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September 2017
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Cover: Woman running in healthy fitness collage. Credit: Lee Woodgate. For more information, please visit
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
In This Issue
In This Issue of Diabetes Care
Diabetes Care August 2017, Vol.40, 1137-1138. doi:
Perspectives in Care
Declines in the Incidence of Diabetes in the U.S.—Real Progress or Artifact?
Diabetes Care August 2017, Vol.40, 1139-1143. doi:
Composite Primary End Points in Cardiovascular Outcomes Trials Involving Type 2 Diabetes Patients: Should Unstable Angina Be Included in the Primary End Point?
Nikolaus Marx; Darren K. McGuire; Vlado Perkovic; Hans-Juergen Woerle; Uli C. Broedl; Maximilian von Eynatten; Jyothis T. George; Julio Rosenstock
Diabetes Care August 2017, Vol.40, 1144-1151. doi:
The War Is Not Yet Won
Diabetes Care August 2017, Vol.40, 1152-1153. doi:
Profiles in Progress
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Diabetes in a Large Dementia Cohort: Clinical Characteristics and Treatment From the Swedish Dementia Registry
Juraj Secnik; Pavla Cermakova; Seyed-Mohammad Fereshtehnejad; Pontus Dannberg; Kristina Johnell; Johan Fastbom; Bengt Winblad; Maria Eriksdotter; Dorota Religa
Diabetes Care June 2017, Vol.40, 1159-1166. doi:
My Child Is Islet Autoantibody Positive: Impact on Parental Anxiety
Diabetes Care June 2017, Vol.40, 1167-1172. doi:
Improvement in Glycemic Control of Type 2 Diabetes After Successful Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus
Justine Hum; Janice H. Jou; Pamela K. Green; Kristin Berry; James Lundblad; Barbara D. Hettinger; Michael Chang; George N. Ioannou
Diabetes Care June 2017, Vol.40, 1173-1180. doi:
Poor Reliability and Poor Adherence to Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose Are Common in Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and May Be Associated With Poor Pregnancy Outcomes
Emmanuel Cosson; Baz Baz; Françoise Gary; Isabelle Pharisien; Minh Tuan Nguyen; Dorian Sandre-Banon; Yahya Jaber; Camille Cussac-Pillegand; Isabela Banu; Lionel Carbillon; Paul Valensi
Diabetes Care July 2017, Vol.40, 1181-1186. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
Hemoglobin A1c Variability Predicts Symptoms of Depression in Elderly Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes
Ramit Ravona-Springer; Anthony Heymann; James Schmeidler; Erin Moshier; Elizabeth Guerrero-Berroa; Laili Soleimani; Mary Sano; Derek Leroith; Rachel Preiss; Ruth Tzukran; Jeremy M. Silverman; Michal Schnaider Beeri
Diabetes Care June 2017, Vol.40, 1187-1193. doi:
Genetic and Environmental Interactions Modify the Risk of Diabetes-Related Autoimmunity by 6 Years of Age: The TEDDY Study
Jeffrey P. Krischer; Kristian F. Lynch; Åke Lernmark; William A. Hagopian; Marian J. Rewers; Jin-Xiong She; Jorma Toppari; Anette-G. Ziegler; Beena Akolkar; the TEDDY Study Group
Diabetes Care June 2017, Vol.40, 1194-1202. doi:
Cardiac Stress and Inflammatory Markers as Predictors of Heart Failure in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: The ADVANCE Trial
Toshiaki Ohkuma; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; Min Jun; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; Mark Woodward; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; Sophia Zoungas; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; Mark E. Cooper; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; Diederick E. Grobbee; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; Pavel Hamet; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; Giuseppe Mancia; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; Bryan Williams; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; Paul Welsh; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; Naveed Sattar; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; Jonathan E. Shaw; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; Kazem Rahimi; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group; John Chalmers; on behalf of the ADVANCE Collaborative Group
Diabetes Care July 2017, Vol.40, 1203-1209. doi:
Visit-to-Visit Variations in Fasting Plasma Glucose and HbA1c Associated With an Increased Risk of Alzheimer Disease: Taiwan Diabetes Study
Tsai-Chung Li; Chun-Pai Yang; Shih-Ting Tseng; Chia-Ing Li; Chiu-Shong Liu; Wen-Yuan Lin; Kai-Lin Hwang; Sing-Yu Yang; Jen-Huai Chiang; Cheng-Chieh Lin
Diabetes Care July 2017, Vol.40, 1210-1217. doi:
Emerging Technologies and Therapeutics
A Team-Based Online Game Improves Blood Glucose Control in Veterans With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial
B. Price Kerfoot; David R. Gagnon; Graham T. McMahon; Jay D. Orlander; Katherine E. Kurgansky; Paul R. Conlin
