Visual Abstract

The triple tracer method has enabled accurate and concurrent measurements of glucose turnover as well as indices of insulin action and beta cell function in people with diabetes. We have previously utilized the natural enrichment of 13C polysaccharide in commercially available grains, and compared indices obtained after a complex carbohydrate (CC) meal to those obtained after a simple carbohydrate (SC) mixed meal in healthy humans. We have now completed studies in 6 subjects with type 2 diabetes (4M, age 65±6 y; BMI 33±4 kg/m2; HbA1c 50±10 mM/mol) after ~75 gm of either sorghum (naturally enriched 13C) or glucose labeled with 13C mixed meals containing ~75 gm carbs and matched protein and fat in random order. Results in figure. Glucose, insulin and C-peptide concentrations achieved were significantly lower with CC meal as compared to SC meal (p<0.05). Insulin sensitivity (SI) (p<0.05) and disposition index (DI) were higher with CC vs. SC meal but beta-cell responsivity was similar between meals. The preliminary results indicate that CC meals provide improvement in SI and DI in patients with type 2 diabetes when compared to SC meals. We present a novel approach to estimate insulin action and secretion in people with diabetes with a real world complex carb meal and also demonstrate the improvement in SI and DI observed after a CC meal which is desirable in patients with type 2 diabetes.


D. Romeres: None. A. Basu: None. Y. R. Yadav: None. C. Cobelli: None. C. Dalla man: Research Support; Self; Becton, Dickinson and Company, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH. R. Basu: None.


National Institutes of Health (R01DK029953 to R.B.), (R01DK085516 to A.B.), (DK059637, DK020593)

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