Bioelectrical impedance phase angle (PA) is considered to be the most sensitive indicator of the nutritional and functional status. The aim of this study was to assess the body composition and nutritional status of children and adolescents with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes (T1DM) by using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) with PA calculation. PA has not been evaluated in such population yet.Study group consisted of 63 children and adolescents (28 girls) aged 4 to 18 years, with newly diagnosed T1DM. The same number of healthy girls and boys, without diabetes or other chronic disease having impact on the nutritional status, strictly matched by gender and age in a 1:1 case-control manner consisted control group. In both groups a BIA was performed and PA was calculated to assess the body composition and nutritional status. In T1DM patients BIA was performed after acid-base and water-electrolyte balance were normalized.Results are summarized in the table. Mean HbA1c at the time of T1DM diagnosis was 11.37 ± 2.26%. No correlation between PA and HbA1c was found.

In conclusion, the lower PA score together with lower MM%, BCM% and BCMI in children and adolescents with T1DM indicate their worse nutritional and functional status compared to healthy subjects. To assess the predictive and prognostic value of these findings further prospective studies in this population are required.

P. Wiech: None. D. Bazalinski: None. M. Binkowska-Bury: None. B. Korczowski: None. M. Dąbrowski: Other Relationship; Self; Ascensia Diabetes Care, AstraZeneca, Berlin-Chemie AG, Eli Lilly and Company, MSD K.K., Sanofi-Aventis, Servier.

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