Objective: Latinx teens have elevated risk for youth and adult-onset T2D, yet few preventive interventions have succeeded, in part due to inadequate cultural-tailoring and psychosocial stress. We conducted a pilot trial to determine feasibility/acceptability of a culturally-tailored, family lifestyle+mindfulness (life+mind) program, and explored effects on depression and glucose, vs. lifestyle only.

Methods: N=18 Latinx patients (14±1y) recruited from a FQHC, with BMI ≥85th%ile (97.7± 1.9%ile) and ≥1 T2D relative, participated. Families were randomized to a 6-wk, 12-session (24 total hrs) life+mind (n=11) or lifestyle only (n=7) program, delivered in the community by bilingual staff. Assessments were at baseline, 6-wks, and 6-mos. Feasibility was determined as recruitment rate/retention, and acceptability as program attendance and acceptability ratings. Depression was assessed with the CES-D, BMI from measured height/weight, and blood was sampled for fasting glucose (FG).

Results: Recruitment rate was 10 families/month; 61% of those eligible enrolled. Retention was adequate at 6-wks (life+mind vs. lifestyle: 72 vs. 75%), but suboptimal at 6-mos (62 vs. 71%). Median attendance for life+mind was 10/12 and for lifestyle, 11/12 sessions. Parent ratings were uniformly positive, but teens had mixed ratings and some discomfort with mindfulness. There was a non-significant trend for more reduction in depression rates in life+mind vs. lifestyle from baseline (36 vs. 43%; p=.78) to 6-wks (0 vs. 40%; p=.05) and 6-mos (14 vs. 40%; p=.31). There was a pattern for greater decreases in FG at 6-wks (Δ-5±2 vs. 0±3mg/dL; p=.17), with both conditions showing 6-mos decrease (Δ-2±1 vs. -2±2mg/dL; p=.93). BMI was stable (Δ6mos: 0.4±0.5 vs. -0.5±0.7kg/m2, p=.36).

Conclusions: A culturally-tailored family program with mindfulness for Latinx teens at-risk for T2D is feasible, acceptable to parents, and could reduce depression and FG. Yet, more work is needed to tailor mindfulness acceptability for Latinx teens.


N.L. Sanchez: None. V. Jimenez: None. M. Haemer: None. L.B. Shomaker: None. M. Casamassima: None. M.M. Verros: None. S. Annameier: None.


National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences; Colorado Clinical and Translational Science Awards (UL1TR002535)

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