The aim of this study was to describe a population referred as potential research study candidates for diabetes, obesity and nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is now the leading cause of cirrhosis, ahead of viral hepatitis and alcohol-related liver disease and is associated with type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia and obesity. The clinical challenge is how to screen these subjects to determine the degree of fibrosis and steatosis, ideally with a non-invasive procedure and to complement it with the traditional clinical and biochemical markers for NAFLD. We utilized Controlled Transient Elastography (VCTETM) measurements performed with a Fibroscan® (Echosens) to produce a minimum of ten acquired measurements with a median liver stiffness (fibrosis) measured in kPa with IQR/Median percentage and a CAP ultrasound attenuation rate (steatosis) value measured in dB/m. Patients were evaluated from December 2017 to December 2018 with a consent form obtained prior to the examination and IRB approval for the analysis of the data. A total of 198 individuals had a complete, valid Fibroscan® report, median age 52. 54% were females with a majority of them (67%)identified as of Hispanic ethnicity. The median (IQR) kPa score was 5.8 (4.5-7.9), QR/Mean percentage 11.9% (7.8-16.9)and CAP attenuation rate of 320 (282-352) dB/m. The percentage of individuals who had an elevated kPa over 7.5 (identified as F2) was 27% and CAP attenuation score over 290 was 71%, with 24% of them had both an elevated kPa and CAP scores identifying the presence of both fibrosis and steatosis. We conclude that in a population of primarily Hispanic individuals, we detected a high rate of clinically significant fibrosis and steatosis suggesting a high prevalence of NAFLD in these high-risk group and emphasize the role of non-invasive testing of individuals with T2DM, obesity and metabolic syndrome.
P.F. Mora: Consultant; Self; Novo Nordisk Inc. Speaker's Bureau; Self; AstraZeneca, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., MannKind Corporation, Merck & Co., Inc., Novo Nordisk Inc., Valeritas, Inc. A.S. Camacho: None. B. Adams-Huet: None.