Background: The NDR-A is a national diabetes quality register. Norwegian health authorities specify that quality registers must include data from Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in addition to biomedical data. NDR-A retrieves data from electronic patient records (EPR). This raises the possibility of utilizing PROMs in clinical consultations. The main PROM included in NDR-A is the Problem Areas in Diabetes scale (PAID).

Aim: To test the feasibility of using electronic delivery mode to collect PROMs and examine how patients and health care providers experience the electronic PROMs and the EPR’s interfaces.

Methods: We invited 441 adults (>18 yrs) with type 1 diabetes to complete PROMs via 1) a web interface from their home (n=304) or 2) a kiosk (touch-screen computer) in the outpatient clinic (n=137). Using a paper questionnaire and qualitative interviews, we examined patients and health care providers experiences with the electronic PROMs and the EPR’s interfaces.

Results: Through the web interface, we reached out to 215 (71 %) of the patients of which 114 (38 %) responded. On the kiosk in the clinic, 69 (50 %) patients completed the PROMs, 24 (18 %) did not attend scheduled consultations, 5 (4 %) did not participate due to technical problems, 20 (15 %) declined participation, and 19 (14 %) did just not approach the kiosk as instructed (when a researcher was not present to remind them). Patients who completed the paper questionnaire experienced the PROMs to be relevant and were in high degree willing to complete PROMs annually. In the qualitative interviews, health care providers reported the PROMs and the EPR’s interfaces to be appropriate to improve the focus on patients’ diabetes-related psychological and emotional challenges and needs.

Conclusion: The tested modes for electronic capture of PROMs have limitations in reaching patients. However, both patients who completed the PROMs and the health care providers were satisfied with the electronic PROMs and the EPR’s interfaces.


A. Haugstvedt: None. I. Hernar: None. R.B. Strandberg: None. J.G. Cooper: None. K.F. Løvaas: None. T. Madsen: None. M. Rekdal: Employee; Self; DIPS AS. M.M. Iversen: None. M. Graue: None.

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