Hypothalamic KATP channels play an important role in regulating metabolism: activation of these channels with diazoxide (DZX) reduces endogenous glucose production (EGP) in rodents. When insulin is maintained at basal levels, oral DZX similarly suppresses EGP in humans (JCI 121:4916, 2011). Given the need to directly examine central regulation of EGP in humans, we developed a novel non-invasive measure of hypothalamic KATP channel activation.

Since cerebral blood flow (CBF) and neuronal activity are coupled, we mapped hypothalamic neuronal activity using pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL) to measure CBF using 3 Tesla MRI with high resolution 3-dimensional (3D) acquisition and published analyses approaches (MRM 73: 102, 2015). The hypothalamus was extracted from each 3D map (3x3x3mm) using a hypothalamus region-of-interest (ROI) mask delineated upon the Johns Hopkins Template. To directly assess hypothalamic KATP channel activity using pCASL, we examined the time dependent effects of DZX (6mg/kg) vs. placebo in a randomized, double blinded fashion. Eight healthy nondiabetic individuals (42±4 yr, BMI 24±1 kg/m2, 7M) underwent a baseline scan, with repeat scans at 2.5 and 5 hours following DZX or placebo. This time course was determined based on previous observations that DZX appearance in rat CSF precedes EGP suppression, which is maximal at ∼6 hours in rats and humans.

DZX induced an ∼11% drop in hypothalamic CBF, from 59.5±2.5 to 53.0±3.1 ml/100g/min at 2.5 hours (p=0.06), returning to baseline at 5 hours (57.7±2.7 ml/100g/min, p=0.3). Following placebo there was no change in CBF (p=0.8 by repeated measures ANOVA). No change in CBF was observed in other brain regions (e.g., cerebral cortex, thalamus, or hippocampus).

In conclusion, pCASL provides a novel image-based measure of hypothalamic response to KATP channel activation in vivo, and can thus be used to examine the metabolic significance of hypothalamic KATP channel activation in humans.


S. Sharma: None. S. Aleksic: None. R. Maginley: None. E. Lontchi Yimagou: None. L. Upadhyay: None. S. Bhansali: None. O. Sandu: None. C.A. Branch: None. M. Hawkins: Other Relationship; Self; Novo Nordisk Inc.


National Institutes of Health (R01DK069861); Albert Einstein College of Medicine

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