Personalized approach to diabetes care and educations are worldwide recognized to favor health outcomes and health-related quality of life. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) can be a powerful tool to help diabetes education. Language and the way clinicians use it has an interactive impact on education. The aim of the study is to explore the language in narrative form emerging from the patient-provider interactions mediated by the use of CGM readings. Researchers transcribed and coded the data collected during the seven sessions of Dose Adjustment For Normal eating course taking place at University Hospital of Geneva in Switzerland. The course involved 3 health care providers (dietician, nurse and medical doctor) and 12 participants. All the sessions were filmed and semi-structured interviews of 10 participants and the 3 providers completed the data. Conversation Analysis of the interactive and discursive space created by the narrative’s experiences from participants mediated by CGM readings was investigated as well as Content analysis of the semi-structured interviews in order to put in perspective learning traces through participant's discourses. The results have shown that health care providers adjust and coordinate their languages through CGM readings in order to organize the narrative’s experiences from the participants. The use of technology reduced judgmental and negative words and promoted the development of a patient-provider narrative useful for learning. The narrative organization clearly impacted the participants. Diabetes technology and particularly CGM readings are powerful tools to develop a specific patient-provider language code promoting effective diabetes education.


M. Dos Santos Mamed: None. G. Gastaldi: Speaker's Bureau; Self; Abbott, Eli Lilly and Company, Novo Nordisk A/S, Medtronic, Dexcom, Inc., Sanofi, Roche Diabetes Care Health and Digital Solutions, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH.

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