Diabetes calls on thousands of scientific and medical experts each year to review manuscript submissions. The editors of Diabetes sincerely appreciate the efforts of all of our reviewers, who volunteer their time and expertise to provide valuable feedback to ensure the consistently high quality of the research published in each issue. The names of every reviewer are too numerous to list here, but we would like to recognize the “top” reviewers—based on the number of reviews completed, timeliness, reliability, and quality—for their outstanding contributions and dedication to Diabetes.

Top Reviewers in 2013

Rocco Barazzoni, MD, PhD

Rama Natarajan, PhD

Michael Roden, MD

Lu Cai, MD, PhD

Jeonga Kim, PhD

SaswataTalukdar, PhD

David A. D'Alessio, MD

Gian Paolo Fadini, MD

Brian N. Finck, PhD

Ian Lanza, PhD

Kevin R. Short, PhD

Licio A. Velloso, PhD

Thank you,

K. Sreekumaran Nair, MD, PhD

Editor in Chief, Diabetes

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