Objective: To evaluate effect of Canagliflozin (CA) on dose of other commonly co-administered antidiabetic, antihypertensive (AH) and lipid lowering drugs (AL) over a period of 12 months.

Methodology: Fifty diabetes patients receiving glucose lowering therapy, AH and LL were treated with CA for a period of 12months. These patients were followed up at months 3, 6 and 12 for routine metabolic assessment and subsequent amendment in drug therapy. In the present study we evaluated the change in doses of background antidiabetic, AH and AL medication 12 months after CA therapy. Data was represented as Mean + 2 SD with 95% CI, a p value of 0.or lower was considered significant. Paired t test was used to compare average dose of all drug classes at baseline and end of 12 months.

Results: There was a significant reduction in average dose of Gliclazide from 172.5 ± 62.16mg at baseline to 141.25 ± 64.24mg at the end of 12 month (p= 0.05) The average dose of metformin reduced from 1.19 ± 0.53g at baseline (BS) to 1.± 0.51g at the end of 12 month (p= 0.18, not significant NS), Sitagliptin was reduced from 75.78 ± 26.56mg at BS to 75 ± 29.09mg at the end of 12 month (p= 0.91, NS). Basal insulin reduced from 27.14 ± 14.46IU at BS to 25.85 ± 28.63IU at the end of 12 month (p= 0.91, NS) Rosuvastatin slightly increased from 19.16 ± 4.53mg at BS to 19.79 ± 6.35mg at the end of 12 month (p= 0.57, NS) Among AH therapy, average dose of Telmisartan reduced from 43.33 ± 23.94mg at BS to 37.61 ± 22.39mg at the end of 12 month (p= 0.42, NS), Valsartan reduced from 103.33 ± 52.45mg at BS to 93.33 ± 54.82mg at the end of 12 month (p= 0.65, NS) and Cilnidipine reduced from 15 ± 5.27mg at BS to 17 ± 11.59mg at the end of 12 month (p= 0.62, NS).

Conclusion: Canagliflozin was associated with reduced requirements of gliclazide after one year of therapy in type 2 diabetes patients.


V. Gupta: None. V. Teli: None.

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