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Professional Practice Committee

Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S1. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S154-S155. doi:

Position Statement

Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S104-S111. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S112-S117. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S118-S119. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S120-S143. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S14-S80. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S81-S90. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S91-S96. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S97-S103. doi:

National Standards

Linda Haas, PHC, RN, CDE; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Melinda Maryniuk, MEd, RD, CDE; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Joni Beck, PharmD, CDE, BC-ADM; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Carla E. Cox, PhD, RD, CDE, CSSD; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Paulina Duker, MPH, RN, BC-ADM, CDE; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Laura Edwards, RN, MPA; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Edwin B. Fisher, PhD; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Lenita Hanson, MD, CDE, FACE, FACP; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Daniel Kent, PharmD, BS, CDE; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Leslie Kolb, RN, BSN, MBA; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Sue McLaughlin, BS, RD, CDE, CPT; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Eric Orzeck, MD, FACE, CDE; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; John D. Piette, PhD; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Andrew S. Rhinehart, MD, FACP, CDE; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Russell Rothman, MD, MPP; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Sara Sklaroff; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Donna Tomky, MSN, RN, C-NP, CDE, FAADE; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force; Gretchen Youssef, MS, RD, CDE; on behalf of the 2012 Standards Revision Task Force
Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S144-S153. doi:


Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S2-S3. doi:

Summary of Revisions

Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S4. doi:

Executive Summary

Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, S5-S13. doi:

Systematic Reviews

Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, e1. doi:

Consensus Reports

Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, e2. doi:

Position Statements

Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, e3. doi:

Scientific Statements

Diabetes Care December 2013, Vol.37, e4. doi:
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