmin, MBBS; Koji Kamagata, MD; Kouichi Asahi, MD; Masaaki Hori, MD; Atsushi Nakanishi, MD; Yoshifumi Tamura, MD; Hirotaka Watada, MD; Ryuzo Kawamori, MD; Shigeki Aoki, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 696-700. doi:
Long-Term Changes in Adiposity and Glycemic Control Are Associated With Past Adenovirus Infection
Wan-Yu Lin, PHD; Olga Dubuisson, MD; Rohina Rubicz, PHD; Nianjun Liu, PHD; David B. Allison, PHD; Joanne E. Curran, PHD; Anthony G. Comuzzie, PHD; John Blangero, PHD; Charles T. Leach, MD; Harald Göring, PHD; Nikhil V. Dhurandhar, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 701-707. doi:
C-Peptide Levels Are Associated With Mortality and Cardiovascular Mortality in Patients Undergoing Angiography: The LURIC study
Nikolaus Marx, MD; Guenther Silbernagel, MD; Vincent Brandenburg, MD; Mathias Burgmaier, MD; Marcus E. Kleber, MD; Tanja B. Grammer, MD; Bernhard R. Winkelmann, MD; Bernhard O. Boehm, MD; Winfried März, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 708-714. doi:
Arterial Stiffness Is Associated With Cardiovascular, Renal, Retinal, and Autonomic Disease in Type 1 Diabetes
Simone Theilade, MD; Maria Lajer, PHD; Frederik Persson, MD; Christel Joergensen, MD; Peter Rossing, DMSC
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 715-721. doi:
Carotid-Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity Is Associated With Cerebral White Matter Lesions in Type 2 Diabetes
Esben Laugesen, MD; Pernille Høyem, MD; Brian Stausbøl-Grøn, MD; Anders Mikkelsen, MSC; Samuel Thrysøe, MSC; Mogens Erlandsen, MSC; Jens S. Christiansen, MD; Søren T. Knudsen, MD; Klavs W. Hansen, MD; Won Y. Kim, MD; Troels K. Hansen, MD; Per L. Poulsen, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 722-728. doi:
Impact of Prediabetic Status on Coronary Atherosclerosis: A multivessel angioscopic study
Osamu Kurihara, MD; Masamichi Takano, MD; Masanori Yamamoto, MD; Akihiro Shirakabe, MD; Nakahisa Kimata, MD; Toru Inami, MD; Nobuaki Kobayashi, MD; Ryo Munakata, MD; Daisuke Murakami, MD; Shigenobu Inami, MD; Kentaro Okamatsu, MD; Takayoshi Ohba, MD; Chikao Ibuki, MD; Noritake Hata, MD; Yoshihiko Seino, MD; Kyoichi Mizuno, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 729-733. doi:
Arterial Stiffness Is Inversely Related to Plasma Adiponectin Levels in Young Normotensive Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Afroditi Tsiakou, MD; Stavros Liatis, MD; Kleopatra Alexiadou, MD; Evanthia Diakoumopoulou, MD; Konstantinos Makrilakis, MD; Nicholas Tentolouris, MD; Despoina Kyriaki, MD; Nicholas Katsilambros, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 734-736. doi:
Diabetes Genetic Predisposition Score and Cardiovascular Complications Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 737-739. doi:
Review Articles
Burden of Diabetes on the Ability to Work: A systematic review
Marie-Claude Breton, PHD; Line Guénette, PHD; Mohamed Amine Amiche, DPHARM; Jeanne-Françoise Kayibanda, PHD; Jean-Pierre Grégoire, PHD; Jocelyne Moisan, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 740-749. doi:
Retinal Vascular Caliber as a Biomarker for Diabetes Microvascular Complications
M. Kamran Ikram, MD; Carol Y. Cheung, PHD; Mara Lorenzi, MD; Ronald Klein, MD; Teresa L.Z. Jones, MD; Tien Yin Wong, MD; for the NIH/JDRF Workshop on Retinal Biomarker for Diabetes Group
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 750-759. doi:
Health Care Interventions to Improve the Quality of Diabetes Care in African Americans: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Ignacio Ricci-Cabello, PHD; Isabel Ruiz-Pérez, PHD; Adela Nevot-Cordero, MPH; Miguel Rodríguez-Barranco, MPH; Luis Sordo, PHD; Daniela C. Gonçalves, PHD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, 760-768. doi:
Issues and Events
Online Letters: Observations
Hemodynamic Improvement of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension After Bariatric Surgery: Potential Role for Metabolic Regulation
Meredith E. Pugh, MD; John H. Newman, MD; D. Brandon Williams, MD; Evan Brittain, MD; Ivan M. Robbins, MD; Anna R. Hemnes, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, e32-e33. doi:
Albuminuria Associates With Calcified Atherosclerotic Plaque in African Americans With Diabetes
Jasmin Divers, PHD; Lynne E. Wagenknecht, DRPH; Donald W. Bowden, PHD; J. Jeffrey Carr, MD; R. Caresse Hightower, BS; S. Carrie Smith, BS; Jianzhao Xu, BS; Carl D. Langefeld, PHD; Barry I. Freedman, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, e34-e35. doi:
Severe Thrombocytopenia Due to Repaglinide in a Patient With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, e36. doi:
Diabetes in Residential Care Facilities: United States, 2010
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, e37. doi:
Online Letters: Comments and Responses
Response to Comment on: Goldberg et al. Circadian Variation in the Response to the Glucose Challenge Test in Pregnancy: Implications for Screening for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care 2012;35:1578–1584
Robert J. Goldberg, MD; Chang Ye, MSC; Mathew Sermer, MD; Philip W. Connelly, PHD; Anthony J.G. Hanley, PHD; Bernard Zinman, MD; Ravi Retnakaran, MD
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, e39. doi:
Comment on: Smiechowski et al. The Use of Metformin and the Incidence of Lung Cancer in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2013;36:124–129
Diabetes Care February 2013, Vol.36, e40. doi: