Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the long-term efficacy of liraglutide on diabetic nephropathy in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes.

Methods: Liraglutide was administrated to elderly patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes in Aino Hospital. We recruited and retrospectively reviewed 31 patients who were treated with liraglutide for 5 years (Group L: 7 males/24 females, 75.4±8.1 years old of age, 16 with cerebrovascular and 8 patients with cardiovascular diseases at baseline) and 25 patients who were not treated with liraglutide (Group N, 9 males/16 females, 74.6±11.6 years old of age). Daily dose of liraglutide was 0.9mg except 2 patients (0.6 mg).

Results: After 5 years of treatment, HbA1c, FPG, and 2h-PPG significantly decreased in both groups (7.5±0.4 to 6.8±0.5 vs. 7.4±0.6 to 6.9±0.4%, 138±19 to 120±11 vs. 132±16 to 113±13, 206±31 to 173±18 vs. 186±23 to 163±18mg/dl, respectively(p<0.01)). Triglycerides significantly decreased in Group L but not in Group N. Body mass index (BMI) significantly decreased in Group L but not in Group N (25.5±4.1 to 24.8±3.8 (p<0.05) vs. 24.1±3.8 to 24.8±3.8kg/m2 (NS)). Estimated glomerular filtration ratio (eGFR) significantly increased in Group L but significantly decreased in Group N (45.6±17.8 to 49.9±18.5 (p<0.05) vs. 48.7±18.9 to 46.3±21.7 ml/min/1.73m2 (p<0.05). When results were stratified according to eGFR at baseline in Group L (Group A(n=6): eGFR >60, Group B (n=18): eGFR = 30-60, Group C (n=7): eGFR<30), eGFR level increased in Group B (43.6±7.6 to 50.8±8.2 (p<0.01)) and in Group A (73.0±10.5 to 76.8±11.1 (NS)), but not in Group C(24.0±3.4 to 23.0±6.3 (NS)). No hypoglycemia requiring medical care was observed. During the treatment period, no newly onset cerebro- and cardiovascular disease were observed.

Conclusion: Liraglutide improved glycemic control, lipid profile and BMI of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes. Liraglutide also demonstrated its beneficial effect on renal function.


M. Yoshida: None. A. Yoshida: None. E. Oh: None. N. Yamamoto: None. E. Sasaki: None. A. Saeki: None. S. Yoshida: None. T. Kuzuya: None. N. Ohsawa: None. M. Sugino: None.

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