Background: Lipid-lowering therapy (LLT) reduces the risk of CV events, however, limited real-world data exist on the management of LDL-C in patients with ASCVD and pre-existing diabetes in Canada. Our study describes the clinical characteristics and LDL-C management of patients with ASCVD and diabetes using health system data in Alberta.

Methods: A retrospective study was conducted linking multiple health system datasets to examine clinical characteristics and LDL-C levels in those receiving LLT (e.g., statins) after the first LDL-C test. Patients with ASCVD were identified using ICD diagnostic codes between 2011-2015. Similarly, diabetes status was assessed in the year prior to ASCVD diagnosis. LDL-C was assessed at the first (index) and second (follow-up) tests during the study period. LDL-C levels were evaluated based on a threshold of 2.0 mmol/L, as per the 2016 Canadian blood cholesterol management guidelines.

Results: Among 144,607 patients with ASCVD and a prescription for LLT (mean age=66.3; 66% male), 27,540 (19.0%) patients were identified with diabetes. Patients with diabetes were more likely to have stroke, myocardial infarction, or peripheral arterial disease. Congestive heart failure and hypertension were found in 26.8% and 87.8% of patients with diabetes compared to 12.5% and 71.5% in those without, respectively. Of the patients with diabetes who had an index and follow-up LDL-C test (n=18,214), 35.0% (n=6,380) did not achieve the guideline specified LDL-C threshold at index. At follow-up (mean=238.9 days after index), 49.0% (n=3,129) of those who did not achieve threshold at index failed to meet the threshold.

Conclusions: Nearly half of patients above the LDL-C threshold at the index test did not achieve threshold at the follow-up test, despite receiving LLT. Multifaceted interventions may be required to improve cholesterol management of patients with ASCVD and diabetes in Alberta.


G. Chen: Consultant; Self; Medlior Health Outcomes Research Ltd. M.S. Farris: Employee; Self; Medlior Health Outcomes Research Ltd. T. Cowling: Stock/Shareholder; Self; Medlior Health Outcomes Research Ltd. M. Tai: Employee; Self; Amgen Inc. L. Pinto: Employee; Self; Amgen Inc. S. Colgan: Employee; Self; Amgen Inc. R. Rogoza: Employee; Self; Amgen Inc. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Amgen Inc. T.J. Anderson: None.

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