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September 2019
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Cover: Idyllic misty morning by the lake. Credit: Baac3nes. For more infomation, please visit
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ISSN 0149-5992
EISSN 1935-5548
In this Issue
In This Issue
In This Issue of Diabetes Care
Diabetes Care August 2019, Vol.42, 1607-1608. doi:
Understanding the Economic Costs of Diabetes and Prediabetes and What We May Learn About Reducing the Health and Economic Burden of These Conditions
Diabetes Care August 2019, Vol.42, 1609-1611. doi:
Health Insurance for Diabetes Prevention Confers Health Benefits and Breaks Even on Cost Within 2 Years
Diabetes Care August 2019, Vol.42, 1612-1614. doi:
Diabetes Care Symposium
Controversies for Glucose Control Targets in Type 2 Diabetes: Exposing the Common Ground
Diabetes Care June 2019, Vol.42, 1615-1623. doi:
The TCF7L2 Locus: A Genetic Window Into the Pathogenesis of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care August 2019, Vol.42, 1624-1629. doi:
Clinical Care / Education / Nutrition / Psychosocial Research
Decreasing Trends in Mean HbA1c Are Not Associated With Increasing Rates of Severe Hypoglycemia in Children: A Longitudinal Analysis of Two Contemporary Population-Based Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Registries From Australia and Germany/Austria Between 1995 and 2016
Aveni Haynes; Julia M. Hermann; Helen Clapin; Sabine E. Hofer; Beate Karges; Timothy W. Jones; Elizabeth A. Davis; Reinhard W. Holl; for the WACDD and DPV registries
Diabetes Care June 2019, Vol.42, 1630-1636. doi:
Disturbed Eating Behaviors in Adolescents and Emerging Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: A One-Year Prospective Study
Diabetes Care June 2019, Vol.42, 1637-1644. doi:
Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Risk of Posttransplantation Diabetes in Renal Transplant Recipients
António W. Gomes-Neto; Maryse C.J. Osté; Camilo G. Sotomayor; Else v.d. Berg; Johanna M. Geleijnse; Reinold O.B. Gans; Stephan J.L. Bakker; Gerjan J. Navis
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, 1645-1652. doi:
Epidemiology / Health Services Research
The Economic Burden of Elevated Blood Glucose Levels in 2017: Diagnosed and Undiagnosed Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, and Prediabetes
Timothy M. Dall; Wenya Yang; Karin Gillespie; Michelle Mocarski; Erin Byrne; Inna Cintina; Kaleigh Beronja; April P. Semilla; William Iacobucci; Paul F. Hogan
Diabetes Care April 2019, Vol.42, 1661-1668. doi:
Association of Anxiety With High-Cost Health Care Use Among Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes
Esti Iturralde; Felicia W. Chi; Richard W. Grant; Constance Weisner; Lucas Van Dyke; Alix Pruzansky; Sandy Bui; Philip Madvig; Robert Pearl; Stacy A. Sterling
Diabetes Care June 2019, Vol.42, 1669-1674. doi:
Antidiabetic Medications and Mortality Risk in Individuals With Pancreatic Cancer–Related Diabetes and Postpancreatitis Diabetes: A Nationwide Cohort Study
Diabetes Care June 2019, Vol.42, 1675-1683. doi:
Age, HLA, and Sex Define a Marked Risk of Organ-Specific Autoimmunity in First-Degree Relatives of Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Christiane Winkler; Manja Jolink; Annette Knopff; Nana-Adjoa Kwarteng; Peter Achenbach; Ezio Bonifacio; Anette-G. Ziegler
Diabetes Care June 2019, Vol.42, 1684-1691. doi:
Optimal Blood Pressure Thresholds for Minimal Coronary Artery Disease Risk in Type 1 Diabetes
Jingchuan Guo; Maria M. Brooks; Matthew F. Muldoon; Ashely I. Naimi; Trevor J. Orchard; Tina Costacou
Diabetes Care June 2019, Vol.42, 1692-1699. doi:
Educational and Health Outcomes of Children Treated for Type 1 Diabetes: Scotland-Wide Record Linkage Study of 766,047 Children
