Introduction: We sought to assess baseline knowledge related to GLP-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1RA) use in combination with basal insulin and determine if an online, video-based, continuing medical education (CME) activity could improve the clinical knowledge of primary care physicians (PCPs) and diabetologists/endocrinologists (D/Es).
Methods: A 3-question knowledge and 1-question confidence linked pre-/post-assessment study design with McNemar’s chi-squared test (5% significance level, P <.05) and Cramer’s V (<0.05 no effect; 0.06-0.15 noticeable effect; 0.16-0.30 considerable effect; >0.30 significant effect) assessed educational impact. The activity launched August 23, 2018, and data collected through September 19, 2018.
Results: Overall improvements were seen after participation in the CME activity for both PCPs (n = 254, P<.0001, noticeable effect of V= 0.115) and D/Es (n = 95, P=.0284, noticeable effect of V= 0.091). Improvements include: 11% more PCPs (P=.013) and 5% more D/Es (P=.3597) accurately identified the profound effect of combining a GLP-1RA with basal insulin; 9% more of PCPs (P=.0327) and 14% more D/Es (P=.0311) correctly identified the effect of adding exenatide once weekly to insulin glargine in patients with T2D failing basal insulin; 14% more of PCPs (P=0.0016) and 3% more of D/Es (P=.545) accurately identified which combination of therapy resulted in significantly greater reductions in HbA1c, blood glucose (fasting and postprandial), weight, and systolic blood pressure; 28% of D/Es and 41% of PCPs reported increased confidence in recommending a GLP-1RA or SGLT2 inhibitor for a patient failing basal insulin.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates the success of online, video-based CME on improving clinical knowledge and confidence of PCPs and D/Es related to using GLP-1RA in combination with basal insulin.
A. Larkin: None. M. LaCouture: None. A. Le: None.