Professional continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems are thought to provide information about hypoglycemia and glucose variability. There is little data to support its use in the type 2 diabetic population for improving glucose control. We evaluated all patients with type 2 diabetes who wore a professional CGM (IPRO2-Medtronic) over an 18-month period in a clinical endocrinology practice. All patients who had an HbA1c on file within 90 days of wearing the CGM and a follow-up HbA1c 90 to 180 days after wearing the CGM were included in the analysis. The patients were divided into those who used insulin in any therapy combination or those who did not use insulin. There were 92 insulin users who had a baseline A1c of 8.35% which improved to 8.11% after wearing the CGM. The 74 noninsulin users had a baseline A1c of 7.87% which improved to 7.30% after wearing the CGM. Our analysis indicated that type 2 diabetics benefit from the use of a professional CGM to improve glycemic control as lifestyle or medication intervention can be better guided.


J. Leibowitz: Speaker's Bureau; Self; AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Merck & Co., Inc., Novo Nordisk Inc. D.J. Wisotsky: None.

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