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1 April 2016
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
In This Issue
In This Issue of Diabetes Care
Diabetes Care March 2016, Vol.39, 497-498. doi:
Lessons From Peglispro: IMAGINE How to Improve Drug Development and Affordability
Diabetes Care March 2016, Vol.39, 499-501. doi:
Perspectives in Care
Glucose Variability: Timing, Risk Analysis, and Relationship to Hypoglycemia in Diabetes
Diabetes Care March 2016, Vol.39, 502-510. doi:
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
A Protein Preload Enhances the Glucose-Lowering Efficacy of Vildagliptin in Type 2 Diabetes
Tongzhi Wu; Tanya J. Little; Michelle J. Bound; Malcolm Borg; Xiang Zhang; Carolyn F. Deacon; Michael Horowitz; Karen L. Jones; Christopher K. Rayner
Diabetes Care January 2016, Vol.39, 511-517. doi:
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Reduces Glycemic Response to a High–Glycemic Index Meal in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Lutgarda Bozzetto; Antonio Alderisio; Marisa Giorgini; Francesca Barone; Angela Giacco; Gabriele Riccardi; Angela A. Rivellese; Giovanni Annuzzi
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, 518-524. doi:
Effective Translation of an Intensive Lifestyle Intervention for Hispanic Women With Prediabetes in a Community Health Center Setting
Michelle A. Van Name; Anne W. Camp; Elizabeth A. Magenheimer; Fangyong Li; James D. Dziura; Abmaridel Montosa; Anisha Patel; William V. Tamborlane
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, 525-531. doi:
Diabetic Ketoacidosis With Canagliflozin, a Sodium–Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitor, in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care March 2016, Vol.39, 532-538. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Type 2 Diabetes Genetic Predisposition, Obesity, and All-Cause Mortality Risk in the U.S.: A Multiethnic Analysis
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, 539-546. doi:
Ambient Air Pollutants Have Adverse Effects on Insulin and Glucose Homeostasis in Mexican Americans
Zhanghua Chen; Muhammad T. Salam; Claudia Toledo-Corral; Richard M. Watanabe; Anny H. Xiang; Thomas A. Buchanan; Rima Habre; Theresa M. Bastain; Fred Lurmann; John P. Wilson; Enrique Trigo; Frank D. Gilliland
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, 547-554. doi:
Glucagon Nasal Powder: A Promising Alternative to Intramuscular Glucagon in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes
Jennifer L. Sherr; Katrina J. Ruedy; Nicole C. Foster; Claude A. Piché; Hélène Dulude; Michael R. Rickels; William V. Tamborlane; Kathleen E. Bethin; Linda A. DiMeglio; Larry A. Fox; R. Paul Wadwa; Desmond A. Schatz; Brandon M. Nathan; Santica M. Marcovina; Emmanouil Rampakakis; Linyan Meng; Roy W. Beck; for the T1D Exchange Intranasal Glucagon Investigators
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, 555-562. doi:
Impact of CMS Competitive Bidding Program on Medicare Beneficiary Safety and Access to Diabetes Testing Supplies: A Retrospective, Longitudinal Analysis
Gary A. Puckrein; Gail Nunlee-Bland; Farhad Zangeneh; Jaime A. Davidson; Robert A. Vigersky; Liou Xu; Christopher G. Parkin; David G. Marrero
Diabetes Care March 2016, Vol.39, 563-571. doi:
Association of Multiple Biomarkers of Iron Metabolism and Type 2 Diabetes: The EPIC-InterAct Study
Clara Podmore; Karina Meidtner; Matthias B. Schulze; Robert A. Scott; Anna Ramond; Adam S. Butterworth; Emanuele Di Angelantonio; John Danesh; Larraitz Arriola; Aurelio Barricarte; Heiner Boeing; Françoise Clavel-Chapelon; Amanda J. Cross; Christina C. Dahm; Guy Fagherazzi; Paul W. Franks; Diana Gavrila; Sara Grioni; Marc J. Gunter; Gaelle Gusto; Paula Jakszyn; Verena Katzke; Timothy J. Key; Tilman Kühn; Amalia Mattiello; Peter M. Nilsson; Anja Olsen; Kim Overvad; Domenico Palli; J. Ramón Quirós; Olov Rolandsson; Carlotta Sacerdote; Emilio Sánchez-Cantalejo; Nadia Slimani; Ivonne Sluijs; Annemieke M.W. Spijkerman; Anne Tjonneland; Rosario Tumino; Daphne L. van der A; Yvonne T. van der Schouw; Edith J.M. Feskens; Nita G. Forouhi; Stephen J. Sharp; Elio Riboli; Claudia Langenberg; Nicholas J. Wareham
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, 572-581. doi:
Branched-Chain Amino Acids and Insulin Metabolism: The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS)
C. Christine Lee; Steve M. Watkins; Carlos Lorenzo; Lynne E. Wagenknecht; Dora Il’yasova; Yii-Der I. Chen; Steven M. Haffner; Anthony J. Hanley
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, 582-588. doi:
Racial Differences in and Prognostic Value of Biomarkers of Hyperglycemia
Christina M. Parrinello; A. Richey Sharrett; Nisa M. Maruthur; Richard M. Bergenstal; Morgan E. Grams; Josef Coresh; Elizabeth Selvin
Diabetes Care December 2015, Vol.39, 589-595. doi:
Emerging Technologies and Therapeutics
Long-Acting C-Peptide and Neuropathy in Type 1 Diabetes: A 12-Month Clinical Trial
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, 596-602. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Risk Factors Associated With Severe Hypoglycemia in Older Adults With Type 1 Diabetes
Ruth S. Weinstock; Stephanie N. DuBose; Richard M. Bergenstal; Naomi S. Chaytor; Christina Peterson; Beth A. Olson; Medha N. Munshi; Alysa J.S. Perrin; Kellee M. Miller; Roy W. Beck; David R. Liljenquist; Grazia Aleppo; John B. Buse; Davida Kruger; Anuj Bhargava; Robin S. Goland; Rachel C. Edelen; Richard E. Pratley; Anne L. Peters; Henry Rodriguez; Andrew J. Ahmann; John-Paul Lock; Satish K. Garg; Michael R. Rickels; Irl B. Hirsch; for the T1D Exchange Severe Hypoglycemia in Older Adults With Type 1 Diabetes Study Group
Diabetes Care December 2015, Vol.39, 603-610. doi:
Association Between Plasma Uric Acid Levels and Cardiorenal Function in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes
Yuliya Lytvyn; Farid H. Mahmud; Denis Daneman; Livia Deda; David B. Dunger; John Deanfield; R. Neil Dalton; Yesmino Elia; Ronnie Har; Timothy J. Bradley; Cameron Slorach; Wei Hui; Rahim Moineddin; Heather N. Reich; James W. Scholey; Luc Mertens; Etienne Sochett; David Z.I. Cherney
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, 611-616. doi:
GLP-1 Restores Altered Insulin and Glucagon Secretion in Posttransplantation Diabetes
Thea A.S. Halden; Erlend J. Egeland; Anders Åsberg; Anders Hartmann; Karsten Midtvedt; Hassan Z. Khiabani; Jens J. Holst; Filip K. Knop; Mads Hornum; Bo Feldt-Rasmussen; Trond Jenssen
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, 617-624. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Weight Change–Adjusted Effects of Gastric Bypass Surgery on Glucose Metabolism: 2- and 10-Year Results From the Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) Study
Diabetes Care December 2015, Vol.39, 625-631. doi:
Metabolic Impact of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in Obese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Romina Lomonaco; Fernando Bril; Paola Portillo-Sanchez; Carolina Ortiz-Lopez; Beverly Orsak; Diane Biernacki; Margaret Lo; Amitabh Suman; Michelle H. Weber; Kenneth Cusi
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, 632-638. doi:
Type 1 Diabetes and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Diabetes Care March 2016, Vol.39, 639-648. doi:
Issues and Events
E-Letters: Observations
Incidence and Clinical Features of Diabetic Ketoacidosis After Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
Ali Aminian; Sangeeta R. Kashyap; Bartolome Burguera; Suriya Punchai; Gautam Sharma; Dvir Froylich; Stacy A. Brethauer; Philip R. Schauer
Diabetes Care January 2016, Vol.39, e50-e53. doi:
Association of Statin Use and Reduced Risk of Lower-Extremity Amputation Among Patients With Diabetes: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Observation
Tsung-Lin Yang; Liang-Yu Lin; Chin-Chou Huang; Po-Hsun Huang; Shing-Jong Lin; Jaw-Wen Chen; Wan-Leong Chan; Hsin-Bang Leu
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, e54-e55. doi:
Low–Blood Glucose Avoidance Training Improves Glycemic Variability in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes Complicated by Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycemia: HypoCOMPaSS Trial
Horng Kai Tan; Stuart A. Little; Lalantha Leelarathna; Emma Walkinshaw; Alexandra Lubina-Solomon; Joanne Hosking; Jane Speight; David Kerr; Simon R. Heller; Mark L. Evans; James A.M. Shaw; Daniel Flanagan
Diabetes Care March 2016, Vol.39, e56-e58. doi:
Encouraging Physical Activity in Patients With Diabetes Through Automatic Personalized Feedback via Reinforcement Learning Improves Glycemic Control
Diabetes Care January 2016, Vol.39, e59-e60. doi:
Effects of Frequency of Sensor-Augmented Pump Use on HbA1c and C-Peptide Levels in the First Year of Type 1 Diabetes
Taylor M. Triolo; David M. Maahs; Laura Pyle; Robert Slover; Bruce Buckingham; Peiyao Cheng; Linda A. DiMeglio; Andrew A. Bremer; Stuart A. Weinzimer; H. Peter Chase; Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet) and Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Groups
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, e61-e62. doi:
Burden of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in Pima Indians With Type 2 Diabetes
Mamta Jaiswal; Gudeta D. Fufaa; Catherine L. Martin; Rodica Pop-Busui; Robert G. Nelson; Eva L. Feldman
Diabetes Care February 2016, Vol.39, e63-e64. doi:
E-Letters: Comments and Responses
Response to Comment on Anjana et al. Incidence of Diabetes and Prediabetes and Predictors of Progression Among Asian Indians: 10-Year Follow-up of the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study (CURES). Diabetes Care 2015;38:1441–1448
Diabetes Care March 2016, Vol.39, e66. doi: