The 2019 ESC-EASD guidelines provide recommendations for CV risk assessment and medical treatment in diabetic patients. Three CV risk categories were originally defined: 1) very high risk, 2) high risk and 3) moderate risk according to the presence of CVD, other target organ damage (proteinuria, renal impairment defined as eGFR ≥ 30 mL/min/1.73 m2, left ventricular hypertrophy, retinopathy), duration of disease, age, risk factors (hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking, obesity). In very high risk CV category SGLT2-I and GLP1-RA were identify as treatment of choice. Based on these criteria, we developed the web APP “AWARE”, an application software which runs on a web server and is accessed via internet browser. From November 10th 2020 to January 10th 2021 we employed AWARE as a tool to assess CV risk of 650 type 2 diabetes patients in clinical practice. The APP was implemented with additional features such as HbA1c and therapy. Of the 650 subjects examined, 430 were very high risk (66%), 73 (11,2%) high risk, 5 (0,8%) at moderate risk while 145 patients (22%) didn’t match with any of these categories. We allocated these patients into an additional “undetermined risk” category. Median HbA1c in all subjects was 7.2±1.14 (7,3±1.15% in very high risk category, 7.2±1.15% in high risk category, 6,2±0.41% in moderate risk and 6.9±1.12% in “undetermined” risk). In the very high risk category CVD was present in 166 subject (38%), duration of disease>10 aa in 238 subjects (55%), proteinuria in 53 subjects (12%) (p=0.000 vs. all other categories). Either SGLT2-I or GLP1-RA were prescribed in 30% of patients in the very high risk category. The APP “AWARE” in useful to identify CV risk in diabetic. The classification according to the criteria of 2019 ESC/EASD guidelines does not includes 22% of patients in clinical practice. Around 70% of patients in the very high CV risk category are not treated with the optimal drug therapy suggested by the 2019 ESC/EASD guidelines.


C. C. Berra: None. R. Manfrini: Speaker’s Bureau; Self; AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Mundipharma International, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi. R. Ghelardi: None. P. M. Bollati: None. L. Bucciarelli: None. M. Mirani: None. M. Muratori: None. F. Folli: None. Aware study group: n/a.

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