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2024 Abridged Standards of Care

This collection provides an abridged version of the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA’s) Standards of Care in Diabetes—2024 designed especially for primary care professionals. Developed by the ADA’s Primary Care Advisory Group*, this new resource contains the evidence-based clinical practice recommendations most pertinent to primary care—all presented in a user-friendly format. Its recommendations are substantively the same as in the complete ADA Standards of Care, but presented in succinct bullet points and helpful graphics.

Readers who wish to comment on the abridged or complete Standards of Care are invited to do so at

*Collaborating members include Nuha A. ElSayed, Arshiya Baig, Sarah Bradley, Jennifer Gonzalez, Andrea Haynes, Rozalina G. McCoy, Joy Moverley, Sean M. Oser, Kim Pfotenhauer, Diana Rapalo, Alissa R. Segal, Ashlyn Smith, Heidi Webb, Elizabeth J. Pekas, and Raveendhara R. Bannuru.

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