Diabetes Care August 2017, Vol.40, 1218-1225. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in Youth With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study
Mamta Jaiswal; Jasmin Divers; Dana Dabelea; Scott Isom; Ronny A. Bell; Catherine L. Martin; David J. Pettitt; Sharon Saydah; Catherine Pihoker; Debra A. Standiford; Lawrence M. Dolan; Santica Marcovina; Barbara Linder; Angela D. Liese; Rodica Pop-Busui; Eva L. Feldman
Diabetes Care July 2017, Vol.40, 1226-1232. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
The Prognostic Value of Fasting Plasma Glucose, Two-Hour Postload Glucose, and HbA1c in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: A Report From EUROASPIRE IV: A Survey From the European Society of Cardiology
Bahira Shahim; Dirk De Bacquer; Guy De Backer; Viveca Gyberg; Kornelia Kotseva; Linda Mellbin; Oliver Schnell; Jaakko Tuomilehto; David Wood; Lars Rydén
Diabetes Care June 2017, Vol.40, 1233-1240. doi:
Computed Tomography Angiography Images of Coronary Artery Stenosis Provide a Better Prediction of Risk Than Traditional Risk Factors in Asymptomatic Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes: A Long-term Study of Clinical Outcomes
Kwan Yong Lee; Byung-Hee Hwang; Tae-Hoon Kim; Chan Jun Kim; Jin-Jin Kim; Eun-Ho Choo; Ik Jun Choi; Young Choi; Ha-Wook Park; Yoon-Seok Koh; Pum-Joon Kim; Jong Min Lee; Mi-Jeong Kim; Doo Soo Jeon; Jae-Hyoung Cho; Jung Im Jung; Ki-Bae Seung; Kiyuk Chang
Diabetes Care June 2017, Vol.40, 1241-1248. doi:
Diabetic Ketoacidosis at Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes Predicts Poor Long-term Glycemic Control
Diabetes Care June 2017, Vol.40, 1249-1255. doi:
Skeletal Muscle Microvascular-Linked Improvements in Glycemic Control From Resistance Training in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes
Ryan D. Russell; Donghua Hu; Timothy Greenaway; Sarah J. Blackwood; Renee M. Dwyer; James E. Sharman; Graeme Jones; Kathryn A. Squibb; Aascha A. Brown; Petr Otahal; Meg Boman; Hayder Al-Aubaidy; Dino Premilovac; Christian K. Roberts; Samuel Hitchins; Stephen M. Richards; Stephen Rattigan; Michelle A. Keske
Diabetes Care July 2017, Vol.40, 1256-1263. doi:
Exercise Training Improves but Does Not Normalize Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Function in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes
Silmara Gusso; Teresa Pinto; James C. Baldi; José G.B. Derraik; Wayne S. Cutfield; Tim Hornung; Paul L. Hofman
Diabetes Care July 2017, Vol.40, 1264-1272. doi:
Position Statement
Diabetes and Hypertension: A Position Statement by the American Diabetes Association
Ian H. de Boer; Sripal Bangalore; Athanase Benetos; Andrew M. Davis; Erin D. Michos; Paul Muntner; Peter Rossing; Sophia Zoungas; George Bakris
Diabetes Care August 2017, Vol.40, 1273-1284. doi:
Erratum. Diabetic Retinopathy: A Position Statement by the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care 2017;40:412–418
Sharon D. Solomon; Emily Chew; Elia J. Duh; Lucia Sobrin; Jennifer K. Sun; Brian L. VanderBeek; Charles C. Wykoff; Thomas W. Gardner
Diabetes Care July 2017, Vol.40, 1285. doi:
Issues and Events
The Relationship of Serum Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (sRAGE) and Carboxymethyl Lysine (CML) to the Incidence of Diabetic Nephropathy in Persons With Type 1 Diabetes
Ronald Klein; Kayla Horak; Kristine E. Lee; Lorraine Danforth; Karen J. Cruickshanks; Michael Y. Tsai; Ronald E. Gangnon; Barbara E.K. Klein
Diabetes Care June 2017, Vol.40, e117-e119. doi:
Insulin-Associated Weight Gain in Type 2 Diabetes Is Associated With Increases in Sedentary Behavior
Diabetes Care July 2017, Vol.40, e120-e121. doi:
High Illicit Drug Abuse and Suicide in Organ Donors With Type 1 Diabetes
Laura M. Jacobsen; Michael J. Haller; Alice Parish; Matthew J. Gurka; S. Robert Levine; Clive Wasserfall; Martha Campbell-Thompson; John Kaddis; Alberto Pugliese; Mark A. Atkinson; Desmond A. Schatz
Diabetes Care July 2017, Vol.40, e122-e123. doi:
Comments and Responses
Comment on Young-Hyman et al. Psychosocial Care for People With Diabetes: A Position Statement of the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care 2016;39:2126–2140
Diabetes Care August 2017, Vol.40, e127-e128. doi:
Comment on Young-Hyman et al. Psychosocial Care for People With Diabetes: A Position Statement of the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care 2016;39:2126–2140
Diabetes Care August 2017, Vol.40, e129-e130. doi:
Response to Comment by Ayubi and Safiri. Insulin Resistance Predicts Cognitive Decline: An 11-Year Follow-up of a Nationally Representative Adult Population Sample. Diabetes Care 2017;40:751–758
Laura L. Ekblad; Juha O. Rinne; Pauli Puukka; Hanna Laine; Satu Ahtiluoto; Raimo Sulkava; Matti Viitanen; Antti Jula
Diabetes Care August 2017, Vol.40, e136. doi: