Aims: The aims of this study were (a) to demonstrate that analyses of glucometer data/metadata can reveal real-time ward-level patient-centred outcomes relevant to hypoglycemia (b) to test whether a 6-month education and mentoring intervention improved relevant performance levels.

Methods: Ward glucometer data were analysed for periods of 9 months before and after the intervention in 9 wards (256 beds) in a large Scottish teaching hospital. Results were compared with 9 control wards, matched for size, specialty and acuity. Hypoglycemia was defined as <4mmol/l (72mg/dl). Process control charts were constructed for each clinical unit. At each hypoglycemic event, +1 (success) or -1 (fail) was generated for TTR (time to repeat CBG) and TTHR (time to hypo resolution). The gradient of the plot represents performance level, allowing comparison pre- and post-intervention for both ward groups.

Results: Total hypo events = 5187. Significant improvements in performance level were demonstrated in the intervention wards but not the control wards in TTR at 10, 15, 20 and 30 mins and TTHR at 10, 15 and 20 mins (Table).

Conclusions: This study demonstrates the utility of the process control charts in CBG-related patient outcomes, and quantifies the significant improvement in hypoglycemic management derived from an education intervention.


C. Sainsbury: Consultant; Self; MyWay Digital Health. Research Support; Self; Sanofi. Speaker’s Bureau; Self; AstraZeneca. C. Skivington: None. M. Robertson: None. G.C. Jones: None. S.J. Cleland: None.



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