As undiagnosed diabetes (DM) rises in Africa and A1C performs suboptimally, attention turns to the OGTT. Obtaining Glucola (75g glucose) for the OGTT is difficult. Analyzing Africans in America data, we previously found that duplicate OGTT were highly reproducible for DM detection (k=0.84) ; and moderate for preDM (k=0.51) . Diagnostic reproducibility for preDM was lowest if fasting glucose was 90-1mg/dL (OR: 5, P=.02) . In the current study, 12 Africans had an OGTT and 1 week later a Pastry Sugar Tolerance Test (PSTT) with pastry sugar (75g glucose) which is inexpensive and widely available (Figures 1 & 2) . DM reproducibility was excellent (k=0.99) , and moderate for preDM (k=0.40) . The three individuals who transitioned out of preDM had fasting glucose of 90-99 mg/dL. For detecting DM, the PSTT may become an OGTT alternative.


M. Duhuze-Karera: None. S. Yang: None. B.R. Schenk: None. A. Wentzel: None. Z.C. Waldman: None. C. DuBose: None. L. Mabundo: None. R. Jagannathan: None. A.B. Courville: None. A.E. Sumner: None.

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