Youth with obesity have increased risk for cardiometabolic (CM) disease but identifying those at highest risk remains a challenge. 4 potential biomarkers are “byproducts” of clinical NMR LipoProfile® lipid testing: LPIR (Lipoprotein Insulin Resistance Index), GlycA (inflammation marker), BCAA (total branched-chain amino acids), and glycine. All are strongly related to insulin resistance (IR) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) in adults (glycine inversely), but their clinical utility in youth is unclear. We compared fasting levels of these biomarkers in 184 youth (42 lean normal glucose tolerant (NGT), 88 obese NGT and 54 obese with abnormal glucose tolerance (AGT; 20 with T2D and 34 with prediabetes) and determined their relationships with HOMA-IR (homeostatic model of IR) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). Compared to lean and obese NGT, AGT youth had higher systolic blood pressure and HbA1c (Table). All 4 biomarkers were higher in youth with obesity vs. lean, while only LPIR was higher in AGT youth vs. obese NGT (Table). While all 4 were correlated with HOMA-IR, LPIR had the strongest correlation (LPIR: r=0.6; GlycA: r=0.4, glycine: r=-0.4, BCAA: r=0.2, all P<0.01). All 4 correlated with HbA1c (GlycA, LPIR, BCAA: r≥0.3 and glycine: r=-0.3, all P<0.001). Plasma NMR-derived markers were related to CM risk in youth, with LPIR distinguishing between obese NGT and AGT. These biomarkers should be explored as predictive tools for development of IR and T2DM.

S.T. Chung: None. S. Matta: None. A. Meyers: None. C.K. Cravalho: None. A. Villalobos-Perez: None. L. Mabundo: None. A.B. Courville: None. M.L. Sampson: None. J.D. Otvos: Employee; Self; LabCorp. S.N. Magge: None.


National Institutes of Health (to S.T.C., L.M., A.B.C.)

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