We have shown safety and efficacy of islet transplantation (ITx) in the omentum using a biological scaffold in 3 subjects with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Two subjects (#1 and #3) achieved primary outcome at 1 year (A1c ≤6.5%; No severe hypoglycemia). Subject 1 developed progressive decline in C-peptide after 15 months likely attributed to change in immunosuppression. Subject 3 has had stable graft function for over 2 years. We report on 18 month follow-up data for subject 3. A 46 y/o woman with T1D of 26 years duration underwent single ITx on the omentum (12,648 IEQ/Kg) using a biologic scaffold under ATG induction and combination mycophenolate sodium and tacrolimus maintenance. Pre-ITx insulin dose was 0.45 units/Kg/day and A1c 6.3%. At 18 months, 90 min C-peptide was 1.49 ng/mL, A1c 5.7%, and insulin dose 0.18 units/Kg/day; 14-day continuous glucose monitoring (Guardian Sensor 3, Medtronic) showed glucose 109±28mg/dL (mean±SD), 92% time in glucose range 70-180 mg/dL, 6% time in <70mg/dL, and 0% time in <54 mg/dL. Mixed meal tolerance test data is shown in Table 1. Decline in BETA-2 score was observed by 1 year followed by stabilization. ITx resulted in stable graft function, excellent glycemic control, minimal glycemic variability, and reduction in hypoglycemia over 2 years. Strategies to improve oxygen delivery and neo-vascularization and minimize immunosuppression are needed to improve long-term outcomes at this site.
D. Baidal: None. D.M. Berman: None. C. Ricordi: Advisory Panel; Self; Zone Labs. A.M. Alvarez Gil: None. N. Padilla: None. G. Ciancio: None. E. Linetsky: None. R. Alejandro: None.
JDRF; The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, State of Florida; University of Miami Clinical and Translational Science Institute; Sanofi Genzyme
© 2019 by the American Diabetes Association.
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