Each year, Clinical Diabetes calls on many scientific and medical experts in the field of diabetes to critically review submitted manuscripts. The journal’s editors and staff sincerely appreciate these reviewers, whose valuable feedback helps to ensure the high quality of the research and review articles published in each issue. We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank all of the reviewers who have volunteered their time and expertise in the past year (1 November 2023 to 31 October 2024) for their contributions to Clinical Diabetes.

Zulfiqarali Abbas

Kwabena Adubofour

Jo Ann Ahern

Sumera Ahmed

Adeola Akindana

Nada Al-Zahrani

Afaf Aladsani

Anastasia Albanese-O’Neill

Stewart Albert

Saleh Aldasouqi

Charles Alexander

David Alleva

John Anderson

Yoshimasa Aso

Nay Linn Aung

Sonia Bahroo

Joshua Barzilay

Christine Beebe

Elizabeth Beverly

Shagun Bindlish

Julia Blanchette

Jackie Boucher

S. Charles Bronson

David Broome

Lisa Brown

Amy Butts

Jessica Castle

Carlo Catalano

Belinda Childs

Kelly Close

Erin Cobry

Richard Comi

Marie Elena Cordisco

Carla Cox

Patricia Davidson

Andrea Dunn

Satheesh Elangovan

T. Michael Farley

Jennifer Goldman

Aidar Gosmanov

William Guffey

Amber Healy

Michael Heile

Joseph Herges

Amy Hess-Fischl

Laurence Hirsch

Robert Hood

Allyson Hughes

Eman Ismail

Heba Ismail

Eric Johnson

Jeremy Johnson

Jennifer Jones

Tara Kaushal

Venkata Kodali

Jason Konopack

Davida Kruger

Karmeen Kulkarni

Pamela Kushner

Wendy Lane

Sandra Leal

Gayle Lorenzi

Giorgi Mariano

Ashish Mathur

Alexis McKee

Eden Miller

Viswanathan Mohan

Alba Morales

Joy Moverley

Abhijeet Nakave

Brandon Nathan

Joshua Neumiller

Lucia Novak

Patrick O’Connor

Katherine O’Neal

Kaustubh Parab

Malinda Peeples

Kim Pfotenhauer

Richard Pratley

Nathan Ramsbacher

Natalie Ritchie

Godfrey Rwegerera

Viral Shah

Lakshmi Shankhdhar

Michael Shannon

Jay Shubrook

Lance Sloan

Denise Small

Bernd Stratmann

Molly Tanenbaum

Sathish Thirunavukkarasu

Jeanie Tryggestad

Jana Wardian

Hope Warshaw

David Weisman

Michael Weiss

Eugene Wright

Carol Wysham

Margaret Zupa

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