About the Journal
The mission of Clinical Diabetes is to provide primary care clinicians and all health care professionals involved in the care of people with diabetes with information on advances and state-of-the-art care for people with diabetes. Clinical Diabetes is also a forum for discussing diabetes-related problems in practice, medical-legal issues, case studies, digests of recent research, and patient education materials.
Info. and Statistics
- Frequency: 4 issues/year
- Indexed by: Medline/PubMed, PubMed Central, European PubMed, Scopus, EBSCO
- Launch date: 1983
- ISSN: Print: 0891-8929; Online: 1945-4953
Clinical Diabetes Online
In order to make original research available faster than traditional print publishing allows, articles accepted for publication in Clinical Diabetes are published online ahead of print 5–6 weeks after acceptance, after copyediting, composition, and proofreading. Online Ahead of Print articles are citable by DOI. DOIs for ADA journals articles begin with 10.2337, followed by the article number assigned when the manuscript was submitted online via the manuscript submission system (e.g., 10.2337/cd21-1234).
Free Content. All articles become freely accessible 12 months after the print publication date. In addition, the following are freely available online immediately upon publication:
- Diabetes Is Primary
- Editorials
- ADA-authored articles including ADA Position Statements and the annual Abridged Standards of Medical Care
- Quality Improvement Success Stories
- Patient Information
- ADA Award Lectures or Presidential Addresses
- Errata
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Copyright and Public Access
Copyright. The American Diabetes Association holds copyright on all content published in ADA journals, unless otherwise noted. Readers may use the content as long as the work is properly cited and linked to the original source, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. Articles may not be included without ADA permission in educational materials that are sold to students or used in courses for which tuition or other fees are charged.
Post-prints. Authors are permitted to submit the final, accepted version of their manuscript to their funding body or institution for inclusion in their funding body or institution's database, archive, or repository, or to post the final, accepted version on their personal website. These manuscripts may be made freely accessible to the public upon acceptance. For details see: Copyright Notice and Public Access Policy.
Public Access. As a courtesy to authors, the final print versions of articles funded by NIH will be deposited in PubMed Central (PMC) at no additional cost. In compliance with NIH’s policy, these articles will appear on PMC 12 months after print publication in Diabetes Care, Diabetes, Clinical Diabetes, or Diabetes Spectrum. All articles, regardless of funding body, are delivered to PubMed for inclusion in the PubMed index.
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ADA professional publications include books, clinical compendia, scholarly journals, professional news, podcasts, and multimedia.
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