Tubeless patch pumps may offer unique benefits enhancing long-term glycemic benefits seen in adults with diabetes starting continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) therapy. We retrospectively evaluated adults with diabetes >6 months to assess changes in A1c and weight 1 year after initiating the Omnipod® Insulin Management System (Insulet Corp., Billerica, MA). Changes were assessed by baseline A1c category (<7.0%, 7.0-7.9%, 8.0-8.9%, and ≥9.0%) and then stratified by prior insulin regimen (MDI 65%, CSII 35%). At Omnipod initiation, 195 patients (39% male, 97% T1D) had (mean±SD) age 42±14 years and diabetes duration 21±14 years. Baseline A1c and weight were 7.9±1.3% and 175±36 lbs with no significant differences according to prior regimen. After 1 year, patients had 0.2% A1c reduction (p<.05) and non-significant weight change (+0.8 lb). Significant A1c reductions were noted in adults with baseline A1c ≥8% (A1c 8.0-8.9%: -0.3% (p<.05) and A1c ≥9.0%: -1.1% (p<.005). Modest to no increase in A1c was found in patients with baseline A1c <8% (A1c <7.0%: +0.2% (p<.05) and A1c 7.0-7.9% (p=NS). Weight did not change across all A1c categories. The Table shows changes in A1c by insulin regimen before Omnipod initiation. In adults with diabetes and A1c ≥8%, Omnipod initiation was associated with significantly lower A1c, most notably in those transitioning from MDI.

Change in A1c 1 Year after Omnipod Initiation by Baseline A1c and Insulin Regimen

Baseline A1c (%) n (MDI/CSII) MDI, Baseline A1c (%) MDI, ∆A1c (%) CSII, Baseline A1c (%) CSII, ∆A1c (%) 
<7.0 23/14 6.4±0.4 0.4 6.3±0.6 -0.04 
7.0-7.9 49/30 7.5±0.3 0.1 7.4±0.3 0.3* 
8.0-8.9 29/10 8.4±0.3 -0.3* 8.6±0.3 -0.2 
≥9.0 25/15 10.0±1.3 -1.5 9.6±0.6 -0.4 
p<.005, *p<.05 
Baseline A1c (%) n (MDI/CSII) MDI, Baseline A1c (%) MDI, ∆A1c (%) CSII, Baseline A1c (%) CSII, ∆A1c (%) 
<7.0 23/14 6.4±0.4 0.4 6.3±0.6 -0.04 
7.0-7.9 49/30 7.5±0.3 0.1 7.4±0.3 0.3* 
8.0-8.9 29/10 8.4±0.3 -0.3* 8.6±0.3 -0.2 
≥9.0 25/15 10.0±1.3 -1.5 9.6±0.6 -0.4 
p<.005, *p<.05 


L.J. Tinsley: None. L.M. Laffel: Consultant; Self; Eli Lilly and Company, Novo Nordisk Inc., Sanofi US, MannKind Corporation, Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Dexcom, Inc., Insulet Corporation, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute, LLC.. Z. Guo: None. N. Naik: None. J.E. Layne: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation. T.T. Ly: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation. S.N. Mehta: None.

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