Introduction: The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of Liraglutide on NAFLD in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with elevated transaminases.

Methods: A total of 62 patients (male-38, female-24) with age group of 30-75 years, treated with Liraglutide 1.2 mg/1.8 mg OD were included in the study. Selected clinical and demographic profile were recorded for all patients at baseline and follow-up. The hepatic steatosis was assessed using liver elastography (Fibroscan).

Results: After a mean follow-up of 26 weeks, in 62 patients (meeting appropriate present inclusion criteria), there was significant reduction in weight from 88.63±8.6 kg (Mean ± SD) to 80.47±6.7 kg (p<0.001), as computed by paired t-test. The Mc-Nemar’s test also demonstrated a significant higher proportion of patients with reversibility of stage of fibrosis from baseline to follow-up, p=0.003. This is accompanied by significant reduction in the AFRI score from a baseline median(IQR) of 1.84 (1.61-2.73) to 1.26(1.19-1.48) (p<0.001), as computed by Wilcoxon signed rank test. At baseline, 6 had fibrosis stage 2, of which 4 regressed to stage 1 and 2 had no significant fibrosis at baseline; 24 had stage 3 fibrosis, of which 20 regressed to stage 2, 2 to stage 1 and 2 had no significant fibrosis at follow-up. Remaining 32 had stage 4 fibrosis, of which 12 had stage 3, 18 had stage 2 and only 2 had stage 1 fibrosis at follow-up. ALT and AST decreased from 47.65±4.65 to 24.31±5.43 and 29.67±2.21 to 17.65±4.59 respectively. There was also significant improvement in glycaemic control with reduction in HbA1c from 8.56 ± 0.56% to 7.21 ± 0.34%, p<0.001 along with significant reduction in systolic blood pressure from 133.26±11.39 mmHg to 122.81±7.29 mmHg (p<0.001) and diastolic blood pressure from 87.17±6.04 mmHg to 82.91±4.33 mmHg (p<0.001).

Conclusion: Liraglutide significantly reduces hepatic fibrosis and effectively cause reversal of elevated transaminases along with weight loss and blood pressure reduction in addition to good glycaemic control.


D. Basu: None. S. Roy Chaudhuri: None. N. Deka: None.

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