Background: Diabetes-specific formulas (DSF) are designed to improve glycemic control in people with diabetes. We evaluated the relationships between study participant characteristics and impact on postprandial glycemic (PPG) response of Glucerna® formulas, other DSF, and typical foods consumed by adults with type 2 diabetes.

Methods: Fasting plasma glucose and PPG response data were extracted for analysis from 10 randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover studies conducted between 2003 and 2010. Interventions included Glucerna® formulas (Abbott Nutrition, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.), other non-Abbott DSF, and typical foods (oatmeal and a standard high carbohydrate breakfast). First period data for maximal change from baseline for glucose were analyzed for sex, body mass index (BMI), and A1c.

Results: A total of 505 participants were included in the analysis (median age, 59 years; median BMI, 31.7 kg/m2; and median A1c, 7.3%). Compared to other DSF and to food, Glucerna products elicited an improved PPG response (mean + standard error of the mean. Glucerna: 2.18 + 0.10 mmol/L; other DSF: 3.38 + 0.24 mmol/L, p<0.0001; foods: 2.98 + 0.21 mmol/L, p=0.0001). Glucerna products produced an improved PPG response compared to other DSF in overweight (p=0.002) and obese (p=0.0001) subjects. Among subjects with A1c < 7.3%, there was a trend for a better PPG response than among subjects with A1c > 7.3%, regardless of treatment (p=0.05).

Conclusions: Glucerna products elicited a better PPG response compared to other DSF and selected foods in adults with type 2 diabetes irrespective of sex, age or BMI. There appears to be variability in PPG responses to Glucerna and other DSF in overweight and obese adults with type 2 diabetes; this variability could be due to differences in nutrient composition and ingredients.


C.J. Alish: Employee; Self; Abbott Laboratories.

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