Take advantage of our variety of continuing education activities and materials for health care professionals. Educational offerings include live and free online programs. Continuing education credits are available. For more information, please visit professional.diabetes.org/ce.

The American Diabetes Association’s Scientific Sessions brings together scientists and health care professionals from around the world who are involved in diabetes research and care. Attendees choose from over 3,000 original presentations given by leading experts in the field. For more information, please visit scientificsessions.diabetes.org.

76th Scientific Sessions

10–14 June 2016

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

New Orleans, LA

77th Scientific Sessions

9–13 June 2017

San Diego Convention Center

San Diego, CA

For more information regarding professional education, please e-mail [email protected] or call 1-800-DIABETES.

View and review presentations and oral abstracts from the 75th Scientific Sessions. For more information, please visit http://professional.diabetes.org/webcasts.aspx.

For access to the current and past Diabetes is Primary webcasts, please visit http://professional.diabetes.org/primary.

Free-of-charge webcasts from the 62nd Annual Advanced Postgraduate Course offer the latest information on the management of diabetes and its complications, with practical tips and proven strategies for improving patient care and translation of the latest diabetes research into clinical practice. For more information, please visit professional.diabetes.org/pg15.

The 63rd Annual Advanced Postgraduate Course will be held in San Francisco, CA, on 4–6 March 2016. Join your colleagues and diabetes experts for presentations and discussions on cutting-edge clinical research in diabetes. The Course will cover the latest advances in diabetes treatment and management in both general sessions and interactive, small-group Meet the Expert sessions that are perfect for networking and providing stimulating conversations. For more information, please visit professional.diabetes.org.