Michael Fleming; Catherine A. Fitton; Markus F.C. Steiner; James S. McLay; David Clark; Albert King; Robert S. Lindsay; Daniel F. Mackay; Jill P. Pell
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, 1700-1707. doi:
Lung Cancer–Related Mortality With Inhaled Insulin or a Comparator: Follow-Up Study of patients previously enrolled in Exubera Controlled Clinical Trials (FUSE) Final Results
Nicolle M. Gatto; Daniel O. Koralek; Michael B. Bracken; William T. Duggan; Joanna Lem; Sol Klioze; Gary G. Koch; Robert A. Wise; Roger B. Cohen; Neville C. Jackson
Diabetes Care August 2019, Vol.42, 1708-1715. doi:
Emerging Therapies: Drugs and Regimens
Exploring Patient Preferences for Adjunct-to-Insulin Therapy in Type 1 Diabetes
Bruce A. Perkins; Julio Rosenstock; Jay S. Skyler; Lori M. Laffel; David Z. Cherney; Chantal Mathieu; Christianne Pang; Richard Wood; Ona Kinduryte; Jyothis T. George; Jan Marquard; Nima Soleymanlou
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, 1716-1723. doi:
PIONEER 1: Randomized Clinical Trial of the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Semaglutide Monotherapy in Comparison With Placebo in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Vanita R. Aroda; Julio Rosenstock; Yasuo Terauchi; Yuksel Altuntas; Nebojsa M. Lalic; Enrique C. Morales Villegas; Ole K. Jeppesen; Erik Christiansen; Christin L. Hertz; Martin Haluzík; PIONEER 1 Investigators
Diabetes Care June 2019, Vol.42, 1724-1732. doi:
Once-Weekly Efpeglenatide Dose-Range Effects on Glycemic Control and Body Weight in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes on Metformin or Drug Naive, Referenced to Liraglutide
Julio Rosenstock; Christopher H. Sorli; Michael E. Trautmann; Cristóbal Morales; Ulrich Wendisch; George Dailey; Marcus Hompesch; In Young Choi; Jahoon Kang; John Stewart; Kun-Ho Yoon
Diabetes Care August 2019, Vol.42, 1733-1741. doi:
Pathophysiology / Complications
Galectin-3 and S100A9: Novel Diabetogenic Factors Mediating Pancreatic Cancer–Associated Diabetes
Wei-Chih Liao; Bo-Shih Huang; Ya-Han Yu; Hsin-Hua Yang; Peng-Ruei Chen; Cheng-Chieh Huang; Hsin-Yi Huang; Ming-Shiang Wu; Lu-Ping Chow
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, 1752-1759. doi:
Markers of Collagen Formation and Degradation Reflect Renal Function and Predict Adverse Outcomes in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Sascha Pilemann-Lyberg; Daniel Guldager Kring Rasmussen; Tine Willum Hansen; Nete Tofte; Signe Abitz Winther; Signe Holm Nielsen; Simone Theilade; Morten Asser Karsdal; Federica Genovese; Peter Rossing
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, 1760-1768. doi:
Diabetes Increases Risk of Gastric Cancer After Helicobacter pylori Eradication: A Territory-Wide Study With Propensity Score Analysis
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, 1769-1775. doi:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk
Effect on Health Care Expenditures During Nationwide Implementation of the Diabetes Prevention Program as a Health Insurance Benefit
Ronald T. Ackermann; Raymond Kang; Andrew J. Cooper; David T. Liss; Ann M. Holmes; Margaret Moran; Chandan Saha
Diabetes Care April 2019, Vol.42, 1776-1783. doi:
A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Blood Disorder–Related Variants Influencing Hemoglobin A1c With Implications for Glycemic Status in U.S. Hispanics/Latinos
Jee-Young Moon; Tin L. Louie; Deepti Jain; Tamar Sofer; Claudia Schurmann; Jennifer E. Below; Chao-Qiang Lai; M. Larissa Aviles-Santa; Gregory A. Talavera; Caren E. Smith; Lauren E. Petty; Erwin P. Bottinger; Yii-Der Ida Chen; Kent D. Taylor; Martha L. Daviglus; Jianwen Cai; Tao Wang; Katherine L. Tucker; José M. Ordovás; Craig L. Hanis; Ruth J.F. Loos; Neil Schneiderman; Jerome I. Rotter; Robert C. Kaplan; Qibin Qi
Diabetes Care June 2019, Vol.42, 1784-1791. doi:
