Objective: Investigating the correlation between serum uric acid (SUA) level in adult males and their fasting blood glucose (FBG) level in the time of 1.5 years.

Methods: Retrospective analysis based on two physical examinations including laboratory tests held at the Beijing Hospital during the period from 2014 to 2018, on 2337 adult males who work on non-physical jobs. Mean age was 61.6±13.3 at the first exam and 63.1±13.3 at the second exam. The two exams were held in the same season with an interval of 1-2 years (average 1.5). Results were collected from questionnaire, physical exams, and laboratory tests including levels of SUA, FBG, Hemoglobin Subunit Alpha 1, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-c, HDL-c, creatinine, etc. During the first exam, no diabetes mellitus, gout, hepatic and renal insufficiency or malignant tumor was found, and all participants showed FBG < 7.0 mmol/L. Data were divided into 4 groups based on SUA levels obtained from the two exams. Group 1 (296 participants, 12.7%): SUA ≥ 420umol/L in both exams. Group 2 (458 participants, 19.6%): SUA ≥ 420umol/L in one exam while 240 ≤ SUA < 420umol/L in the other one. Group 3 (1479 participants, 63.3%): 240 ≤ SUA < 420umol/L in both exams. Group 4 (104 participants, 4.4%): SUA<240umol/L.

Results:1. A total of 136 participants (5.8%) showed FBG ≥ 7.0 mmol/L at the second exam, among which 29 (9.8%) belong to group 1, 40 (8.7%) belong to group 2, 65 (4.4%) belong to group 3, and 2 (1.9%) belong to group 4 (X2 24.000,P 0.000). 2. Risk analysis: Compared to group 4, the risk of individuals having FBG≥7.0mmol/L was 5.539 (95%CI 1.298-23.637) for group 1, 4.880 (95%CI 1.160-20.527) for group 2, and 2.344 (95%CI 0.566-9.712) for group 3.

Conclusions: The Hyperuricemia in adult males, especially those with Chronic Hyperuricemia, is correlated to the increase of FBG in the time of 1.5 years. Hyperuricemia is potentially a predictor of FBG increase in adult males, and clinical diagnosis of diabetes is required for those having FBG≥7.0mmol/L.


Y. Wang: None.

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