Background: Psychosocial screening is recommended and increasingly common, but little is known about youths’ perspectives on screenings.

Methods: One hundred and twenty-four adolescents (57.7% female) ages 12-21 years (M=16.2±2.3) completed routine, clinic-integrated screenings. K-means clustering derived profiles and ANOVA assessed correlates profiles.

Results: Four distinct profiles emerged (Table 1). Profiles varied by depression (F=3.54, p=0.017), diabetes distress (F=3.27, p=0.036), and A1c values (F=4.03, p=0.009). Majority (72.6%) placed high importance on diabetes teams awareness about their emotions and reported no difficulties/discomfort (Embracers). Those uncomfortable with screening (Avoiders) were most depressed and had lowest A1C. Youth who endorsed difficulties with tablet and placed low importance about team awareness about their emotions (Skeptics) had relatively high depression but least diabetes distress. A small fourth group (Strugglers; n=3) must be interpreted with caution due to size. No differences were found for age, gender, diabetes duration/type, race/ethnicity, self-rated global health, or anxiety.

Conclusions: Most youth responded favorably to in-clinic psychosocial screenings. Those less satisfied may have increased mental health risk and may benefit from technical support and an emphasized rationale for screenings.


J.J. Wong: None. S. Hanes: None. M.S. Lanning: None. M.L. Tanenbaum: None. D. Naranjo: None. K.K. Hood: Research Support; Self; Dexcom, Inc. Speaker’s Bureau; Self; LifeScan, Inc., MedIQ.

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