Microvascular Disease in Patients With Diabetes With Heart Failure and Reduced Ejection Versus Preserved Ejection Fraction
Jasper Tromp; Shir Lynn Lim; Wan Ting Tay; Tiew-Hwa Katherine Teng; Chanchal Chandramouli; Wouter Ouwerkerk; Gupreet S. Wander; Jitendra P.S. Sawhney; Jonathan Yap; Michael R. MacDonald; Lieng Hsi Ling; Naveed Sattar; John J.V. McMurray; A. Mark Richards; Inder Anand; Carolyn S.P. Lam; ASIAN-HF Investigators
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, 1792-1799. doi:
Identification of Novel Causal Blood Biomarkers Linking Metabolically Favorable Adiposity With Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Marie Pigeyre; Jennifer Sjaarda; Shihong Mao; Michael Chong; Sibylle Hess; Salim Yusuf; Hertzel Gerstein; Guillaume Paré
Diabetes Care June 2019, Vol.42, 1800-1808. doi:
Regression From Prediabetes to Normal Glucose Regulation and Prevalence of Microvascular Disease in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS)
Leigh Perreault; Qing Pan; Emily B. Schroeder; Rita R. Kalyani; George A. Bray; Samuel Dagogo-Jack; Neil H. White; Ronald B. Goldberg; Steven E. Kahn; William C. Knowler; Nestoras Mathioudakis; Dana Dabelea; Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group
Diabetes Care August 2019, Vol.42, 1809-1815. doi:
Variabilities in Childhood Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Incident Diabetes in Adulthood: The Bogalusa Heart Study
Diabetes Care August 2019, Vol.42, 1816-1823. doi:
Associations of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances With Incident Diabetes and Microvascular Disease
Andres Cardenas; Marie-France Hivert; Diane R. Gold; Russ Hauser; Ken P. Kleinman; Pi-I D. Lin; Abby F. Fleisch; Antonia M. Calafat; Xiaoyun Ye; Thomas F. Webster; Edward S. Horton; Emily Oken
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, 1824-1832. doi:
Novel Communications in Diabetes
Lifestyle Counseling and Long-term Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Diabetes
Huabing Zhang; Saveli I. Goldberg; Naoshi Hosomura; Maria Shubina; Donald C. Simonson; Marcia A. Testa; Alexander Turchin
Diabetes Care August 2019, Vol.42, 1833-1836. doi:
Issues and Events
Allergic Reaction to Exenatide and Lixisenatide but Not to Liraglutide: Unveiling Anaphylaxis to Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Receptor Agonists
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, e141-e142. doi:
Diabetes During Pregnancy Modifies the Association Between Birth Weight and Education: A Whole-of-Population Study
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, e143-e145. doi:
Proteinuria and Risk of Lower-Extremity Amputation in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, e146-e147. doi:
Prospective Associations of Waist-to-Height Ratio With Cardiovascular Events in Postmenopausal Women: Results From the Women’s Health Initiative
Kenneth Lo; Qing Liu; Matthew Allison; Ying-Qing Feng; Katie Chan; Lawrence Phillips; JoAnn Manson; Simin Liu
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, e148-e149. doi:
Sodium–Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors and the Risk of Fractures Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, e150-e152. doi:
Successful Treatment of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor–Induced Diabetes With Infliximab
Diabetes Care July 2019, Vol.42, e153-e154. doi:
Comments and Responses
Response to Comment on Elliott et al. Prevalence and Prognosis of Unrecognized Myocardial Infarction in Asymptomatic Patients With Diabetes: A Two-Center Study With Up to 5 Years of Follow-up. Diabetes Care 2019;42:1290–1296
Michael D. Elliott; John F. Heitner; Han Kim; Edwin Wu; Michelle A. Parker; Daniel C. Lee; Dixon B. Kaufman; Robert O. Bonow; Robert Judd; Raymond J. Kim
Diabetes Care August 2019, Vol.42, e156. doi: