Visual Abstract

Cost-effectiveness (CE) of LPT2DP is influenced by the type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk of the intervention population. Current LPT2DPs can be grouped into three types: delivered in-person individually or in group and delivered virtually. We identified the T2D risk thresholds that were cost-effective for each type of the LPT2DPs. Using the CDC-RTI diabetes CE simulation model, we estimated CEs of the three LPT2DPs types in 11 population groups with an annual incidence of developing T2D ranging from 1% to 11%. We used $50K and $20K per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained in 25-years to measure the CEs of the LPT2DPs. We generated a nationally representative simulation sample using data from the 2011-2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Data on program’s cost and effectiveness were from published literature. We took a health care system perspective, and costs were expressed in 2018 USD. Using $50K/QALY, the annual T2D incidence of the target population needs to be ≥ 5% for the in-person individual program, 4% for the digitally delivered program, and 3% for the in-person group program (Figure). The T2D risk thresholds were higher for each program when using $20K/QALY. Besides considering the availability of the programs and participants’ preferences, our findings can assist decision-makers in selecting the most appropriate population for their LPT2DPs.


J. Park: None. P. Zhang: None. H. Shao: Research Support; Self; Sanofi. M. Laxy: None. G. Imperatore: None.

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