Each year, Clinical Diabetes calls on many scientific and medical experts in the field of diabetes to critically review submitted manuscripts. The journal’s editors and staff sincerely appreciate these reviewers, whose valuable feedback helps to ensure the high quality of the research and review articles published in each issue. We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank all of the reviewers who have volunteered their time and expertise in the past year (1 November 2022 to 31 October 2023) for their contributions to Clinical Diabetes.

Sumera Ahmed

Burcu Akbaba

Adeola Akindana

Charles Alexander

Lina Alkhaled

John Anderson

Nay Linn Aung

Sonia Bahroo

Joshua Barzilay

Christine Beebe

Cari Berget

Michael Bergman

Julia Blanchette

Jesus Blanco

David Boyer

Kathaleen Briggs Early

Amy Butts

Lisa Chacko

Alice Cheng

Belinda Childs

Maria Vittoria Cicinelli

MarieElena Cordisco

Carlos Cosentino

Kevin Cowart

Jill Crandall

Stephanie Crossen

Patricia Davidson

Nora Denissova

Christina Dietz

Osagie Ebekozien

Michael Edmonds

Satheesh Elangovan

Filippe Falcao-Tebas

Gil Genuth

Jeremy Gilbert

Jennifer Goldman

Jennifer Goldstein

Uma Gunasekaran

Amber Healy

Michael Heile

Debbie Hinnen

Philip Home

Byron Hoogwerf

Vidhya Illuri

Diana Isaacs

Henry Jansen

Eric Johnson

Jeremy Johnson

Jennifer Jones

Udaya Kabadi

Anna Kasper

Daniel Katselnik

Erwin Klein Woolthuis

Venkata Kodali

Jason Konopack

Karmeen Kulkarni

Louis Kuritzky

Pamela Kushner

Rayhan Lal

Seung-Pyo Lee

Sheyu Li

Yuliya Lokhnygina

Gayle Lorenzi

Helen Lunt

Melissa Magwire

Christine March

Ryan McDonough

Alexis McKee

Graydon Meneilly

Eden Miller

Enrique Montero

Benjamin Moore

Pablo Mora

Joy Moverley

Brandon Nathan

Joshua Neumiller

Cheyenne Newsome

Sean Oser

David Oyer

Cesar Palerm

Malinda Peeples

Charles Peterson

Kevin Peterson

Kim Pfotenhauer

Harikrishnan Prasad

David Quillen

Klaus Rave

Paris Roach

Lauren Roberson

Leopold Schmetterer

Doron Schneider

Viral Shah

Sara Shahdoost Moghadam

Michael Shannon

Karen Shidler

Mansur Shomali

Jay Shubrook

Lance Sloan

Denise Small

Jannet Svensson

Ronald Tamler

Xavier Vela

Venugopal Vijayakumar

Deshira Wallace

Jana Wardian

Sara Wettergreen

John White

Neil White

Darrell Wilson

Eugene Wright

Carol Wysham

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