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In This Issue

Diabetes Care February 2017, Vol.40, 289-290. doi:

Perspectives in Care

Diabetes Care February 2017, Vol.40, 291-300. doi:

Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research

Diabetes Care December 2016, Vol.40, 301-308. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2016, Vol.40, 309-316. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2016, Vol.40, 317-324. doi:
Diabetes Care January 2017, Vol.40, 325-331. doi:
Diabetes Care January 2017, Vol.40, 332-337. doi:

Epidemiology / Health Services Research

Diabetes Care December 2016, Vol.40, 338-345. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2016, Vol.40, 346-351. doi:
Diabetes Care January 2017, Vol.40, 352-358. doi:

Emerging Technologies and Therapeutics

Diabetes Care January 2017, Vol.40, 359-366. doi:

Pathophysiology / Complications

Pierre-Jean Saulnier; for the SURDIAGENE Study Group; Elise Gand; for the SURDIAGENE Study Group; Gilberto Velho; for the SURDIAGENE Study Group; Kamel Mohammedi; for the SURDIAGENE Study Group; Philippe Zaoui; for the SURDIAGENE Study Group; Mathilde Fraty; for the SURDIAGENE Study Group; Jean Michel Halimi; for the SURDIAGENE Study Group; Ronan Roussel; for the SURDIAGENE Study Group; Stéphanie Ragot; for the SURDIAGENE Study Group; Samy Hadjadj; for the SURDIAGENE Study Group
Diabetes Care December 2016, Vol.40, 367-374. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2016, Vol.40, 375-382. doi:
Diabetes Care January 2017, Vol.40, 383-390. doi:
Gert Mayer; for the SYSKID Consortium; Hiddo J.L. Heerspink; for the SYSKID Consortium; Constantin Aschauer; for the SYSKID Consortium; Andreas Heinzel; for the SYSKID Consortium; Georg Heinze; for the SYSKID Consortium; Alexander Kainz; for the SYSKID Consortium; Judith Sunzenauer; for the SYSKID Consortium; Paul Perco; for the SYSKID Consortium; Dick de Zeeuw; for the SYSKID Consortium; Peter Rossing; for the SYSKID Consortium; Michelle Pena; for the SYSKID Consortium; Rainer Oberbauer; for the SYSKID Consortium
Diabetes Care January 2017, Vol.40, 391-397. doi:
Diabetes Care January 2017, Vol.40, 398-404. doi:

Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk

Diabetes Care December 2016, Vol.40, 405-411. doi:

Position Statement

Diabetes Care February 2017, Vol.40, 412-418. doi:


Diabetes Care February 2017, Vol.40, 419-430. doi:

Issues and Events

Diabetes Care February 2017, Vol.40, 431. doi:


Diabetes Care December 2016, Vol.40, e27-e29. doi:
Diabetes Care December 2016, Vol.40, e30-e31. doi:
Diabetes Care January 2017, Vol.40, e32-e33. doi:
Diabetes Care January 2017, Vol.40, e34-e35. doi:
Comments and Responses
Diabetes Care February 2017, Vol.40, e36. doi:
Sabine E. Hofer; for the DPV Initiative and the T1D Exchange Clinic Network; Kellee Miller; for the DPV Initiative and the T1D Exchange Clinic Network; Julia M. Hermann; for the DPV Initiative and the T1D Exchange Clinic Network; Daniel J. DeSalvo; for the DPV Initiative and the T1D Exchange Clinic Network; Michaela Riedl; for the DPV Initiative and the T1D Exchange Clinic Network; Irl B. Hirsch; for the DPV Initiative and the T1D Exchange Clinic Network; Wolfram Karges; for the DPV Initiative and the T1D Exchange Clinic Network; Roy W. Beck; for the DPV Initiative and the T1D Exchange Clinic Network; Reinhard W. Holl; for the DPV Initiative and the T1D Exchange Clinic Network; David M. Maahs; for the DPV Initiative and the T1D Exchange Clinic Network
Diabetes Care February 2017, Vol.40, e37. doi:
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