Aim: Analyze changes on body composition in obese and T2DM patients treated with semaglutide.

Methods: Observational, prospective study. Body composition was studied by bioimpedance (BIO) . Changes were evaluated over a median of 26 wk. Paired Wilcoxon test was used to analyze the differences.

Results: 54 patients (53.7% women, mean age 53.5+/-21yr) . Table 1 shows data at baseline and follow up. We found a reduction in body weigh (-3.5 kg (2.7-4.3) p=0.00) mainly related to fat mass (-6 kg (4.1-8.5) p=0.00) with a little loss of lean (-2.6 (1.3-4.1) p=0.0004) and muscle mass (-0.8 (0.0004-1.6) p=0.04) (Fig 1)

Discussion: Sarcopenic Obesity is highly prevalent in T2DM associated with comorbidities like HBP, CVD or HF. Semaglutide induces significant weight loss due to a decrease in fat mass with preservation of muscle mass.

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